I am a legal immigrant ( green card holder and tax payer ) and cannot vote or claim Social Security , so how can they say that illegal immigrants con do these things is beyond me

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Thank you for sharing your experience!

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There’s only two things you can’t do as LPR, you can’t vote and you can’t serve on a jury. You are eligible for Social Security withholding and later benefits at the proper age.

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I am 79 years old and even though I have been coming to this country since 1968 and paying taxes during the times I have been working in this country and living here for the last 20 years , as I never paid into Social Security I don't receive it ( which is fair ) , I receive 2 pensions , one from a previous employer and one from my country of origin and must also pay for my health care as I am also not eligible for Medicare or Medicaid

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Interesting! You must have never applied for a social security card and are working with an I.T.I.N. Or cash….your employer should have been taking out withholdings or if self employed you should have been paying and are eligible for benefits. Or are you diplomatic status! Thanks for sharing!

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I worked all over the world for a major British rock star

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I have a Social Security card but as I never paid in to it , I can't claim anything

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What was once "yellow journalism" has morphed into something much darker. Perhaps we should call it "orange journalism?"

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Musk complaining about immigrants...irony is dead.

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He's the white kind of immigrant. Oops, I meant the right kind.

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Unfortunately, I'm not counting on the mainstream media to do anything to counteract these lies. They didn't in 2020 and they show very few signs of doing anything to remedy that now. Hopefully the Secretaries of State will be successful in getting the message out to voters. This is unbelievably exhausting. Year after year of this crap.

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Heck, the way mainstream media is reporting the political scene it is more like they are working for the tRump campaign!

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It's disheartening that we will never have a "fair" election again in this country, in their eyes all elections from here on out that R's don't win will be stolen. It is absolutely exhausting and I can't believe people still buy into this BS

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I honestly don't care. This is life with crazy people ("I won in a landslide!" says the man who lost by 7 million votes). The way to stay sane is to make sure actual decisions are based in reality, not their delusions, and then ignore them.

I've already accepted that when Trump finally dies, half of the MAGAts will say he's still alive, and half will say he was murdered. They can stay in their alternative reality as long as the votes are still counted.

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Unsurprisingly, the disinfo on immigrants voting is another "open border" spin point. It's blatant racism as what the scare tactics are doing is stoking the fires of "future voters." Meaning, legally immigrants can't vote until they become citizens several years after arriving. But who will they vote for? It's unknown, but the radical, white, racist voting contingent will most certainly be outnumbered by low birth rates and pure numerics in a way that their vision for society won't and cannot be sustained. The real American dream of inclusion and freedom will win out (without cheating) and the radicals know it

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How about enforcing right to vote laws already on the books!

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Exactly and what I was saying by inference

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I agree. When you lie to accomplish anything, you lose. Liars never win because Satan is the father of the lie.

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What's he gonna say when Texas (gasp!) votes for Trump? Texas is the state always shown with immigrants crossing the border so Texas has the most immigrants, right? If all those immigrants are coming to vote for Biden, why will Texas still go for Trump(unfortunately)?

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They won’t say a word!!

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An excellent article. I’ve shared it on ex-Twitter in an effort to spread the word.

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My housemate and I have taken to calling it 'the social media platform formerly known as Twitter'...

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Thank you for the support!

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Thanks for this deep dive, Jay. I had forgotten about being a “registered alien” for quite a few years. When I became a citizen with voting rights I think my first vote was for Hubert Humphrey? Have to check when that occurred.

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H.H.H. ‘68 or thereabouts!

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Thanks, Charles. It was indeed 1968. Now I have to remember where I was!

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I was in 5th grade!

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Just talking to my gentleman caller who was only 7 then. Age is just a number. And I think I first voted in New Jersey but will have to confirm that with older sister.

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Remember in 2016 when Trump won the electoral college that he claimed that Clinton's 3 million vote margin in the popular vote was because of non-citizens? This isn't new. He keeps recycling old racist conspiracies.

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I figured that would be the reason for the "big steal" 2024 conspiracy theory. I had figured it out in 2019 & 2020 when he was complaining about mail in ballots. COVID had hit and we had far more mail in ballots than ever. Good thing is it's obvious and hopefully people will see it.

