Jul 18Liked by The Big Picture

I think the delays would be more bearable had it not been for the election. That is the material point. And while - yes, it would be pretty epic to take everything there is to have and put it on public display as part of the January 6th evidence review, we already know his rabid followers won't care. The hysterics among the Democrats and calls for Biden to quit are not helping either.

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We aren't after his rabid followers, it's a given they will never change. We are after the on the fence, uncertain "that he did anything wrong" voters. So it needs to go on public display

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Democrats are, and always will be, their own worst enemy. And probably the death of the republic. 💔💔💔

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Yes...and I'm getting ready to tear my hair out, it's so frustrating that these senior officals and the puditocracy are panicking to the point where they want to replace a SUCCESSFUL President who has gotten more done in 4 years than the previous two Democratic Presidents. Biden has been rated as one of the best Presidents--in the top 20--in the history of the country and these dimwits are asking him to step down instead of getting behind him and helping. WTH is wrong with these people???

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My thoughts exactly: WTH is going on? Biden 100% and stop the negative noise!

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What matters is the independent voters paying attention.

Yes, the cult/rabid followers (they are a LOUD, obnoxious minority) will stick by trump.

I live in a red state-I have yet to see anyone in my community/county (which is approximately 50% Democrats and 50% Repub voters) wearing an ear diaper or gold sneakers or flying four giant trump flags in their truck.

My state voted trump 56%, Biden 40%, and the remainder threw their votes away.

You all have emailed Biden expressing your support for him, right?

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Jul 18Liked by The Big Picture

My question is: Aside from the lawyers fees, has Trump actually paid out ANYTHING? Sure, he has lost, over and over, but things get suspended while under appeal, postponed indefinitely and without reckoning, at least not yet. Has anybody gotten refunded? Has his coffers been depleted? Has he suffered any real financial damage? Has he had to liquidate property, relinquish real money?

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and he fund raises off every little thing, none of this is out of his own pocket

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

Remember that his foot soldiers (Rudy, Jenna Ellis and others) have asked for financial help but I don’t think he has helped anyone. For him, loyalty only works in one direction. Given his personality, that should surprise no one.

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Heck no! little donny was born with a stolen silver spoon in his pie hole!😂 And all his campaign donations go to pay lawyers fees!!

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Playing the long game. Relentless, don't back down. THIS is why it's pissing me off that all the sudden these high level Democrats are pushing Biden to step down.... after a debate in which he was sick. Stand your ground, stick with your candidate and relentlessly push the calm agenda vs the chaos, that's how we win!

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It makes no sense to me but it does make me wonder about the rational behind these high level “defections”. Is it donors? Are they worried for THEIR political future? Did they feel this way BEFORE the debate? Do they know something from meeting or working with Biden? I can’t believe they don’t see what they are doing!

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Sad to say but I think some (all?) of it is political expediency and their own careers. Democrats have always been their own worst enemy.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Yea maybe there's something we don't know. But he seemed strong before and after the debate so just stop with the panic mode and hit trump hard!. Hopefully these "defections" are temporary.

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Follow the money. Notice that the loudest voices are White, mostly male, and wealthy. It's the Corporate Dems who want to keep power, control, and wealth. Just like corporate Republicans, they don't want Biden to raise their taxes, go after business monopolies, or regulate to stop environmental destruction. The powerful in both parties do not seem to care what we regular voters support. Vote BLUE—Biden AND Harris!!

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I 100% agree with you! Most people are not insane or blinded by hate! I believe Biden would've won by a landslide in November! Crazy that the guy who isnt breaking every law in the book is treated like public enemy #1 ! Total BS the way the Biden's have been treated by the democrats & this ungrateful country! I never admit I'm an American anymore! When I travel I always say I'm Canadian!🤫

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“This last part is key: Biden needs to make the point that this is not just about women. “Guys, Trump wants to take away your condoms. They want to go back to the 1800s.”

We can all help spread this message.It’s not just about women !📣

Take a gander at this Project 2025 gem on male condoms.

Eliminate men’s preventive services from the women’s preventive services mandate. In December 2021, HRSA updated its women’s preventive services guidelines to include male condoms after claiming for years that it had no authority to do so because Congress explicitly limited the mandate to “women’s” preventive care and screenings. HRSA should not incorporate exclusively male contraceptive methods into guidelines that specify they encompass only women’s services.

