In poll after poll, voters say they trust Donald Trump over Joe Biden on issues such as the economy despite his disastrous Covid response just 4 years ago.
Poll after poll is generating the response that the billionaires want. It's time to ditch the polls and use our own common sense. Life was horrible during the trump regime and I and millions more voted for needed change in 2000.
I don't understand this. There was a poll with Biden ahead by 5 points recently, is that the result billionaires want? Any given poll can of course be an outlier, but taken in aggregate trends emerge that are hard to ignore. And they can be useful to guide a plan to change sentiment. The idea that we should dismiss polls just because we don't like the result feels like dangerous head-in-the-sand-ism to me.
The validity of an aggregate of polls really depends on what has been aggregated. There are a lot of push polls, poorly designed polls, polls which are vague on their methodology, polls that are reported on without mentioning the margin or error.
Interesting dilemma. Trumpism has created a world where up is down and wrong is right. It seems more likely that the aggregate reflects well poisining by those with the resources to do that.
Well, to the New Normality that the president of the WHO promulgated in his day, to the New Normality that some government presidents promulgated. or to the New World Order that has also promulgated presidents and ministers, including those of my country
Donald Trump is "an effing moron," to quote Rex Tillerson. Donald Trump bankrupted casinos, for Pete's sake. He suggested drinking bleach as a cure for Covid. Drs. Birx and Fauci were horrified at that idea. Donald Trump is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. He doesn't care if the country has a recession or the border problems are fixed. He is running for the presidency TO STAY OUT OF JAIL. Say that back to yourself. He did NOTHING GOOD for America, plus he's a traitor who is in debt to Putin.
Besides considering all these statistics, I have to ask myself this question: How could I ever vote for a mean, lying, cheating, narcissist, as opposed to a seemingly decent, well-intentioned and highly experienced person?
And Trump…a belligerent, bellicose, bamboozling bully and a dastardly, deranged, demonic, demagogue! But, unfortunately, on this site, ranting about him is a bit like preaching to the choir
I read comments and curiously people continue to believe in politics and democracy. When both are a farce. It doesn't matter the color, it doesn't matter left or right, they don't rule the world, they obey a love above all, but they confront you to play along. It's very fun to watch.
With this crisis many people have realized what world we live in. And you just need to look under the microscope. Someone may ask, what is that like? Look at my substack.
The Russians have done the same, the Chinese too, Europe too, the US too. And do you all still believe that governments run the world? Who has so much power that everyone has done the same thing? You don't have to give it much thought.
What’s happening now in our moment certainly makes the 1918 flu pandemic more understandable. That pandemic was worse- both in terms of the lethality of the pandemic and the impact it had on society and the economy. And yet by the 1920s, the public had put it behind them and, seemingly, had moved on. The reality was the 1918 pandemic had left its scars, but they were largely ignored or covered up.
The public foggy recollection of how bad things were in 2020 and in to 2021 is looking a lot like what happened a hundred years ago during the last major pandemic.
Interesting point. I suppose it makes sense that the same phenomenon would occur then as now, since it does seem to be a function of human nature, but you'd think since we as a nation all experienced it on television and social media, this collective trauma, it would not be forgotten so easily.
Not a good place to start for making any observation or argument. The credibility and validity of polls is about the same as Megan whispering to Jesse about what Joe did during recess.
One way to help remind folks about 2020, is to recruit seniors to talk about the stress of, of....every damn thing. Examples: looking for toilet paper, worrying about getting medical care with all the medical staffs overwhelmed with Covid, all the "lost" holidays (and many died b4 it could be corrected), lost interactions with friends families, etc. (a big deal for those widowed already), and there's more. But the 2 most important were the disasters at the nursing homes and Trump's comments that we were "old" and therefore not important and the gigantic f up with Kushner and PPE (remember Dem Governors "bidding" against each other and them selling it overseas for their own profit?). It was the most disorganized buncha knuckleheads runnimg around like keystone cops. I will NEVER FORGET it. I'll close with this, as a 70+, "I am NOT f*cking collateral damage!. And the GOP can kiss my you know what!"
Recruit seniors? Really. We’re not 50 years past the pandemic! This started four years ago! Any sentient human over five years of age can talk on this subject! The issue is the constant lying of Trump and his sycophants and followers.
Polls may be worth nothing, but the lies on TV, Social Media, etc. are going to be believed by millions - not just his supporters, but those with those "selective "memories. Because the lies aren't called out in those same news outlets - no one seems able to get the truth out in the media. Ugh! Great letter, thank you.
