Apparently Trump can say and do anything he wants. There are no consequences… I am a broken hearted, disappointed, haunted American citizen. How did we get here? Is this really us now?

My Mom lost her Dad when she was 6 years old in WW2. He lost his life in WW2 at 26 years old. I come from a proud military family of pilots and boots on the ground soldiers. I resent Trump. I have lost brave family members who paid the ultimate price for this country. Trump is a coward.

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Jan 9Edited
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Firstly - two posts down? You're not even trying to hide it...

And on THIS post? To say it's tone deaf is severely underplaying it.

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Until mainstream media starts blaring actual footage of Jan. 6 and stops normalizing Trump's Orwellian recasting of reality — which alas, MSM shows no signs of doing — it's up to us to keep the truth alive.

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Well said

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Thank you for supporting independent journalism by being here!

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Donald to Alyssa Farah in the White House, "Say whatever you want. Just repeat it and they will believe you." 50 million American adults will believe whatever he says. The first time.

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Imagine standing in front of reporters and lying your ass off for an hour. And everyone knows you are lying while you are lying. And you know they know. And they know that you know they know. And you still lie with a straight face. Over and over again. Maybe you believe in the lies because you are delusional. This is your introduction to the new leader of the world. A 78 year old naughty little boy.


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Jan 8Edited
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Really? Stop shilling

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Really, Eleanor? Stop shilling. During the entire first Trump sorry excuse for an administration, major legacy print media kept a daily box score on page 1 showing Trump's lies to date. It was 30,573 lies in four years. Before you sink too far into the morass that is MAGAworld, use one of your computer's search engines and find the truth.

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Excuse me? I was replying to the now deleted comment, not the original post. It's pretty hard to be a MAGAt when you're not American. Even from half a world away I am more than aware that the man in question is a despicable human being (if you can call him that) and has likely never said an honest word in his life. I'm truly sorry that your country is going to have to deal with his BS for another 4 years, and honestly worried for the rest of us as well, because like it or not the position he's in can have a big effect on the rest of the world - and it won't be good. 'Ware jumping down throats of those on your side...

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I'll never understand it, but I have to accept the truth of it.

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I was pleasantly surprised by CNN & NBC yesterday. I can't bring myself to watch ABC except for Kimmel. Let's hope it continues.

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Lying liars and the effing liars who enable them! They can try to whitewash their criminality but there are too many of us who watched it all unfold and who will never forget what we witnessed. The bastard can run but he can’t hide.

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Hey, I’m a retired federal government attorney, used to work as a Civilian Attorney for Dept of the Navy, any at the Department of Justice, Executive Office for US Attorneys (E.O.U.S.A.) Office of Counsel. I was never an Assistant US Attorney (A.U.S.A.), but handled ethics, professional conduct snd discipline. Pre-Trump, there used to be discussions in the press and legal communities about “corrupt use of the presidential pardon power. Pardoning co-conspirators when the president is an indicted or unindicted co-conspirator was one example of of potentially corrupt use of the pardon power. Amidst the flurry of Trumps violations of law, norms, and customs, right out of the aHitler/Urbon handbook on Snuffing A Democracy, the p never went there. Nor has the discussion gone much to the effect of a pardons on the fifth Amendment’s Right against self-incrimination. If a convicted felon is pardoned and can’t be prosecuted, he can’t claim the Fifth, and if he lies about anything while being interrogated about communications between himself and other criminals involved, he can be prosecuted for the fresh crime of perjury. Trump’s prosecutions by Smith have been temporarily side-lined, but can be brought back when and if he ever leaves office. But with this Unitary Executive Theory,/ Leonard Leo Suprrme court.

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But even if the J6 pardons are considered "corrupt use of presidential pardon power" who the hell is going to step up and stop him?? Nobody. Corrupt is his middle name and to date he has never been held to account on any of his corrupt actions- hence why we are going to have the most corrupt and vile president in history.

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Exactly, SCOTUS handed him basically the king's privileges. As long as Trump argues that the pardons are part of his duties as President, there is no punishment.