Project 2025, page 485


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It becomes even more imperative to defeat Trump in November. Then, the possibility of accountability will still exist. If he is re-elected, we can kiss that goodbye!

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Yes! Get out and vote. 👏

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Thank you for this interview. I haven’t felt hope at all in trump ever facing accountability but Mr Snell has given me a sliver back. He’s an engaging speaker too. I ordered his book to learn more.

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I just wish Snell could kick some sense into the Democrats who are shitting on this whole thing. Damn, I hate all Democrats almost as much as I loathe every single Republican/MAGA. All of them will likely, hopefully, burn in hell.

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I agree! He needs to give them all a little pep talk.

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Nah...he needs to tap them upside the head with a 2' X 4' to knock some freakin' sense into their empty noggins. I swear, Democrats are absolute champions at shooting themselves in both feet.

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The words that stick out to me - HE CAN BE DEFEATED. Let's work our butts off to see that happen! VOTE BLUE!

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The dump Biden Democrats are feeding right into MAGA’s, the Heritage Foundation’s and Putin’s most effective weapon - spread chaos. I can’t believe they are so stupid to fall for it. They say the concern is down ballot races and Democrats sitting out the election. I call bull$h!t. Yes that’s a $ sign, because it’s all about the money, donor money that’s freezing at all levels. Why? Not Biden. It’s chaos, big donor money isn’t stupid (well actually only Dem donors, big donors to the Ghastly Oligarch Party are stupid), and big donors don’t want to throw their money into a chaos pit.

MAGA, Heritage, Putin cause chaos.

Dems are stupid and fall for it.

Donors see chaos and freeze.

Rinse and repeat.

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Politics in the internet age. Lies and false flags spread faster than truth.

I can understand the position of some incumbent Democrats running in very red states (Tester in Montana) and knife edge purple districts (some Central Valley California D congressmen), that’s it’s politically dicey to be seen too close to Biden. But what really gets me are the Democrats in safe races (Schiff in California - fyi I voted for Katie Porter in the primary) that have bought into the firing circular firing squads. They should be smart enough to know when they are being played.

The Ghastly Oligarch Party know they can win on the spread of chaos by catching Democrats flat footed, distracted, and wasting time and money on defense.

Big donors don’t like chaos. That’s why Koch PAC’s are not and have not given to CFDT.

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Given Jeffries' public statement, I can't help wondering how many other claims of lead Democrats urging Biden to step down are fake, as well. I hope, now that Jeffries has spoken publicly, others will do so as well.

I cannot comprehend how they cannot understand that they are weakening the Democratic campaign for the presidency, much less how any of them can believe that a viable alternative can be brought forward at this point in time.

Unless Adam Schiff speaks up in support of Biden soon, I will withhold my vote for him even though I don't think it will make a difference in his election.

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In the perfect world, it would be Porter running and winning in November and Schiff who didn’t make the cut could be AG or CIA Director come January

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Never give away your power! And it does make a difference! Remember 2016 and ALL the Bernie Sanders supporters publicly announced they would boycott the election if he wasn't the DNC nominee... Well they did and many others followed their lead and we got stuck with a clown with ZERO experience and so greedy he added $8 trillion to our national debt in only 4 years! It was amazing that Biden saved US from total collapse! I also think it's a mistake to push President Biden out!. But we don't choose the nominee, we only vote for whomever is nominated! Please don't throw away your vote!✌️💙🤍❤️

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I voted for Katie too! Honestly I think shifty Schiff believes he is President material and thought "this could be his chance "🤣😂😝

Time for an end to these "career politicians"

It goes against the whole idea of PUBLIC SERVICE ...

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Great interview with a lot of good points. But, as usual, the fact that Trump-Vance have pissed off a lot of women, maybe the majority, should be more front and center. Yes, their anti-abortion and anti-contraception views are horrible, including getting rid of condoms. But, at the end of the day, it's women who die suffer and in live in fear, for themselves, their daughters, and each other. There's been a fairly significant rise in the number of women who want to be sterilized. I suspect Republicans will also ban that procedure. The state abortion ballot initiatives have been organized by women and there's another 11 on the November ballot. More women have enrolled in college and are graduating. More women are registered voters. VP Harris has been doing a great job getting the abortion rights message out loud and clear. But, for the most part, I'm reading articles about how Trump is working on getting more white men to vote for him and they see Vance as an asset in this approach. In these articles, there's usually a sentence or two about women voters, and a mention about abortion in general, everything that de-emphasizes women. Project 2025 wants to eliminate no-fault divorce forcing more women to stay in abusive marriages, although Vance has said that women should stay in abusive marriages. Of course, he also supports anti-abortion laws with no exceptions for rape and incest because it's only an inconvenience for any women who becomes pregnant due to rape or incest. Women who are harmed are only collateral damage. If you want to talk to men about condoms you should also mention that Project 2025 wants to eliminate porn (although they don't define it) by putting anyone in jail who produces or distributes it. That may hit home more than condoms disappearing. Anyway, stop underestimating women, especially women of color.

