Trump’s tactics are straight out of Hitler’s Playbook. Also a strategy used by the South Afrikaaner Apartheid regime and fellow political travellers here in Northern Ireland, the Democratic Unionist Party. The DUP continue to terrorize the innocent and violently bully their opponents with implicit ongoing support for their deployment of stochastic terror by the present pro MAGA Conservative UK government. This rise in lawless populist autocrats is not just happening in the US. It is a dangerous unfolding global phenomenon.
Trump enablers and supporters should bear in mind that if their false god is ever again successful in his political endeavors; he will eventually turn on them. At some point they will become his enemy.
We have seen what such rhetoric can do. We really need better laws against hate speech and open calls for violence. There has to be a point, where first amendment cannot protect people, when there are lives at stake.
Your day could have been spent better and more productively than leaving this comment. But now, hundreds of people are aware of your bias, your ignorance, and your passionate desire to go and do or say something vile and inaccurate. I can't wish you to have a nice life, because, with that attitude, I don't think it's possible. I feel heartily sorry for people who have to deal with you on a daily basis.
In Giuliani's case he was found liable because he failed to produce documentation concerning his assets after repeated warnings. The KKK was seriously harmed by civil lawsuits seeking compensation and the NRA is going down because of financial fraud. Fox has already settled in the case of Dominion, and still faces the lawsuit from Smartmatic, and E. Jean Carroll already won the first lawsuit and the second one is to determine damages, not guilt. As you said, it's difficult to successfully bring criminal charges due to the rules of evidence, but civil charges with large awards are more successfully brought (remember OJ). I would also add that people who are anti-Trump need to dial back their rhetoric too. If you believe in the rule of law, rushing to demand that someone you don't like is criminally charged, or needs to be locked up, is simply using the same language as Trump and his allies. It's frustrating to follow the rules, but it's essential.
"Half a truth is often a whole lie" often attributed to Ben Franklin, actually an old Yiddish proverb, probably echoed in every language around the world. Terrorism, malignancy, criminality, racism, xenophobia, sheer stupidity, all being "normalized" by American media, by only telling half the story of defendant demagogue. You can see it painfully clearly on days like today, where they are giving the lying loser another $1B worth of free promotion & legitimacy, despite him calling them the "enemy of the people." Media need to expose the corruption, the fraud, the disinformation which "trump voters" are basing their alternate reality on. We can expect an increase in terroristic activity, stochastic targeting, bomb threats, etc., as trump criminality continues to meet consequences in court. Flynn, Bannon, putin-axis actors trying to foment conflict in Taiwan, Mideast, everywhere, maga-gop in Congress will keep amplifying the big lies & insurrection, folks who should be in prison already, for Jan 6. Dems, Indies, activists need to fight back & be exposing the entire complex criminal conspiracy. Mobster-fascist strategy is to wear us all down & corrode the system, terrorize & brainwash the citizenry, normalize corruption. It's happening all around the globe.
Political violence in this country seems to cycle in waves.
There was a tremendous amount of political violence generated by the Vietnam war, with the police riot in Chicago, the hard hat riot in New York and hundreds of demonstrations that were not always peaceful as obvious examples. For the conspiracy-minded, John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King were all gunned down in a five-year period. (That's a lot of LONE gunmen when history shows that assassinations are usually planned by cabals.) The civil rights demonstrations of course generated an enormous amount of violence, usually against the demonstrators. The riots in the summer of 1967 are noteworthy as well.
We have begun learning about some of the past examples such as the Tulsa massacre on "Black Wall Street." The 1863 draft riots in New York were extremely violent, and our famous forebears in Boston participated in a great number of violent altercations until actual war broke out with the British.
The US has always been somewhat demographically volatile, creating political volatility and the conditions for political violence.
I consider 2020 to be part of the current cycle of violence, and what I wanted to point out was past examples from our history so that people who haven't lived through things like this before might see that they are neither singular nor isolated events.
The single biggest difference between January 6 and the riots in the wake of George Floyd's death is purpose.
