Jun 4Liked by The Big Picture

Every one of those justices were serving in the lower courts before SC so they already swore to uphold the law and live by a code of ethics at that time! it doesn't change because you moved up in a higher court!😳 it would really mean you have a higher standard of ethics to live by! Like not lying under oath! That should have been enough to kick each liar OFF THE BENCH, for life!

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There should also be some rules about confirmations. McConnell held up Obama’s (because there wasn’t enough time …eight months) but then rushed Trump’s confirmation (less than a month) after the death of RBG.

I propose that if a president nominates a person for confirmation, the senate has a month to schedule confirmation hearings. If they do not, then the POTUS pick goes through without hearings.

And….senate only gets four rejections. They cannot drag it out in hopes of running out the clock. So if you pass on the first confirmation, just think what the next one will be. Senate may want to think more carefully.

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Yes, the Senate's reform bill will ensure each president gets 2 SCOTUS picks, one in the first year after the president is elected and one in the third year.

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Excellent suggestions!

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Terry, thank you for your ideas but as a former paralegal I have a question or maybe really just an observation.

I worked for 25 years as an expert witness in the legal world. So I question whether you may have thought sometimes that no matter how something is structured, no matter how a law is formulated, powerful can find a way around it and manipulate the system?

Going back to Plato’s THE REPUBLIC and moving forward through THE DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS all the way through Marxism, Fascism to the American Constitution has there ever been a system of government that didn’t suffer abuse? None that I know of.

This is an issue with frailties in human nature of many wanting to follow a leader, of not wanting to do the hard work of a true independent gaining knowledge and thinking with eyes open, of some lusting for power and wealth , of religions teaching myths and how their religion is the right religion, of political parties believing their own bullshit.

This type of questioning is easily dismissed as heretical, cynical or just plain wrong because it conflicts with one’s belief system

This is only my thinking out loud and not an attack on your post. Just wondering.

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You are correct! Republicans have been getting ALL the nominations since Bush jr. who got 3! And a 2 time impeached president who organized an insurection is NOT qualified to nominate 1 justice let alone 3 lifetime seats in the SC! Mute Mitch McConnell really pulled a fast one on President Obama! I think Garland is still pissed off over it!! I wouldn't be surprised if they poisoned Ruth!! Talk about bad timing! That is why any public servant MUST resign when they can no longer SPEAK!! 😳 Or are obviously too old to comprehend!

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Blocked? Really?

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RemovedJun 5
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No, you're simply confused. Watching the wrong TV station, they are lying to you, and you're eating it up. That makes you less than brilliant.

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RemovedJun 5
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Oh yes Putin is definatley bluffing! AND this is not new! Piss ant putin is all fluff & bluff! He can't even afford to keep the lights on in Russia!! The people have live with roaming black-outs even now!! Plus the only nuclear reactor is in the Ukraine! Nuclear bombs are extremely expensive to maintain. He would have to get China to help him. So don't worry!

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RemovedJun 5
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and at least he is fighting them and not 'courting' them like the Donald! ✌️💙

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RemovedJun 5
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The problem is congress refuses to allow any border bill to go into effect! The main border policy in use is Thump's!Because for 3 years republicans have voted against every border bill. keeping the border in chaos is a way to attack President Biden & make him look bad. It's more important to them to get back in the WH than it is to take care of the country or its citizens .

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RemovedJun 6
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You don't get to tell anybody to shut up. You can just fuck right off.

Immigration is down 50% from a couple days ago so you're spouting nonsense again. If it weren't for immigration you wouldn't be here, Although I doubt you are really here.

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Wow! Do u know how many seperate courts ruled the 2020 election was NOT RIGGED!?? 15! Thump got 15 courts to hear all of his grievances & look at his evidence that he thinks he won. And 15 times the court heard his case & 15 times found NO FRAUD!! Not in the voter machines or with the volunteers who work there! Joe Biden did win in the most investigated election of all time!

(2) Congress is in control of border laws, not the President. Just like the President doesn't control the FBI, CIA or the DOJ!

(3) Thump is making a mockery of our institutions and weakening our standing on the world stage! The world is watching too see if we can be trusted! 250 years of people sacrificing their lives for this Democracy! I'm not ok with being part of the generation that blew it all to hell... are you?

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You sound very dumb. You probably are.

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Beat it, Junior - the adults are having a discussion. Based, of course, on easily verifiable facts. You think you're being clever, but in reality you are outing yourself as a gullible fool.

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RemovedJun 5
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Yep - just as I suspected: an adolescent who can only communicate with insults when his ridiculous comments are called out. C'mon back when you grow up and learn to argue with facts instead of whatever is falling out of Hannity's piehole today.

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Research asylum seekers under the Biden presidency for a more balanced picture of the overall issue. Keep in mind the US policies that promote immigration.

Biden was elected by the democratic process we have, and no amount of whining can change that fact.

Ukraine is the US's proxy war against Russia, which I oppose too. That said, Joe isn't shooting for nuclear war, which would be the end of civilization, such as it is.

