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Aug 7
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...fear of losing their power....

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Aug 6
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Correct me if I am wrong, but being a non believer myself, I don’t think the majority of this country is Christian. I think it’s mostly non believers if you get down to it. No one is going to church anymore and there’s a lot of people who quit practicing. I don’t get where they think they are running the show. Non believers don’t have the psychological threat of heaven or hell hanging over their heads.

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As of 2023, 68% of the United States "identifies as Christian." Of course, that covers a broad spectrum which includes Catholic to Evangelical fundamentalists who don't think Catholics are Christians to people who say they believe in Christ, but don't belong to any denomination. I'd guess the percentage of weekly church attending would be far lower.

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As a non believer myself, sadly, we "nones"—which include atheists as well as the more common "religiously unaffiliated"—amount to just 22%. But it is growing fast!

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To me, DEI means Definitely Earned It.

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Great! Thank you!

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This on a T-shirt immediately ❤️

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Brilliant example of NASA not knowing Thing 1 about baking bread—a skill so elementary that most of us have it. Brilliant. A more diverse table brings us all a better meal!

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You don’t have to be a white supremacist to see the republican white supremacy going on here.

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Maybe after all these generations it comes down to the old “law of the jungle” survival of the fittest! If the old guard can’t keep up anymore, without cheating and rigging the game, then they need to move aside.

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If I were on an airplane with Charlie Kirk I’d be nervous too

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Before I read: in my opinion, it's those who are insecure (rightly or wrongly) in their innate abilities (vs. Those handed to them at birth, like the ability to eat every day). We see it everywhere, "wah, I lost the match/game/election and that means my opponent must be cheating!" With the issue with the Olympics and with the despicable attacks on Kamala re:things she was born as (Black AND Indian) I'd pose a very simple question: What is a woman?

At least, the Rs have been braying that this question has a simple answer, but, since it isn't, they keep banging their heads against it. How much natural testosterone until that "person with a uterus" is a man? Extra X chromosome in men (which happens in 1 in 500-1000 baby boys)? Is THAT a woman?

The more you insist on a clear standardized answer when We. Are. All. Different...well, now you gotta make thousands of little stupid rules which make no sense.

DEI, in my opinion, is a direct result of childhood inequality. You didn't get the job because you were black or brown, you got the job because you are the best despite the disadvantages society has handed you. Your potential has not been reached because you've been held back. Those without those barriers are the best they're going to be, so, the potential for growth just isn't there. (This "person with no obstacles at all" is fictional, btw but, like absolutely everything else, there's a spectrum).

Since our country is so hyper-focused on individualism, most would rather ignore that there are effects to systemic inequality on individuals at all. That's why we need DEI. Because, as Dr. Horrible put it, "The status is NOT quo." When/if it ever is...there will be no need for DEI.

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Trump DID NOT GRADUATE from Wharton. That's one of his many many lies. He couldn't get into Wharton because he didn't meet their entry requirements. He was allowed to AUDIT classes at the school.

One of his professors remembered him in 2016: "Donald Trump was the dumbest fucking student who ever walked in my classroom."

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U Penn has verified he was a student in their business program and graduated in 1968. He transferred to U Penn from Fordham.

With a B.S. in real estate business, technically he graduated from U Penn's business school, which is Wharton. Did he ever take any business classes at U Penn or did he transfer everything from Fordham?

Who knows? Penn won't comment beyond confirming he graduated in 1968 with a degree from their business curriculum.


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“When all you've known is privilege, equality can feel like discrimination.” Perfectly put! Especially when all you care about is maintaining that privilege.

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I copied that quote.

Great post!

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Excellent piece, showing the value of diversity , especially in the workplace. The statement about different knowledge bases and viewpoints is especially accurate. But if you don’t see the value in differing viewpoints, being white and especially male is the probable membership group you’re comfortable with.

What “they” don’t realize is that whites and especially white males, have ALWAYS had privilege in this country. So when they say “white lives matter “ it shows their ignorance of US history. White lives have ALWAYS mattered. Others not so much. Educating them is the answer but very difficult to do.

The best line in this piece is that DEI really means don jr., Eric and ivanka. So when a MAGAt raise that issue, just refer to his kids. That should shut them up at least for a few seconds before the outrage spews forth.

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Or Duly Elected Incumbent, as (I think) the Black mayor of Baltimore said.

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Wonderful article and example of how different thinking and knowledge makes any person, company, government etc so much stronger. I never heard the NASA story but it's perfect!

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"Equity ensures opportunities are free from bias and discrimination." However, that is not how it is executed or advertised.

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Wow! So many great takeaways for me to use with my family and friends. Thank you!

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How did that block head incel Charlie Kirk get a platform that people actually listen to and quote from?

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That’s what I wondered. Who is this guy and why would I care what he thinks?!

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DEI is the new "N" word. The peasants with their pitchforks are scared 😱

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Just call white privilege what it should be called; WPA(white penis advantage). By the way, I wish I could take credit for that but my friend, John Shore who is also a Substacker(Hey Boomer)wrote about this very subject July 26.

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