The rioters in the summer of 2020 were either protests against George Floyd's death, using the protests as a cover for looting, or agents provocateurs trying to get the violence going to enact a counternarrative (see "umbrella man" with respect to the Minneapolis riots). While there was a general purpose, there was no specific result expected or planned. In that respect they more closely resemble the Watts riot or the riots in Detroit and Newark in 1967.
The riot on January 6 was the culmination of a months-long multi-pronged scheme whose strategic purpose was to overturn the results of a legitimate presidential election. The people enlisted to march on the capital, whether mere rally participants or oath breakers/proud boy militia types, were pawns of a cabal. The plotted "business coup" of 1933 would've been more analogous to January 6 than to the summer riots of 2020.
What can we do? We can start by calling Republicans fascists. Identifying fascism is necessary to defeat it.
Don’t forget - every single Republican is united on one key issue: Democrats are to blame. Doubt me? They are willing to vote for a fascist rather than preserve Democracy.
Republicans are fascist. Liberals are the scapegoat. Lets start calling it like it is.
I’m sorry, but civil recourse should not be the only means to hold trump (& his violent followers) accountable! We are allowing Trump to basically be a mob boss directing his followers to commit crimes that threatens to harm and kill his opponents! This should be easily demonstrated in a CRIMINAL court, and he should be held accountable, just like a person contacting another for a murder! That happens all the time. Trumps behavior is a thousands of times worse and we should not allow it to go unpunished!
This is a dangerous time for us. In Trumps case, the long arm of the law seems to be sitting on its hands. Is it not possible to keep our country and its laws moral? Why does it take so long to quash this law breaker?
Rules and manipulation of those rules by Trump Et al leads to delays. Additionally, no prosecutor wants to go to trial with a case that is not thoroughly investigated and vetted. All of that takes time.
It disturbs me that almost every picture of Trump in any kind of media - mainstream and online - includes some form of American flag and is often shot from below, making Trump look taller/bigger than he actually is. This sends a subconscious message to readers that Trump is powerful and patriotic, which is disputed by the facts of the Jan. 6 insurrection.
You know, pulling off a nationwide election in the middle of a pandemic without a vaccine was a man-on-the-moon-level achievement. There should have been parades for election workers. They should have been celebrated everywhere.
And lots of Republicans won elections that year! But no--the host of The Apprentice lost, so half the country had to crap all over this major feat.
And of course after his failed court appearance, Trump belched out one of the only 20 or so sentences he still remembers: the lie that “ballot box stuffing was caught on tape.” Sue him into oblivion, or better yet lock him up, even just for a few hours.
Trump’s tactics are straight out of Hitler’s Playbook. Also a strategy used by the South Afrikaaner Apartheid regime and fellow political travellers here in Northern Ireland, the Democratic Unionist Party. The DUP continue to terrorize the innocent and violently bully their opponents with implicit ongoing support for their deployment of stochastic terror by the present pro MAGA Conservative UK government. This rise in lawless populist autocrats is not just happening in the US. It is a dangerous unfolding global phenomenon.
We all now this....think of what should be done?
Trump enablers and supporters should bear in mind that if their false god is ever again successful in his political endeavors; he will eventually turn on them. At some point they will become his enemy.
That is NOT the point here............who is going to stand against him and report threats?
We have seen what such rhetoric can do. We really need better laws against hate speech and open calls for violence. There has to be a point, where first amendment cannot protect people, when there are lives at stake.
The line is drawn fairly close to the illegal acts themselves. It’s madness given the world we now live in.
Here in France there are laws coming up with regard to hate speech.
Something our democratic legislators should watch closely...
There would be an outcry from the uneducated public.
Your day could have been spent better and more productively than leaving this comment. But now, hundreds of people are aware of your bias, your ignorance, and your passionate desire to go and do or say something vile and inaccurate. I can't wish you to have a nice life, because, with that attitude, I don't think it's possible. I feel heartily sorry for people who have to deal with you on a daily basis.
What democrats have called for violence?
Are you lost?