Fox is propaganda, not actually news. Best to not let anyone do your thinking for you. Think for yourself, and be willing to admit that sometimes you just don't know. Then continue researching and thinking critically. Over time, you should develop a sense that you're being misled, when such is the case.

I recommend the Thom Hartmann radio show for reasoned in-depth fact-based discussion of current events and often the history behind them.

Bone up on the Argumentative Fallacies, not the least of which is the Ad Hominem. Then you'll have names for the BS others try to feed you.

Best wishes.

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RemovedJun 5·edited Jun 5
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I agree with much of your take, but not that Biden is allowing asylum seekers to show gratitude by voting blue. Only citizens are permitted to vote.

Reminder: the Ad Hominem attack is an Argumentative Fallacy that interferes in a reasoned discussion. I have no interest in war or for that matter interference in sovereign countries' internal affairs as has been the US's habit for a couple of centuries.

It's my understanding that Carlson is no longer with Fox, but what he has to offer is the same, propaganda.

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RemovedJun 6
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Fox is propaganda, not news. Immigrants do not vote unless they become citizens.

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Jun 4Liked by The Big Picture

Vote Blue in November and clean house in January …👊🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸😬

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Jun 4Liked by Todd Beeton, The Big Picture

I wrote to my senators two weeks ago regarding the corruption of Alito and Thomas. Here is the response I received today from a Senator Hickenlooper: “The Supreme Court is the highest court in our nation, entrusted with the power of judicial review. Supreme Court Justices are expected to be apolitical and impartial in their interpretation of our laws. Given this responsibility, it is important that the members of our judicial system hold themselves to high ethical standards, in and outside the courtroom.

That’s why we’re cosponsors of the Supreme Court Ethics Act, which would create a code of ethical conduct that would apply to Justices of the Supreme Court similar to that for all other Federal judges. Please know we will keep your thoughts in mind as we review any legislative activity related to the judiciary that may come before the Senate.”

I encourage all to write their elected officials. It is past time to end this farce.

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I started this piece, thinking it would just be more ink, without any real solutions, but Rep. Raskin makes it clear that Alito and Thomas are violating federal law by not recusing themselves, and offers a real way ahead to force them to comply.

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Yes, he is a light in the darkness.

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Jun 4Liked by Todd Beeton

No office, Department, System, or anyone else should be allowed to be accountable to no one. That includes the SCOTUS, which has had over a year to check and balance itself, but it has not done so. Therefore, Congress must step in, and, as soon as possible. Justices Alito and Thomas should not be involved in any manner with any cases involving CFT (Convicted Felon T).

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Jun 4Liked by Todd Beeton

I totally agree with all of this. I hate that they use their wives as an out, especially since by law they can't. We need to get the word out more about this!

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

Excellent discussion of the evils stalking our democracy. I have read the Brennan Center justice proposal and posted the link on several substacks I read when the issue comes up. This is a 5 alarm fire and if the Biden admin won't address it, then a way needs to be crafted for an end-run. The corruption is not even hidden behind the scenes any more but blatantly and hubristically in our faces as if to say this is our reality and you are but bit players. This has been a long time coming and Dems failed to react as forcefully as the right wing extremists were acting in implementing their authoritarian agenda. It is time to take the fight to the perpetrators.

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Agreed. I have been watching this creep of Republican corruption since Nixon and the effete responses from Democrats. I don’t know which party pisses me off more, the corrupt or the feckless.

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“Feckless” or “corrupt” are not the choices here. You’re just using a “bothsides” argument to justify intellectual and political laziness.

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The Democrats and RINOs comprise 75% of Congress. Fully half of those with an "R" after their name are closeted Democrats. This is why we steadily march toward totalitarian rule and the death of the republic. This is why our debt will forever increase and our rights will forever decrease.

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Always good to find magat trolls to block. Thanks for outing yourself!

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Bill Clinton had US out of debt! It's a fact! He actually balanced the National budget and republicans impeached him! When Thump left office there was 8 TRILLION dollars of debt! That is why inflation is high. But not one repub says a word!🤔

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deletedJun 4
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Kate. Don’t be shy. Tell me how you really feel. 👍🔥🔥🔥😜♐️♐️♊️

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Kate is right.

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I agree. My comment was NOT disagreeing with Kate but an obviously failed attempt to humorously comment on her passion. I love passion.

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I was agreeing with both of you.

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Jun 4Liked by Todd Beeton

It is past time to step in; if they have the courage to…

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those justices betraying their oath of office, ignoring their ethical and moral responsibility to their position in to our court all need to be accused, if not refused impeached. We can’t have them on the court any longer. They are uncooperative and they are assuming the role of God or perhaps King in either case they are wrong. They are betraying everyone of us. What vehicle can we use to move them to recusal or impeachment and get them off the court? This is of immediate and urgent importance as you know.