Yesterday, my husband was streaming ABC News live, and I happen to walk into the room. The Talking Heads was preparing to interview someone about Kamala Harris, representing our country at the UN conference in Germany. I was absolutely appalled at this blonde haired, white woman who stumbled over her words, trying to imply that VP Harris is unqualified to represent us in an international forum, and that all of us should question why she’s there. I could not believe my ears. Kamala Harris has traveled internationally and internationally, representing this administration, bolstering our support for foreign countries and restoring faith in our government. There is no one more qualified than she to represent our interests. How that woman got away with that was beyond me. Yet, it happens all the time mainstream media makes the story to keep their viewership up. Read, people. Read reasoned, rational, logical opinion and analysis. Form your own conclusions based on facts. We owe it to future generations to get a grip on what’s happening in this country and protect our democracy.
For the life of me, I will never understand how the American people can still trust this megalomaniac. How many times does he need to break the law? How many embarrassing speeches will it take before people see/understand that Donald Trump is completely unfit to preside over this (or any) country? In my lifetime, I have never been more baffled by how many people remain blindly supportive of this total failure of a human being. It's beyond frustrating. SMH
Yes Americans need to be reminded with hard hitting facts about Trumps 4 years as president and his actual stated fascist plans for his second presidency. Having said that people have selective memories and they believe what they want to believe and polls do not say how people will actually vote on November 5. Polls try to make the future predictive which has been proven to be foolhardy. All the more reason for Biden to have an inspirational narrative.
Republicans have a history, now going back almost one hundred years, of pushing policies that mess up America. When the mess is discovered, the Republican president or congress is no longer in power and their narrative is suddenly the whole thing is the Democrats’ fault.
Where the hell are they finding these people to poll? No one I am family or friends with would answer like this. All of us remember Covid and there is no fog. That is media fog. The media slants things and the average person acts like they are watching a Hollywood movie, willing to be manipulated with the slant that is presented. It is just an indictment of the American educational system. In fact, even though I think Putin in his TC interview said that he preferred Biden to make it seem as if he feared him less, I personally think he was speaking the truth. Everyone on the planet is safer if loose cannon DT is not president. Also, his criticism of TC's interview as not asking any tough questions, assures his people that he is not a patsy of the American media, while insulting the quality of American journalism. It was interesting to find that I was agreeing with these two points of Putins, which I mistrust. However, my daughter is in University in Germany with a young Russian man, whom she says rips everything they discuss apart, and she personally cannot stand his point of view. Still, hearing her talk about him so much, I get the sense that Putin is just being really Russian, and even though he is KGB or FSB and speaking with guile, he is right about Biden being reliable. To me that is a good quality because it makes it less likely that Putin will start a nuclear war. With Biden you get what he says you will get. All of the excitement junkies, who probably snort Adderall like Trump supposedly does, might like the chaos and disorder that Trump brings so much, like a roller derby, that they don't really care about the economy or anything else. Just feed their need. That he does indeed!
If Biden was an inspirational leader, if he showed moral courage and stood up to Natynahu and said stop the slaughter of children use his leverage and join the international community that voted for a ceasefire then I think he would seen as less feeble and complicit and inspire young people to actually get out and vote for him.
It’s highly annoying that people don’t see that Biden is not the leader of Israel, a sovereign country, and is not directing the war himself. His team has been trying to help all parties negotiate a ceasefire for quite a while in the background, and news articles abound about this. But he cannot unilaterally force Israel to do anything.
Polls should not be ignored, they capture a snapshot in time. It's not to say they are predictive, only that they reflect what people feel now, so should be a part of the mix to figure out a blueprint for how to move public sentiment for the result we want in the end.
Just because they can’t be ignored doesn’t mean that they are a reliable snapshot of what people feel now. They may not even be what the people who are polled feel now. Currently they are just a tad more reliable than reading chicken entrails.
Polls must first be assessed for bias, whether deliberate or inadvertent, or aggregating their results leads to erroneous conclusions. Many polls are conducted via phone where there is a bias towards older individuals being willing to answer an unknown caller. Polls via text or email could well be phishing attempts these days. So “who” is polled and “how” become very important points to assess and have import far beyond the statistical margin of error of any poll. And never forget the bias inherent in how questions are asked to deliberately skew results. Today’s polls are increasingly much more biased than when Nate Silver had his day. A model such as the one he built have “drift” and become a point of change all on their own. Just as covid monitoring has shifted from positive tests to wastewater to remain accurate, politics needs to find a new measure beyond polls.
Poll after poll is generating the response that the billionaires want. It's time to ditch the polls and use our own common sense. Life was horrible during the trump regime and I and millions more voted for needed change in 2000.
I don't understand this. There was a poll with Biden ahead by 5 points recently, is that the result billionaires want? Any given poll can of course be an outlier, but taken in aggregate trends emerge that are hard to ignore. And they can be useful to guide a plan to change sentiment. The idea that we should dismiss polls just because we don't like the result feels like dangerous head-in-the-sand-ism to me.
