Lock. Him. Up. Judge Merchant should throw the book at him not only for these crimes, but for his threats yesterday against the jury and his repeated violations of the gag order!
Lock. Him. Up. Judge Merchant should throw the book at him not only for these crimes, but for his threats yesterday against the jury and his repeated violations of the gag order!
Christine and L H: The Borowitz Report is satire. Andy was not quoting trump. He made up those statements to mock him. Please tell me you didn't believe it was an actual news report.
Please don't insinuate that I'm stupid or naive. When Trump says that the prosecutor, in his closing argument, was filibustering and complained that he was not allowed to "rebut or correct the many lies told" therein, it is very clear that he seems to have no idea how a trial works. He is so beyond left field that I could believe him saying almost anything.
I feel like an idiot myself now. Did not realize it was satire, mostly because TraitorTrump is entirely capable of saying idiotic things exactly like that! My apologies!
Lock. Him. Up. Judge Merchant should throw the book at him not only for these crimes, but for his threats yesterday against the jury and his repeated violations of the gag order!
Merchan. Damn autocorrect!
And another violation as he was leaving — or is the order null now that the trial is over?
What threats against the jury? I must have missed them. Please let us know. Thanks!
Andy Borowitz writes satire. This wasn’t an actual news report.
Christine and L H: The Borowitz Report is satire. Andy was not quoting trump. He made up those statements to mock him. Please tell me you didn't believe it was an actual news report.
Please don't insinuate that I'm stupid or naive. When Trump says that the prosecutor, in his closing argument, was filibustering and complained that he was not allowed to "rebut or correct the many lies told" therein, it is very clear that he seems to have no idea how a trial works. He is so beyond left field that I could believe him saying almost anything.
I feel like an idiot myself now. Did not realize it was satire, mostly because TraitorTrump is entirely capable of saying idiotic things exactly like that! My apologies!
The Borowitz Report is satire. Andy was not quoting trump, just mocking him.
Thank you very much, Christine. I had not seen that.