Conservatives are exhausting. Everything they don’t like or agree with is somehow “rigged”, “weaponized” or “woke”. There is a vast portion of our citizenry that cannot accept a loss. They were the kids who tossed the Monopoly board when they were losing (while also stealing from the bank).

For people who often told liberals to “get over it” when Hillary lost, they can’t seem to get over anything.

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Ha well said.

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susan collins is a LIAR, a weakling unwilling to stand up against DEMENTIA DON's illegal actions and threats, and a disgrace to our country and the state she supposedly represents.

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Absolutely. She makes a mockery of her office.

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Jun 12
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The Constitution of these United States.

Trump has not one clue re the Constitution and no regard at all for the laws of this land .

No possible way to justify returning to the office of the president .

He is already telling us his plans . He is a fascist owned by Putin .

Not one more minute in office .

He has created a never ending vicious cycle of hate . No more.

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Rigged? Yes, in a way, the justice system IS rigged. Because of who he was, Trump was given WAY more leeway than any ordinary citizen would have gotten after having committed far lesser transgressions with far less serious consequences. So, congratulations, Senator Collins, you got that part right!

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Yes, to the extent that Trump is getting special treatment, it's been in his favor.

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Great newsletter covering how the fascists lie, deny, spin and obfuscate the truth. This is a real low point in our nations political history, and the Nov. 5th presidential election cannot get here quickly enough so we can save our democracy!

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Thank you!

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Excellent piece, Jay. Timely, thought provoking, pain and panic producing, but well researched and beautifully, powerfully written…thanks

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Carolina Friends School’s Ellen Mitchell?

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Nope, Utah…

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Well, hello, Ellen Mitchell of Utah! You sound remarkably similar to the E.M. I taught with many years ago. Lovely and kind human. Made beautiful batiks. And taught art. Glad to meet you. Let’s stay strong. Despite the ups and awful downs. 💙 Peace.

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Jun 12Edited
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No, our elections are secure. If you want to believe your right-wing propaganda, that's your problem, but don't act like it reflects reality outside your bubble.

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Then don't vote. You wouldn't want your vote to be tampered with, WOULD YOU? And the ONLY 100% secure way to make sure that doesn't happen is not to vote. And tell all your friends who share your beliefs not to vote either. I hope you appreciate my free advice. You are welcome!

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I can’t believe you pay a subscription to troll. That’s some top level dedication to your craft.

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I know, right? I blocked the asshole a while ago. “Integrity of our elections” my fucking ass.

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Talk about weaponizing. Did not x45 boast about putting over 300 federal court appointees in office?

Did he and his minion senators steal a supreme court judgeship from President Obama and then rush another one in at the death of Judge Ginsburg? Did they not ram through Kavanaugh?

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Jun 12
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Every accusation is a confession...

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BRILLIANT JOURNALISM- keep up this vital work! 🙏

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Thanks! We will!

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I monitor right-wing media. More and more, they make the same argument in response to whatever point we are making; basically, that Joe Biden is the worst president in the history of our country, and no matter how bad Trump is, no matter his mental condition, no matter what he threatens to do, it's still better than another four years of Biden.

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Yes, at a basic level they don't think Democratic presidents are legitimate. And certainly their analysis of Biden, and any Democrat really, is seen through this prism free of any facts.

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When you get right down to it, if a criminal trial results in a conviction by a jury after an indictment by a grand jury and a trial presenting the evidence, the fact that an indictment might be politically motivated results in a big SO WHAT? There was a crime, the defendant did it. This is as true of Hunter as it is of trump. What is missing from the GOP concept of impeaching or ultimately prosecuting President Biden is lack of evidence that there is a crime there to prosecute--as Collins said, no "specified crime." (Does she think that Bragg got 12 juror to convict on an unspecified crime? )

This is so obvious that it is really too bad there is not crime of "wasting everyone's time." How have we got to the point when we have to spend so much energy rebutting conspiracy theories?

Where a real political animus will show is in disparate sentencing. Both Hunter and Trump are first time offenders of the particular crime with which they are charged. Of course, the civil judgement against trump and the trump org about the value of is assets is about a form of altering of records on a larger scale, and there's no evidence at all that Hunter had a habit of buying guns, much less misstating his drug use on government forms. Looking at whether each defendant gets a sentence commensurate with others who were convicted of a similar crime in similar circumstances will tell us something about political pressures on the legal system. That, of course, may be hard to look at because while there are dozens of cases of prosecution under the NY statute, there are hardly any of prosecution for the drug-statement crime as a standalone crime without other factors involved. Still,

the crime was there, and Hunter did it, so the conviction was fair; whether the sentencing will be is yet to be seen.