The validity of an aggregate of polls really depends on what has been aggregated. There are a lot of push polls, poorly designed polls, polls which are vague on their methodology, polls that are reported on without mentioning the margin or error.
Interesting dilemma. Trumpism has created a world where up is down and wrong is right. It seems more likely that the aggregate reflects well poisining by those with the resources to do that.
Those who continue to trust governments, regardless of their color, will last very little in this new normal.
What new normal are you referring to?
Well, to the New Normality that the president of the WHO promulgated in his day, to the New Normality that some government presidents promulgated. or to the New World Order that has also promulgated presidents and ministers, including those of my country
Well, this girl hasn't forgotten!
Bleach cocktail anyone?
Exactly. Will never forget that moment.
Donald Trump is "an effing moron," to quote Rex Tillerson. Donald Trump bankrupted casinos, for Pete's sake. He suggested drinking bleach as a cure for Covid. Drs. Birx and Fauci were horrified at that idea. Donald Trump is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. He doesn't care if the country has a recession or the border problems are fixed. He is running for the presidency TO STAY OUT OF JAIL. Say that back to yourself. He did NOTHING GOOD for America, plus he's a traitor who is in debt to Putin.
“He is running for the presidency TO STAY OUT OF JAIL.”
And his “delay until I’m reelected and can squash the cases against me” strategy is worth exactly nothing if he’s not reelected.
So we do everything we can to get out the vote for Biden and Democrats all down the ticket and Trump will have no strategy left.
Besides considering all these statistics, I have to ask myself this question: How could I ever vote for a mean, lying, cheating, narcissist, as opposed to a seemingly decent, well-intentioned and highly experienced person?
To me that's the point as well. I don't care how old Biden is because he's a decent human being.
And Trump…a belligerent, bellicose, bamboozling bully and a dastardly, deranged, demonic, demagogue! But, unfortunately, on this site, ranting about him is a bit like preaching to the choir
I read comments and curiously people continue to believe in politics and democracy. When both are a farce. It doesn't matter the color, it doesn't matter left or right, they don't rule the world, they obey a love above all, but they confront you to play along. It's very fun to watch.
With this crisis many people have realized what world we live in. And you just need to look under the microscope. Someone may ask, what is that like? Look at my substack.
The Russians have done the same, the Chinese too, Europe too, the US too. And do you all still believe that governments run the world? Who has so much power that everyone has done the same thing? You don't have to give it much thought.
OK, please enlighten us. Who "runs the world"?
You only have to look at a microscope to realize it. It may be that when you see it, your mind won't admit it. See my substack for more info
Also the trade wars he started that hurt our economy before the pandemic!
Yep, our family small farm owners in the upper central states had a real change of heart after Trump’s trade wars crippled their finances.
What’s happening now in our moment certainly makes the 1918 flu pandemic more understandable. That pandemic was worse- both in terms of the lethality of the pandemic and the impact it had on society and the economy. And yet by the 1920s, the public had put it behind them and, seemingly, had moved on. The reality was the 1918 pandemic had left its scars, but they were largely ignored or covered up.
The public foggy recollection of how bad things were in 2020 and in to 2021 is looking a lot like what happened a hundred years ago during the last major pandemic.
Interesting point. I suppose it makes sense that the same phenomenon would occur then as now, since it does seem to be a function of human nature, but you'd think since we as a nation all experienced it on television and social media, this collective trauma, it would not be forgotten so easily.
“In poll after poll…”
Not a good place to start for making any observation or argument. The credibility and validity of polls is about the same as Megan whispering to Jesse about what Joe did during recess.
One way to help remind folks about 2020, is to recruit seniors to talk about the stress of, of....every damn thing. Examples: looking for toilet paper, worrying about getting medical care with all the medical staffs overwhelmed with Covid, all the "lost" holidays (and many died b4 it could be corrected), lost interactions with friends families, etc. (a big deal for those widowed already), and there's more. But the 2 most important were the disasters at the nursing homes and Trump's comments that we were "old" and therefore not important and the gigantic f up with Kushner and PPE (remember Dem Governors "bidding" against each other and them selling it overseas for their own profit?). It was the most disorganized buncha knuckleheads runnimg around like keystone cops. I will NEVER FORGET it. I'll close with this, as a 70+, "I am NOT f*cking collateral damage!. And the GOP can kiss my you know what!"
Recruit seniors? Really. We’re not 50 years past the pandemic! This started four years ago! Any sentient human over five years of age can talk on this subject! The issue is the constant lying of Trump and his sycophants and followers.
Polls may be worth nothing, but the lies on TV, Social Media, etc. are going to be believed by millions - not just his supporters, but those with those "selective "memories. Because the lies aren't called out in those same news outlets - no one seems able to get the truth out in the media. Ugh! Great letter, thank you.