So you don't like demonstrations?
How do you feel about the convoy planned at the border this weekend?
Funny you were able to look up info on blm deaths but can't look up anything else.
Done here
In Giuliani's case he was found liable because he failed to produce documentation concerning his assets after repeated warnings. The KKK was seriously harmed by civil lawsuits seeking compensation and the NRA is going down because of financial fraud. Fox has already settled in the case of Dominion, and still faces the lawsuit from Smartmatic, and E. Jean Carroll already won the first lawsuit and the second one is to determine damages, not guilt. As you said, it's difficult to successfully bring criminal charges due to the rules of evidence, but civil charges with large awards are more successfully brought (remember OJ). I would also add that people who are anti-Trump need to dial back their rhetoric too. If you believe in the rule of law, rushing to demand that someone you don't like is criminally charged, or needs to be locked up, is simply using the same language as Trump and his allies. It's frustrating to follow the rules, but it's essential.
He was busy juggling his few remaining assets to hide. THEN filed for bankruptcy.
"Half a truth is often a whole lie" often attributed to Ben Franklin, actually an old Yiddish proverb, probably echoed in every language around the world. Terrorism, malignancy, criminality, racism, xenophobia, sheer stupidity, all being "normalized" by American media, by only telling half the story of defendant demagogue. You can see it painfully clearly on days like today, where they are giving the lying loser another $1B worth of free promotion & legitimacy, despite him calling them the "enemy of the people." Media need to expose the corruption, the fraud, the disinformation which "trump voters" are basing their alternate reality on. We can expect an increase in terroristic activity, stochastic targeting, bomb threats, etc., as trump criminality continues to meet consequences in court. Flynn, Bannon, putin-axis actors trying to foment conflict in Taiwan, Mideast, everywhere, maga-gop in Congress will keep amplifying the big lies & insurrection, folks who should be in prison already, for Jan 6. Dems, Indies, activists need to fight back & be exposing the entire complex criminal conspiracy. Mobster-fascist strategy is to wear us all down & corrode the system, terrorize & brainwash the citizenry, normalize corruption. It's happening all around the globe.
Media unfortunately are *part of* the conspiracy, particularly OAN & FOX, as well as the Sinclair network, well-funded because “money is speech”.
Political violence in this country seems to cycle in waves.
There was a tremendous amount of political violence generated by the Vietnam war, with the police riot in Chicago, the hard hat riot in New York and hundreds of demonstrations that were not always peaceful as obvious examples. For the conspiracy-minded, John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King were all gunned down in a five-year period. (That's a lot of LONE gunmen when history shows that assassinations are usually planned by cabals.) The civil rights demonstrations of course generated an enormous amount of violence, usually against the demonstrators. The riots in the summer of 1967 are noteworthy as well.
We have begun learning about some of the past examples such as the Tulsa massacre on "Black Wall Street." The 1863 draft riots in New York were extremely violent, and our famous forebears in Boston participated in a great number of violent altercations until actual war broke out with the British.
The US has always been somewhat demographically volatile, creating political volatility and the conditions for political violence.
ITrump reminds me of Huey Long.
The comparison is apt. Huey Long was much smarter though, much younger, and fortunately did not yet have as large a base
I consider 2020 to be part of the current cycle of violence, and what I wanted to point out was past examples from our history so that people who haven't lived through things like this before might see that they are neither singular nor isolated events.
The single biggest difference between January 6 and the riots in the wake of George Floyd's death is purpose.
The rioters in the summer of 2020 were either protests against George Floyd's death, using the protests as a cover for looting, or agents provocateurs trying to get the violence going to enact a counternarrative (see "umbrella man" with respect to the Minneapolis riots). While there was a general purpose, there was no specific result expected or planned. In that respect they more closely resemble the Watts riot or the riots in Detroit and Newark in 1967.
The riot on January 6 was the culmination of a months-long multi-pronged scheme whose strategic purpose was to overturn the results of a legitimate presidential election. The people enlisted to march on the capital, whether mere rally participants or oath breakers/proud boy militia types, were pawns of a cabal. The plotted "business coup" of 1933 would've been more analogous to January 6 than to the summer riots of 2020.