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Trump is not making any serious effort to actually contest the election. He's too fucking lazy and probably afraid of providing additional evidence of his rapidly progressing dementia (when he can think that clearly). It's much easier to claim victory and hope his minions can sabotage the election enough to undermine it. We must register voters, educate voters and turn out voters. And we must refuse to be intimidated by thrests and acts of violence by Trump's supporters.

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In some sense they are correct. By Republican standards women and Americas youth are aliens to them. It is clear they don't understand them or they would not be making Abortion, IVF and if rumors are correct birth control illegal. They also would welcome student debt relief and expanding social security, and health care benefits. How about child tax credits. So, these ideas seem to be so foreign to their ideas of make rich white men richer. That is their entire party platform.

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Bottom line: According to Republicans the election will only be legitimate if TFG wins.

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I suppose the furor may revolve around subsection c of the statute (which was added in 2020 when I really do believe the GOP controlled the Senate).

(c)Subsection (a) does not apply to an alien if—

(1)each natural parent of the alien (or, in the case of an adopted alien, each adoptive parent of the alien) is or was a citizen (whether by birth or naturalization);

(2)the alien permanently resided in the United States prior to attaining the age of 16; and

(3)the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection that he or she was a citizen of the United States.

this obviously addresses in the main kids brought to the US whose parents then gained citizenship and the kids grew up watching them vote and assumed they could too. (It's not the same situation of DACA kids, who know they can't vote).

It basically says that such kid might vote once but after getting told s/he can't, voting again would not be reasonable. No punishment for that one time. Hardly a horde.

But it's more about those "lying aliens" which the GOP sees in such numbers because of course, everyone lies about things, as evidenced by their own practice. I'm guessing they are going to require birth certificates. That is a problem for a LOT of people because they can't get one--either they aren't sure exactly where they were born, or the place they were filed has burned down, or similar.

And even ordinary born in the USA citizens can get caught. I went on a cruise that made a stop in Canada, so I needed a passport or enhanced drivers license. I've had passports since I was 12, but the last one had expired. Given the length of time passport renewals were taking, I thought I'd better also apply for an enhanced DL. THAT required a certified copy of my birth certificate, so I wrote to the state.

Time passed. My passport arrived. My certified copy seemed lost in the depths of bureaucracy. Finally, shortly before the trip, it arrived. And both my name and my father's name were misspelled.

I have a uncertified copy of my birth certificate, so I KNOW the original didn't have the misspelling. But what I got was useless to get an enhanced DL. Since the passport was here, I bagged that process. But think what would have happened to my right to vote if I'd moved to a different state, didn't have a passport, and confronted this stupid error.

I've told this story a couple of places: apologies if it was here.

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Your passport is acceptable for the RealID.

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You mean to get it? I have a passport card now, why bother. At the time, the point is I had neither and thought the Real ID would be faster. Silly me.

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I dunno dear - maybe because it’s required by law?

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no, Real ID isn't required by law here. And I think a passport works for airplanes and such.

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I could very well be wrong but I am pretty sure it’s a federal law. You might want to make sure.

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The federal law prevents one from doing certain things, like boarding an airplane, without one if you don't have a passport. But it doesn't require a state to require one for folks who simply want to drive to the grocery store. Most states now routinely make a normal driver's license meet the federal requirements, as far as I can tell. Here in Washington, it is optional.

It is going to stop being optional eventually. Originally the law required states to be in full compliance with their drivers licenses by October of 2023. That has been extended to May 7, 2025. Assuming that deadline holds, I'm going to have a year or two cut off the length of time before I have to renew my current license. But since I now have a current passport, it is just a matter of getting my butt in gear to go to a driver's license place and showing it to them.

The point of my story is simply that even if one knows perfectly well where one was born, getting a birth certificate to prove you can vote can be fraught with human error.

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Dumpy laid the groundwork for his Big Lie during the summer of 2020. He began claiming in his rallies that the only way he'd lose the election was if it was rigged. His MAGAts were primed well before election day to believe the election was rigged against him.

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Gosh, I am soooo tired of Donald Trump and his lies. Is there no end to his bullshit????

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