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This is terrific. We do need to band together instead of ripping our party apart. And we need to prosecute before it’s too late, I hope that’s not true though

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Democrats are, and always will be, their own worst enemy. And the death of us all.

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We go Joe!

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I wish I could have practiced law as a well as Snell.

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The path for Biden and the Democrats to win is an obvious one. Snell lays it out quite clearly: pound Trump and the Republicans over the head with their overturn of Roe and Project 2025 (focused on 2-3 most terrible parts to keep it simple).

The question is whether Democratic leadership is more interested in their who-should-be-the-nominee handwringing bullshit or in actually winning and preserving democracy. You'd think the answer would be easy given, if they lose, they'll be some of the first on Trump's list for rounding up.

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"But the media doesn’t seem to want to help us out much."

Riiight. In the few days following the debate literally over 100 articles about Biden's age, and in the weeks since the debate hardly any on Trump's non-stop stream of lies. (To give just one example.)

Right, Jay. The media "seems" to have it's finger on the scale.

You're unwillingness to call the media out on their clear bias isn't being impartial, it's being an accomplice.

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Look at the CEOs of MSM. They're all MAGAs. No wonder the reporters turned against the Democrats. They were told to do so or lose their jobs.

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There's nothing wrong with underplaying a statement instead of using hyperbole, particularly in a calm and reasonable discussion.

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There is something wrong in consistently claiming something that *IS* happening just *seems* to be.

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Fair enough. I just have what Jay wrote here, so my understanding of the consistency of claims within the broader picture is limited, and I don't know how much is happening. You're more than justified feeling frustrated by misinformation on such a scale. I just read it as an understatement (which, like sarcasm, doesn't often come off correctly in text form) to hopefully get people wondering about how biased media sources can be/are and to practise a bit of critical thinking. It's likely my own personal bias (I can be contrary, to my own detriment), but I've found people are a little more amenable to change when they are given information to process themselves rather than being told to accept something that isn't currently showing up in their worldview (which I suppose is why the Trump camp feels so confident - they're being told exactly what they want to hear). Just not sure what more Jay can do than post these articles and leave space for discussion - especially if what used to be trusted sources can no longer be relied upon. But I am distanced from all this, so my opinion is merely that, and of little consequence to those of you who are actually living the situation.

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My pet peeve with Jay (and, alas, he isn’t the only one who does it) is he’ll write a whole article carefully and clearly laying out exactly what fascistic things Republicans are doing and then, in his conclusion, say “so it SEEMS they’re doing fascistic things.”

It’s like carefully describing exactly how the madman came running at you with a knife screaming “Die! Die! Die!”, and lunged at your throat and then saying “I think maybe he wanted me to die.”

It’s wimping out. It’s being to afraid to call them out on their shit out of fear that if you do they’ll complain that you’re being mean by pointing it out. It’s being an enabler of their crimes and Jay really needs to stop doing it.

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That makes sense. As does your anger. Wasn't meaning to downplay how you felt in your initial comment, my apologies. I don't have the breadth of exposure because I'm half a world away, and interested (concerned) because what happens there tends to have ripple effects. I can't really offer advice as to what to do in your situation (nor should I), but I'm truly hoping things go well, as much that seem a long shot sometimes.

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Not angry, frustrated.

As a whole, liberals tend to be open minded. It’s a virtue in that they’re willing to consider new evidence and change their positions on things were appropriate. But also means they’re more (too) willing to give benefit of the doubt, bend over (too far) to keep things civil, and hesitant to forcibly call people out on their shit.

And it’s particularly frustrating when someone has just laid out in detail all the bad acts *so is clearly aware of them* and then wimps out at the last moment in stating to obvious conclusion to their own argument.

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I loved this, thank you Jay. I wish I had the calm of you attorney guys!

You(constantly) show reason and a pathway to be followed, and now this from Mr Snell is awesome.

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Superb. Let's make it happen.

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