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Let me remind you that if someone is pardoned for a federal crime, and subsequently perjures himself in court about that crime, even if he didn't receive a blanket pardon, there is nothing to prevent him from receiving another pardon for the perjury. If you look at the sundry crimes Trump has pardoned folks for, this would be right in line with the rest of his conduct.

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I'm old enough to remember the biggest concern among North Americans and Europeans regarding the right-wing movement was the Le Pen family.

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Feels quaint at this point, for sure

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In the not too distant past, every week for 50 years, a white mob lynched someone in the US, most often a black man. Nobody went to jail, no politician lost an election for stiring up those white mobs. It's barely mentioned in US history curriculum in schools and media never mentions those white lynch mobs when reporting on the J6 mob.

Of course Trump is going to be successful in rewriting the history of J6. It's not like it will be the first time such events are "whitewashed" in US history

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Good point

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No he can't , unless he rewrites my mind , great post . to the point on the truth , not a micdonny fantasy .

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Thanks, Mitch!

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One of the lies that's been spread in right-wing circles, from early on, was that the mayhem was a "false flag" operation either by Antifa or "the deep state". Anyone who comes up with that one needs to be countered with, "Then why did it take Trump so long to tell people to cut it out and go home?" Also, Trump wouldn't want to pardon anyone in that case.

There are always logical lacunae in the conspiracy theories, and they need to be wedged wide open.

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How do you think he was elected? The corporate owned press help the bigly one.

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Make sure the videotapes of January 6th are not erased or destroyed.

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We have already done all that. We HAVE been telling and re-telling the truth, posting evidence, videos, photos, etc. People who don't care continue to not care.

Also, this is something I have warned about four years ago, and kept doing so ever since - lack of tangible consequences to Trump and everyone else down the totem pole, guilty of the January 6th attack will lead to vigilantism and disregard for the rule of law.

Indeed, what reason do people have to respect the law if the law has no respect for them? What reason have they to respect the law, if right there, before their very eyes, a convicted felon is about to be sworn in as President and set free a bunch of other convicted felons? No one can, in good conscience, continue to reason with those opposing Trump to "do the right thing" and "organize" and "purvey the truth". Done it. It failed. Next suggestion!

For starters, I think we need to sober up and start fighting Trump and his ilk with their own weapons. I don't know how we go about getting a few handy billionaires who can buy our way to truth and justice, since other ways don't seem to work, but we need some. Second, since Trump's high tech cronies insist on removing fact checking, start spreading outrageous lies about every single one of them - let them try arguing it's not "free speech" or "just a joke". They need to feel the consequences of their own actions, carried out using their own methods.

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Next step, release Sirhan Sirhan and tell him Trump hates Palestinians.

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Rusty on details of what happened in the deadly insurrection? Confused by the MAGA disinformation about what happened on Jan 6th? Check the "Jan 6th Insurrection — Illustrated Edition"


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Very very good

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There will always be grifters and traitors like Trump and his allies. How can we ensure people care enough to pay attention to them and to the real history of January 6, MAGA, the broligarchs, global and domestic politics, etc.? How do we reach people who are indifferent to truth and civic engagement? Flooding the zone won't help if people choose to look away.

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If J6, 91 indictments, 34 fraud convictions, a sexual assault conviction, mocking a disabled reporter and bragging about grabbing women's private parts wasn't/isn't enough to turn them away from Trump... Nothing will!!! We NEED to move on from trumpers and focus on those who didn't vote before they too become radicalized by the maga extremist.

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Please don't lose sight of the fact that Trump has never swayed the majority of Americans. Even this latest election, where he actually won, for the very first time, the popular vote, more voters voted against him than voted for him. I follow political news fairly closely, and I'm convinced that if that election were held, again, today, he'd go down to flaming defeat. I predict that after the inevitable blue wave in '26, impeachment is right around the corner.

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Seriously, what's the point.

I am totally convinced that either the next two major elections, 26 and 28 will either be bought and paid for by the tech-bros or they will not be held at all. We have made our bed...

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Oh, ye of little faith.

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I hope I am wrong

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I rememberJan6 with horror. Watched the whole thing on television, it was a nightmare. When TFG was forced to give a speech on TV he was trying to get away of it. Note most of the mob was white men. TFG should have been jailed. Why do people let him get away with his crimes?

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