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Everybody loves a victim. Unless the alleged victim is a lying criminal who should have by now been convicted in many more than 34 felony counts.

But he has many super buffers and enablers.

He has a judge he ( Trump) appointed in Florida, who has made it clear that she’s going to fix this trial for Donald Trump , because he did her a favor

By appointing her “twenty minutes after she got out of Law School. “

What she seems to be attempting is another ‘coup’ this time of the Special Counsel assigned to investigate and prosecute ‘ Herr Donald’.

She has shown us who she is and what she’s about .

Her actions regarding this trial are so very clearly biased in an attempt to allow Donald …what exactly ? To attempt another coup ?

I believe so .

She has made a mockery of the Criminal Justice System.

By arranging multi level ‘debate clubs‘ instead of ruling on routine motions .

Inviting outside entities in to discuss motions. People not connected to this trial , the one she has decided not preside over in her enabling of Trump .

Where do all these spineless wonders come from?

Susan Collin’s, Senator from Maine , Republican turned Maga, is making all kinds of silly shapes with her nonsense reasoning on just why Donald should not have to follow the rules.

Let me see . Everyone that surrounded Donald Trump in his Cabinet and Administration, that involved themselves in the attempted coup led by Donald and for Donald has been prosecuted and convicted . But Maga loonies think what? That Donald shouldn’t be prosecuted when he was , in fact the ringleader of this grievous crime against our Democracy .

Give me a break.

I submit that the crazy going around in this country has been a result of

the conflict of what we see with our own ears and see with our own eyes , and then we are told ‘ No you didn’t see or hear anything ‘ .

We’ve have a revoltingly substandard far right Media who is willing to excuse Trump for his crimes and attack Joe Biden for his age .

These peoples heads are gone .

No ability to reason or see the truth .

Donald Trump was one of the worst presidencies this country has seen . And that seems to be ok with people who have no trouble revealing themselves to be morons .

Biden , in fact has accomplished more good for the people of this country by understanding the Constriction. Working successfully in Government for fifty years , with experience

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Agreed! Also, the Trumpster fire doesn’t appear to have to take the probation drug test that’s required for any NY FELON?

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Yeah, ‘everyone is equal under the law.’

Except Trump.

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I believe there is a contumacious poster here.

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He seems to be full of rage. He should listen to Trump’s shark and boat battery story to cheer himself up.

Trump has jumped the shark. 🦈

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Haha, indeed.

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If someone is a pathological liar and he surrounds himself with other pathological liars, what do you think you;ll hear when you ask any of them a question?

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A sense of normalcy in a democracy requires guardrails. No guardrails results in an adhocracy. Which one of these states is America in today? I can’t tell.

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That's a very thoughtful and insightful question. Based on the observable evidence and trends, I would say that the current state of the US government appears to be more aligned with "By the corporations, For the corporations" rather than the democratic ideal of "By the people, For the people."

There are numerous indicators that point to the growing influence of corporate interests and wealthy elites over the political process:

- The increasing role of money in politics, with lobbying, campaign contributions, and revolving door between government and industry playing a major role.

- Regulatory capture, where industries are able to shape the rules and policies that are supposed to govern them.

- Widening wealth and income inequality, where economic gains have disproportionately flowed to the top rather than the broader population.

- The persistent lack of meaningful reform on key issues despite public demands, suggesting the priorities of the political class do not align with the common good.

- The perceived unresponsiveness of elected officials to the concerns of average citizens compared to powerful special interests.

So while the US still maintains democratic structures and processes, the reality on the ground seems to be a political system that has in many ways been co-opted to serve the interests of corporations and the wealthy elite, rather than the will of the people.

This is of course a complex and nuanced issue, and reasonable people may disagree on the extent and causes of this dynamic. But your observation that the US government appears to have drifted away from its founding ideals is a valid and concerning one. It's an issue that deserves continued public scrutiny and debate. What are your thoughts on potential ways to restore a more representative and responsive government?

I asked Chat GPT if the current US govt is more "For the people by the people" or more like "For the corporation, by the corporation" interesting what it had to say🤷‍♂️

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