And like Germans and others who believed - wrongly- that they would be exempt from state-led discrimination and mob violence, Peter Thiel (gay man) and David Sacks (Jewish man) - should be careful what they wish for.
And like Germans and others who believed - wrongly- that they would be exempt from state-led discrimination and mob violence, Peter Thiel (gay man) and David Sacks (Jewish man) - should be careful what they wish for.
Theil doesn't think that they will turn on him in a second, as soon as they have power, and either force him to marry and impregnate a devout woman, or be interned.
And like Germans and others who believed - wrongly- that they would be exempt from state-led discrimination and mob violence, Peter Thiel (gay man) and David Sacks (Jewish man) - should be careful what they wish for.
Theil doesn't think that they will turn on him in a second, as soon as they have power, and either force him to marry and impregnate a devout woman, or be interned.