Such a claim would require solid evidence, and so far I have only seen conjecture. It may have happened, but that meeting was very long ago, and it doesn’t seem connected.
Plus, I believe that gives TFG way too much credit for his ability to “orchestrate” anything. He’s just not that smart. And what would be in it for him? (You know that has to be said.)
What’s the likelihood that 45 orchestrated this by revealing Israeli Defense Plans to Russia? WHO benefits? Putin Trump Iran
Such a claim would require solid evidence, and so far I have only seen conjecture. It may have happened, but that meeting was very long ago, and it doesn’t seem connected.
Plus, I believe that gives TFG way too much credit for his ability to “orchestrate” anything. He’s just not that smart. And what would be in it for him? (You know that has to be said.)
It seems that it was also very long ago that the planning for this operation started.