He may well win because all the shenanigans gop and von trump cultists have put in place. Scotus will give him the white house at the end of this highy tensed and disgusting election campaign. Results will be denied and court cases brought up everywhere unless trumpy dumpty wins! A shame. But… vote blue massively. Forza Kamala and fuck trump.

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Vote blue! 💙

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Because they've done so well in LA, SF, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, and Detroit.

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I think the Juice Media did a pretty good summary of the state of the US electoral system: https://youtu.be/KHuMjIhS6t0

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Or maybe he’s got a very cool exit strategy via Putin to leave the country to avoid prosecution and retire in Hungary with his buddy.

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I really don't think any of his so-called friend dictators will have anything to do with him if he is not or has any chance of being president. He has just been their useful idiot, especially Putin.

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Right here. This.

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If he DOES actually lose (meaning, his GOP vote-counters fail, the Proud Boys are arrested, and the Congress Critters have to face facts), then, YES, he will flee to a nation where the dictator will shield him from extradition.

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He has already stated his intention to flee the country if he loses the election.

The Mueller Report documented extensive efforts by Usurper Trump and his allies to obstruct justice. This is a pattern with him and his cronies. Deny, deflect, obstruct, and ignore!

That's why this "isn't it past your jail time?" t-shirt will NEVER get old 👇 🤣


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Heather, he said if he lost we would never hear from him again last time. We can't be that lucky.

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Hungary or Russia should do the trick.

Or North Korea.

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Good riddance!

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As long as he doesn't win the election. He doesn't realize that he would be much safer in a cozy American jail than anywhere in Russia.

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Maybe there or Venezuela. He's been talking about them a lot lately. Definitely someplace without an extradition treaty. 🤨

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So if he flees, can we force him to take Melania with him, or at least pursue her for immigration fraud if she refuses to leave for Slovenia?

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Why would Pooty-Poot give two shits about a twice-failed phony billionaire idiot? Where's the ROI?

Another failure by Dumpty and he's out of influence and in court.

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He'll need a bigger plane. The one he has can't get more than 3000 miles without refueling.

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Venezuela, then.

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No, he isn't trying to win, at least not by actually winning. I think the plan all along is to mess with the Electoral College and throw the election to SCOTUS or the GQP-controlled House. He thought he could make it a close election running again Biden. But when Biden dropped out that upset his "strategy". Now it all rests on cheating and legal maneuvering, which will be more difficult if the popular vote is a landslide, but it doesn't mean that they won't succeed.

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I subscribe to the Guardian US Edition. The Harvard Poll shows Harris well ahead of young voters: "Kamala Harris is 23 points ahead of Donald Trump, and 31 percentage points ahead among likely voters." Also in this live blog I've learned that Haitians in Springfield, Ohio have filed a defamation lawsuit against trump and vance.


And , Meidas Touch or another group had a huge billboard outside a trump rally in Pennsylvania with him dressed as a chicken. Also, The New Republic reports President Obama raised $27 million for Harris-Walz Saturday evening in New York.


Please subscribe to Marc Elias, Democracy Docket if you haven't already. He provides daily updates on the legal cases. If you are a paid subscriber you can ask questions once a week in his special email. Thank you.

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Well written, but what I think is missing is that in 2016 Trump was a "relatively" unknown candidate, and often seen as a joke without much chance of actually winning. So he had to aggressively sell himself in order to be elected, and his rallies delivered a constant stream of "can you believe that he just said that?" from the media and self-respecting politicians.

Fast forward to 2024, and we've had 8 long years of Trump, and he's dominated the national conversation for the entire time. At this point, MAGA meatheads know exactly who he is, what he stands for, and why they want to vote for him. Trump doesn't need rallies to persuade any of them to vote for him.

I think this - and Trump's inherent laziness - explains the significantly fewer number of Trump rallies in 2024.

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Yes, he is very much a known quantity by now.

Also note that he is not making much effort to reach beyond his base.

The latest idiotic remark about being a "protector" of women...just won't fly beyond MAGAt men.

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I think Joe Biden did not win in 2020. Donald Trump LOST in2020 because 81 Million Americans voted AGAINST him.

And we will again in November. He is simultaneously the most Loved and the most Hated Candidate we have ever seen. But I think a large majority of Americans are tired of the old fool , are tired of his endless divisive hateful speech.

