This is becoming more and more indicative of how fucking stupid the vast majority of Americans are. They will get the fascist government they deserve.

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Unfortunately, so will the rest of us.

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It's just wild how badly even the people who identify as Democrats get it. This isn't just propaganda from right wing media, it's ignorance of the facts by all manner of Americans. The statistics on people's perception of unemployment is just mind-blowing... And the 12% of Democrats who think Biden is responsible for ending Roe is even worse.

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Vibes=propaganda susceptibility

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Intense propaganda from all corners.

40 years of it, Ramping up to new heights of lies every year. It’s really reaching unbearable levels.

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A few factors as to why it seems the race is close:

1) Voters will not know in great numbers what we all know until the Fall.

2) MAGA enthusiasm is overwhelming the polls. This far out, Dem & Ind voters are not yet engaged.

3) FOX News, Newsmax, OAN & the others keep MAGA in a bubble.

In sum, right-wing media has MAGA clueless and fuming, and (eventual) Biden supporters are not yet in the loop.

But just wait.

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Unfortunately no matter what algorithm has with what ever variables, it appears to me that the situation is chaotic and, therefore, unpredictable.

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Thom Hartmann did an on topic deep dive this morning, "Why is the Guy Who Told Us to Drink Bleach a Step Away from Being President?"


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Vibes-sentiments rule when you have a populus as ignorant as Americans are. When they don't have a clue as to how well off, they are. Relatively is lost on such an inward narrow-algorithmic society.

British writer Brian Klaas published today: Joe Biden and the Inversion of Reality

Americans are terribly misinformed about the state of the economy—at the expense of Joe Biden

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Willful ignorance is deadly, but unfortunately not just to those who are willfully ignorant. This is the double-edged sword of free speech - propaganda (which works far too well in our current information disruption) sways far too many dupes, and they vote based on false information. The problem is how to give people both the skills and the will to look beyond what they're told and help them separate fact from fiction.

One thing that would help those who actually want to be helped is to read Teri Kanefield's latest book, A Firehose of Falsehood. In it, she not only provides a detailed history of how disinformation has been used through the ages, but how to recognize it, and most importantly, how to protect yourself from it. And the book is in a fun, graphic novel format. See: https://agoodreedreview.com/2024/02/13/book-a-firehose-of-falsehood-2/ for more information about the book. It's really worth a read as it also provides some good ideas for how to help others better protect themselves from disinformation as well.

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Deeply depressing. Stupidity the real pandemic.

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I truly believe this is the end. It’s heartbreaking. And I’m terrified because I’m no longer on the US. I can vote, but I see the [vast] majority of Americans as willful ignorants who have buried their heads in the sand. I’ll vote for Biden. But I don’t think it will be enough. May the odds be ever in your favor! Let the fucking Hunger Games begin!

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It depends on who's running the polls. NYT.....puhleeese! Just as believable as Trump's lies!

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You are absolutely right. Trump has no clue about what's really happening and he likes to change numbers to suit him even though he's wrong.

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We need to shut down and discredit the Right-Wing Lie Machine. You can't look at that all day and feel good about the country.

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Not an attack as I like the article. I believe the question you pose is based on a false assumption. That assumption is that a big voting Block operates on and makes decisions using reason. This assumption has been shown to be untrue—look at the book “What is Wrong with Kansas.”

Being part of one’s tribe, whether Repub or Dem seems to be bigger driver of behavior than reason.

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I think that being part of one’s tribe is a large part of whom one votes for is true for the Right and the Left. But not true for moderates in both parties (yes, there are still some moderates in the Republican Party). It’s really up to moderates to get Biden to be president in 2024.

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Strangely, I do not know of any of this species. The people that I have talked to who call themselves “moderate” have told me they are not political. I would use different adjectives to describe them rather than moderate.

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This is really depressing. There MUST be something that can be done about this. What is the solution? I cannot listen to more of this identification of problems and not hear some solutions. Start writing about that.

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Let’s say a little prayer of blessing toward the national media for their role in helping out in all sorts of big and little ways with the vibes, shall we?

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I know too many confused people, now I have a handful of theories why.

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