Yesterday, my husband was streaming ABC News live, and I happen to walk into the room. The Talking Heads was preparing to interview someone about Kamala Harris, representing our country at the UN conference in Germany. I was absolutely appalled at this blonde haired, white woman who stumbled over her words, trying to imply that VP Harris is unqualified to represent us in an international forum, and that all of us should question why she’s there. I could not believe my ears. Kamala Harris has traveled internationally and internationally, representing this administration, bolstering our support for foreign countries and restoring faith in our government. There is no one more qualified than she to represent our interests. How that woman got away with that was beyond me. Yet, it happens all the time mainstream media makes the story to keep their viewership up. Read, people. Read reasoned, rational, logical opinion and analysis. Form your own conclusions based on facts. We owe it to future generations to get a grip on what’s happening in this country and protect our democracy.
All the MAGAs need to say is, would your want your family to marry one?
For the life of me, I will never understand how the American people can still trust this megalomaniac. How many times does he need to break the law? How many embarrassing speeches will it take before people see/understand that Donald Trump is completely unfit to preside over this (or any) country? In my lifetime, I have never been more baffled by how many people remain blindly supportive of this total failure of a human being. It's beyond frustrating. SMH
Trump "inherited" a booming economy from Obama. He nearly killed us all with his failed covid response.
Yes Americans need to be reminded with hard hitting facts about Trumps 4 years as president and his actual stated fascist plans for his second presidency. Having said that people have selective memories and they believe what they want to believe and polls do not say how people will actually vote on November 5. Polls try to make the future predictive which has been proven to be foolhardy. All the more reason for Biden to have an inspirational narrative.
Republicans have a history, now going back almost one hundred years, of pushing policies that mess up America. When the mess is discovered, the Republican president or congress is no longer in power and their narrative is suddenly the whole thing is the Democrats’ fault.
It is highly annoying, and extremely worrying, that such a large percentage of American voters are fucking morons.
Where the hell are they finding these people to poll? No one I am family or friends with would answer like this. All of us remember Covid and there is no fog. That is media fog. The media slants things and the average person acts like they are watching a Hollywood movie, willing to be manipulated with the slant that is presented. It is just an indictment of the American educational system. In fact, even though I think Putin in his TC interview said that he preferred Biden to make it seem as if he feared him less, I personally think he was speaking the truth. Everyone on the planet is safer if loose cannon DT is not president. Also, his criticism of TC's interview as not asking any tough questions, assures his people that he is not a patsy of the American media, while insulting the quality of American journalism. It was interesting to find that I was agreeing with these two points of Putins, which I mistrust. However, my daughter is in University in Germany with a young Russian man, whom she says rips everything they discuss apart, and she personally cannot stand his point of view. Still, hearing her talk about him so much, I get the sense that Putin is just being really Russian, and even though he is KGB or FSB and speaking with guile, he is right about Biden being reliable. To me that is a good quality because it makes it less likely that Putin will start a nuclear war. With Biden you get what he says you will get. All of the excitement junkies, who probably snort Adderall like Trump supposedly does, might like the chaos and disorder that Trump brings so much, like a roller derby, that they don't really care about the economy or anything else. Just feed their need. That he does indeed!
If Biden was an inspirational leader, if he showed moral courage and stood up to Natynahu and said stop the slaughter of children use his leverage and join the international community that voted for a ceasefire then I think he would seen as less feeble and complicit and inspire young people to actually get out and vote for him.
It’s highly annoying that people don’t see that Biden is not the leader of Israel, a sovereign country, and is not directing the war himself. His team has been trying to help all parties negotiate a ceasefire for quite a while in the background, and news articles abound about this. But he cannot unilaterally force Israel to do anything.
Meanwhile who is living to represent Palestinians?
Very naive of you
Ignore the Polls! See the Results!
Polls should not be ignored, they capture a snapshot in time. It's not to say they are predictive, only that they reflect what people feel now, so should be a part of the mix to figure out a blueprint for how to move public sentiment for the result we want in the end.
Just because they can’t be ignored doesn’t mean that they are a reliable snapshot of what people feel now. They may not even be what the people who are polled feel now. Currently they are just a tad more reliable than reading chicken entrails.
Polls must first be assessed for bias, whether deliberate or inadvertent, or aggregating their results leads to erroneous conclusions. Many polls are conducted via phone where there is a bias towards older individuals being willing to answer an unknown caller. Polls via text or email could well be phishing attempts these days. So “who” is polled and “how” become very important points to assess and have import far beyond the statistical margin of error of any poll. And never forget the bias inherent in how questions are asked to deliberately skew results. Today’s polls are increasingly much more biased than when Nate Silver had his day. A model such as the one he built have “drift” and become a point of change all on their own. Just as covid monitoring has shifted from positive tests to wastewater to remain accurate, politics needs to find a new measure beyond polls.