Because Trump LOST in 2020, we got Joe Biden as President! Bonus!

And when he loses in November, we get Harris as President! Bonus!

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I think that’s right on. People didn’t vote FOR Biden - they voted AGAINST Trump. I think that Harris offers more positive reasons to vote for her than Biden did. On the other hand, more than 70% of Americans think that the economy is in bad shape, and the blame (fairly or unfairly) sits squarely with Biden.

If Harris can create enough daylight between her and Biden - and if Biden can zip it and stay out of public view until after the election - I think that Kamala is more likely than not going to be elected.

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It's January 6th , in reverse. The Traitors never get to the Capitol.

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Win or lose he will say, and continue to say, he won. Hopefully he will be saying all while he’s in prison.

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Yeah, tell it to the Judge, Donnie.

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Since he visibly slowed down and became even less coherent, and certainly since the debate, my opinion has been that trump isn’t planning to win votes. He’s planning to win via the mechanisms you describe here: removing Georgia from the race, contesting every result, and eventually moving the decision to the House. By cheating, in other words.

It’s good to see other people discussing this more widely, though I don’t know what we can do about it beyond turning out in record numbers.

Voting down ballot is also essential. IF trump cheats his way to the White House, having a blue majority in the House and Senate will be the only way to limit the damage.

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I believe that Harris should be ahead by at least 30 points based on character alone. The fact that things are still so close says to me that he still has all his supporters from the past who will vote for him no matter what. How any woman, minority or reasonable person can still support him is beyond me. I do think that perhaps all your well-reasoned theories can be in play and maybe the polls are just way off base especially as they prob ably include few if any of the large numbers of the newly registered.. It is hard to put a real perspective on things especially when so many seem to be going against their own best interests - those who don't like the administration's position on Gaza, don't understand the economic recovery, the position on health care, Social Security and Medicare and so many others. Nothing seems to make any sense these days. I hope that my concerns will turn out to be a tempest in a teapot, but remember 2016!

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However, he knows he will not win at the ballot box in the standard fashion, so he is depending on Republican vote-counters, Proud Boys, and Congress Critters to override the will of the people, if necessary, by force and violence.

It makes campaigning less critical. He knows that the more he talks, particularly after that debate, the dumber he sounds.

It's the Roy Cohn strategy.

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I think the minute Joe and Kamala switched out. He knew he was finished.

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He actually had to run suddenly. He couldn't just say "He's old!"

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I’m sorry, what?

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"Trump has learned a lot since 2020." No, Trump has learned nothing since 2020. Whatever limited knowledge he had in 2020 about how elections work in the U.S., is long gone. But, the Heritage Foundation / Project 2025 folks definitely learned a lot since 2020 and are working hard to getting their brainless stooge back in the White House, by any means necessary.

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My nightmare explanation is that trump knows he needn’t bother with an honest, vigorous campaign because his team + Putin + whoever else have got a scheme in place so devious, something that no one has considered; a plot that guarantees his “victory” without any effort on his part.

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I agree with all the comments saying Trump's lazy, a narcissist, etc. B U T, I also think Trump is very confident he will win because they have something big planned. I don't trust them.

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It is scary to me.

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You stated: "The latest is their new rule declaring that all votes must be counted by hand." Actually, their new rule declares that the ballots (pieces of paper) and not the votes must be counted by hand. Counting the pieces of paper by hand would not delay the certification by much. And, as Marc Elias has stated, states have deadlines for certification and state election boards cannot change those deadlines. I also read today (I don't remember which Substack) that most Secretary of State positions in swing states are held by Democrats and Raffensperger in Georgia (who already refused to help Trump) and these are the people who oversee elections. Anna Bower has a great article on Lawfare https://www.lawfaremedia.org/contributors/abower that explains the issues and will help everyone stay calm.

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He was always a lazy slacker as President, but now he seems to be continuing his do nothing but golf act. Maybe he realizes that his hate rallies are boring the cult members and his fragile ego can't handle watching the cult members waddle out of the arenas early?

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My fear is that he doesn’t care if voters elect Harris, he is readying his maggots to literally fight…create another awful mess, pit Americans against each other. He wants to get rid of democracy and become a dictator.

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