Molotov cocktails into federal courthouses and police stations aren't "violence" to this gang of Karens.
What can we do? We can start by calling Republicans fascists. Identifying fascism is necessary to defeat it.
Don’t forget - every single Republican is united on one key issue: Democrats are to blame. Doubt me? They are willing to vote for a fascist rather than preserve Democracy.
Republicans are fascist. Liberals are the scapegoat. Lets start calling it like it is.
History is there to remind us of the past and if we don't heed it, we will repeat it.
We are faced with a choice this year. A huge choice. To
uphold our Constitutional democratic republic or devolve backward into a
repeat performance of
authoritarian fascism that
nearly happened here, in
our country, in the late 30s
and early 40s. People here
were heavily influenced by
And we have Trump and a political party that has, as of
yesterday, stated blatantly
by their Speaker of the House, no legislation until
Trump is elected, especially
for the border.
We have a choice. We can cave OR decide to not take
one step back! To move forward toward a more perfect just democracy.
How are you going to do this?
Any way that I can. I will donate to Dem candidates, even if it's only $5, up and down ballot; primary election,
any amount will help,and Biden general. I will speak up and speak out. I will keep
saying we cannot take one step back! We must move
forward! Hold editors and
reportes accountable. The
same with our representatives. Postcards to
Voters! Jess Cravens Chop Wood Carry Water here on
Substack is a great way to
be active. Hopium Chronicles
is another.
We must do it! We can do it!
I’m sorry, but civil recourse should not be the only means to hold trump (& his violent followers) accountable! We are allowing Trump to basically be a mob boss directing his followers to commit crimes that threatens to harm and kill his opponents! This should be easily demonstrated in a CRIMINAL court, and he should be held accountable, just like a person contacting another for a murder! That happens all the time. Trumps behavior is a thousands of times worse and we should not allow it to go unpunished!
This is a dangerous time for us. In Trumps case, the long arm of the law seems to be sitting on its hands. Is it not possible to keep our country and its laws moral? Why does it take so long to quash this law breaker?
The Justice system s slow because there are so many cases.
This is what happened in the French revolution before it became a revolution.
When Justice doesn't work people have NO choice but to take things into their own hands.
You have Justice system (Supreme Court) which is owned by Govt.
Here in France they learned their lesson.
The Govt. does NOT select Judges.
Rules and manipulation of those rules by Trump Et al leads to delays. Additionally, no prosecutor wants to go to trial with a case that is not thoroughly investigated and vetted. All of that takes time.
Not to mention - everything is appealable.
It disturbs me that almost every picture of Trump in any kind of media - mainstream and online - includes some form of American flag and is often shot from below, making Trump look taller/bigger than he actually is. This sends a subconscious message to readers that Trump is powerful and patriotic, which is disputed by the facts of the Jan. 6 insurrection.
Good point.
Crime boss thuggery.
You know, pulling off a nationwide election in the middle of a pandemic without a vaccine was a man-on-the-moon-level achievement. There should have been parades for election workers. They should have been celebrated everywhere.
And lots of Republicans won elections that year! But no--the host of The Apprentice lost, so half the country had to crap all over this major feat.
And of course after his failed court appearance, Trump belched out one of the only 20 or so sentences he still remembers: the lie that “ballot box stuffing was caught on tape.” Sue him into oblivion, or better yet lock him up, even just for a few hours.
"But it remains to be seen whether we have both the wisdom and the determination to avoid a similar fate."
They know all they have left is stochastic terrorism. We have wisdom and determination, they have millions of guns. Fair fight?
We still control the government. We must not let take that.
Oh. I guess this was because of Trump. And not because of crazy people.
These Dimlibs just want to clutch pearls and not accept or even look at facts. Delusion of the highest order.
Bullshit. Have you heard Senile Joes speeches and rhetoric?? Talk about hate. This article is crap