The fact they would even consider hearing Trump‘s case about immunity is an outrage. That Trump fomented and encouraged an insurrection, watched the celebration of the criminal trespassers on White House TV for hours, with the intent to have his criminal maggots overturn of the peaceful transfer of power to the rightfully elected President. WHILE HE WAS(unfortunately) PRESIDENT IS EVEN WORSE THAN HAD HE DONE IT WHILE OUT OF OFFICE. The Supreme Court will seriously even entertain looking at that case? It should be thrown out as not only frivolous, but outrageous and the answer is a resounding NO WAY.

How can we get these no – longer eligible judges off the court? There must be a way and we must do it before the election.

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it would take congress and since repubs have control of it they will not act! We have to vote all the magats out of congress before a vote to investigate the SC could get thru!! 🤞💙✌️

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You are absolutely right!

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The deterioration of SCOTUS will continue to erode American values, civil rights, and standing in the world as long as the MAGA Congress pursues trump’s mission of retaliation and destruction of our legal and judicial system. Until Congress exercises it’s authority to hold SCOTUS accountable to a code of ethics bound to democracy instead of the Federalist Society/ Heritage Foundation and purchase by billionaires, we are doomed to an authoritarian SCOTUS power that seeks to retract civil rights, contaminate voting rights, place corporate profit over the environmental protection for future generations, and the judicial assumption of superior scientific and medical knowledge than those appropriately educated. Sharia Law, America style, will be installed with SCOTUS anointed masters to control the people. The desire to maintain white evangelical control will create an American Handmaid’s Gilead, with SCOTUS as the commanding authority.

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Selecting SC Justices from a lottery from on a pool of eligible judges would get rid of the rigging of the SC. Hell, a lottery selection of chimpanzees would be less biased less political than what America has.

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A true reform would shift the appointment of Supreme Court Justices to an independent body away from the president. For a truly independent SCOTUS it needs to be taken out of the hands of politicians. Also 18 years is still to long. 10 years should be enough. Then rotate through. And lastly oaths need to be enforceable. They have become toothless tigers. At least three of the current judges could be fired if we collect on the oath. Same should be true for any politician in Congress. Otherwise we might as well skip the swearing in ceremony.

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One possible reform not mentioned here is to put teeth into the "good behavior" clause. Under Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution, "The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour[.]" That means when a judge (including a SCOTUS justice) is not on good behavior, the Constitution says they are no longer eligible to stay in office.

That's not self-enforcing. Congress needs to define what type of misconduct that is incompatible with "good behavior" (like failing to recuse when required by law, or violating a binding code of judicial ethics). Congress also needs to define how to bring a complaint of judicial misconduct against a judge, and a judicial process to determine whether a charge of misconduct has been proved. Until that process is in place, the "good behavior" requirement is effectively unenforceable.

But once the process is in place, it means that a judge who is accused of misconduct gets a fair hearing, with full due process protections. If the judge is found to have committed misconduct as defined by Congress, they will be fired by the terms of the Constitution itself. No cumbersome (and politicized) impeachment process required.

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ProPublica’s saying "Thomas appears to have violated the law by failing to disclose flights, yacht cruises and expensive sports tickets, according to ethics experts."

If this is against the law, why is he not being arrested and charged?

And if it’s not against the law, it certainly should be.

It is beyond the pale that these guys are getting away with all of this.

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And, the process shouldn’t take two years. The person being evaluated should be suspended from court participation until the matter is resolved. Trump has clearly shone us the power of money and delay, which can cause even more issues and greater negative impact.

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To file a complaint: dumpalito.com

I filed complaints against Alito, Thomas, and Cannon. Do you think this was a waste of postage?

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I fear that under current law, only Congress has a modicum of authority over the “Supremes”. Consequently, until we, as a nation, elect a truly democratic bunch of representatives and Senators who want to collaborate for the good of all people ( not just wealthy, white, heterosexual, evangelical Christian, judgmental, worshipers of self anointed autocrats) and eliminate the current fantasy of “originalism”, we are stuck with what the Federalist Society has created.

We need to rid ourselves of the Senate filibuster, the Senate’s

60 rule majority, the Electoral College, Citizen’s United, the idea that if it ain’t mentioned in the Constitution it ain’t viable, etc. If the Court honestly believed in the purity of the original Constitution, their precious 2nd amendment would have non-military citizens toting around muskets, Clarence would not be married to Ginni, etc. They currently apply rights based upon personal preference and the ability to control those with whom they disagree for whatever reason. They refuse to recognize national growth/acceptance in perceptions of personal value (love), environmental protections (corporate greed), scientific and medical discoveries ( childbirth), the rights of individuals to not be endangered by the selfishness and indifference of others ( vaccinations), the idea that one religions beliefs should not be imposed upon another.

To his credit, DJT has shown us that the historically valued norms upon which this nation was created and inspired to grow and develop into a far more democratic society are empty promises without a continuous development of integrity, open-mindedness, ethical governance to assure the rights and rules that promote equality, fairness, and protection of the citizens and the planet. He has shown us that without laws and their equal application, our nation can be upended by a minority of wealthy powerful people who can purchase and empower unethical self promoting individuals who are willing to impose personal beliefs upon the majority in this nation.

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