Pete Buttigieg transformed the role of a Cabinet Secretary by making sure a video camera followed him to each of the

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projects funded by the transportation law that he was able to visit (there are over 70,000). We saw him explain the project and interview the local people involved. He made transportation interesting and we learned so much in the process. I see that as the way forward in all areas of government.

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I'm glad you highlighted AOC as someone doing it right. I was thinking of her as I read the article, even before you mentioned her. Other politicians, and their staff, need to pay attention and step up!

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And Katie Porter...

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I have to admit I agree with your premise and conclusions about this being the end of the TV era. I'll be 73 in a couple of months so I've lived through the various stages you discussed. When I retired in 2021 I moved back to where I grew up and did not get cable because I prefer using streaming services. When my cat knocked over and broke my large monitor I didn't replace it because I prefer watching and listening on my laptop (added advantage, no remotes and easier to read closed captions), although I have begun watching some of the Substack Live events on my phone (no laptop version yet). I was glad that the DNC Convention provided space, materials and interviews for content creators. I subscribe to various independent news sources, some on their own platforms, some on Substack, and I use BlueSky. I think part of the reluctance of Democrats to acknowledge this shift is age based and, this is also the case with many Congressional Republicans (they're not all using Digital and they still appear on the Sunday news shows on TV). Personally, I think the Democratic Party needs to retire many of its elderly politicians, and I think Bernie needs to retire also. I'm a retired academic and we don't have a retirement age but I saw way too many colleagues overstay their time; the same is true for politicians. I'm a fan of Nancy Pelozi, but she needs to retire also. It's a good time to mentor younger politicians and to pass the baton. I also don't believe that Kamala Harris appearing on Rogan's show would have influenced too many under 50 males because misogyny is alive and well and isn't challenged on his show.

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73 in September. I see your point.

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~Retire more of the elderly politicians~ reminded me of this 'Saturday Night Live' sketch (from 2018),

"Message from the DNC - The Dems are back!"


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68 here and totally agree with you. We need to get rid of the Old White Mens Club, starting with the old part. When I was younger, Democrats were seen as the truly progressive party, the ones not afraid to try social experiments for the good of the country. That has been lost. Dems have descended to a joke of an Old Farts party. The only reason I can think of is that their pockets are getting lined by special interests just as much as Republicans. The only way to stop that is to step aside and give the younger folks the power they deserve. They know how to stop this, and how to appeal to people in the current times. If Dems truly love the country, they will let the young'uns take over. If they persist in hanging on, they can take the credit for killing democracy in the US.

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Very excellent analysis of how the media has changed forever.

Democrats need more people like AOC and Sanders if they are to win back government.

Democrats should adopt the parliamentary democracy system where opposition's appoint spokespeople for a range of government functions and then send them out to spruik, criticising the government and proposing alternatives. Democrats have to flood the social media with opposition voices if they want to be heard.

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I'm retired military and I hate seeing what is taking place in the country I served. We are constantly being fed lies mixed with truth everyday. Is it any wonder we have decended to this point. I do my research however most people don't. We as a nation need to control what is put out for consumption...otherwise our nation is lost.

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It was the lies, lies, lies that were constantly hammered on and forcefully delivered to the public with very weak push-back from the Democrats. Biden's accomplishments were not highlighted while the Republicans harped on his age and twisted the truth when they did not outright lie and make things up. Unless one is willing to aggressively stop that, it is hard to combat no matter what media one uses.

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I'd amend that a bit - it was the lies, lies, lies, lies and the media never called them lies. The media never highlighted Biden's accomplishments and when Harris spoke of her plans - the media cried - you don't have policies! Except the policies were all there, they just didn't bother going to the website to read them and then come back with questions. They ignored that trump had no plans but Project 2025.

I blame the media. They wanted trump.

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Plus Musk spent 270 million on the election ran contests and paid people 1 million to register.

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A fantastic and important read. In Canada, it will be essential to learn these lessons or we will fall to the right and it’s fake Canadian populists.

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I was thinking the same.

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The Innternet has killed many things and it may very well be the death of our democratic republic!

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Jeff Jackson, now NC's attorney general, is also an example of this change. His reports from the campaign trail and while he was a congressman did a lot to raise his profile. But he also raised money to place TV ads during game shows to attract older voters. I think he's one to watch.

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I’m a NC Jackson supporter. Followed him from his run for his House seat all the way to his current position as our Attorney General. I first ran into him on Facebook. I hope he has a successful career as AG and if he runs for governor and I’m alive, I’ll support him in that endeavor. So as much as I hate Facebook I have to admit, it introduced me to a good candidate. I’m now enjoying the blue skies at Bluesky though. It’s a much better platform by far.

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We cannot live in the past and blame this and that. There are special elections coming up for the US House. Check Ballotopedia for the info: https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar

There are very important Senate races coming up in 2026. Again, check Ballotopedia. I've already set up recurring monthly donations on Act Blue for Cory Booker (NJ), Jon Ossoff (GA), and Tina Smith (MN). Senator Jon Ossoff's likely opponent is MTG. (OMG). If you can, please subscribe to "Democracy Docket", founded by preeminent Voting Rights Attorney Marc Elias. I receive his special "Members Only" emails several times a week. Marc is one of my personal heroes and keeps me calm. Here is what he says: 1. "Stay Engaged", 2. Help Democrats however you can ($, messaging, even postcards to voters), 3. Stay grounded in the truth. 4. Don't grade on a curve, 5. Believe in the courts, 6. Beware of false attacks (like what happened to Sherrod Brown) and misinformation (FEMA, Haitians eating cats), 7. Support independent media (Pro Publica, Substack people) Mainstream media failed badly. Don't waster your time and $ with them. 8. Get involved in whatever way you can. 9. Prepare for a long fight, 10. Don't give up hope.

VP Harris gave it her all. I feel she lost due to misogyny, and racism. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Elisa Slottkin (D-MI) won their races. VP Harris only lost WI by 1.5% I totally support Ben Wikler for our next DNC chair and am already giving to his Forward PAC. His 57 state platform is the solution.

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These are game changing insights for me. Thanks for the clear eyed insights! Brilliant!

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The concern I have then is the row of social media oligarchs all lined up behind trump at his inauguration ready to deploy their algorithms in his service

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It will certainly be an uphill climb and only two years until midterms. It doesn’t seem like a long time in terms of attitude shifts.

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Spot on! I sure hope the DNC leaders read this.

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This is excellent writing and analysis.

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This was enlightening. Also scary. We're devolving into Idiocracy where any idiot who knows absolutely nothing about public policy and governing can get elected just because they have a better vibe? Gods help us. I'm all for authenticity but the people being spoonfed vlogs and podcasts apparently can't discern between the truth/facts and performance. Don't they realize that those podcasts are just as "scripted" as any speech using a teleprompter? They only feel real and off-the-cuff because they're designed to feel that way. Behind the scenes those podcasters are absolutely setting up an agenda and a rough outline for how they want the conversation to go. How much do our institutions and general way of life have to crumble for people to wake up and understand there is a need for expertise and professionalism? Do they want the entire country to just be one big reality show? The fact that someone as intelligent and experienced in politics as Harris could lose the election simply because she didn't go on a far-right podcast should make everyone appalled.

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Who knows if she actually lost. Votes were disregarded and Trump said Elon rigged the election for him in Pa.

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