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Being Jewish, when I hear this drivel, I know what comes next...or last.

They come for us.

In a "Final Solution to the Jewish Question."

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It's not just about Jews it's about everyone.

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Yes, but when you read the material of White Nationalists and Uber-Christians, they have a special hatred for Jews.

They LOOOOOVE Israel. That's because they want to see the big "Armageddon" battle take place there, heralding the Second Coming.

But they HATE Jews. We're a bunch of money-grubbing pawnbrokers in caftans who control the banks, the press, Hollywood, the media, the pornography industry, and are also Communists and the spawn of Satan (per the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion."

I swear, if I was that powerful, I wouldn't be a municipal drudge in Newark. I'd own mansions in New Zealand, San Francisco, New York, and have a personal jet that could cross the oceans.

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They hate everyone who does not conform to their religion.

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I'd like to see what they do when all their mutual enemies are dead.

They'll turn on each other.

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Probably. More likely one fanatic will try to be God and form a splinter religion and then there will be war.

Happily I am an atheist seen and read about to many wars of religion to know there is NO God. If there is a god he's very mean.

All we can do now is to try to be nice to one another!

It's tough but works.

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As a Jew, I'm astonished that Christians fought an unbelievably bloody war in Europe for 30 years over whether or not a wafer IS the body of Christ or REPRESENTS the body of Christ.

But then, they dedicated several hundred years to the Crusades before calling that fiasco off.

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That's why am an atheist!

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I identify as being Jewish to support my fellow Yiddles. It doesn't matter if I'm a Chasid or not, the anti-Semites will shoot me up.

Remember Frazier Glenn Miller? Dying of emphysema after a wasted life of anti-Semitism and Klukkery, he shot up a Jewish Senior Center. Killed three people. No Jews. One of them, a 16-year-old, had an Organ Donor Card on his Learner's Permit. At age 16, that guy was smarter than Frazier Glenn Miller, who was in his 60s.

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тАЬThey hate everyone who does not conform to their religion.тАЭ

Of course. Just like the main figure in their religion said they should in his Sermon on the Mount.

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You are 100% right. That I stand with Israel sign outside his office made me nauseous. I donтАЩt trust him or any of them with regard to Jews. I wouldnтАЩt stand near any of them next to an oven.

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He and his buddies probably sit in their club after hours, nursing highballs, and making "kike" and "sheeny" jokes.

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