May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023Liked by The Big Picture, George Takei

Signed, and on a similar note, just read an article from Judd Legum this morning and it's a must read!

Edit (its link):


The law, referred to as a “Women’s Bill of Rights,” defines a female as “an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to produce ova.”

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Read that, too. Sickening. Am forwarding to as many women as I can.

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May 11, 2023Liked by The Big Picture, George Takei

I signed, I hope everyone will sign!

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Thank you. It’s so important.

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May 11, 2023Liked by The Big Picture, George Takei

With you 100%, Mr. Takei!

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To infinity and beyond! Or something of that nature…

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May 11, 2023Liked by The Big Picture, George Takei

Signed yesterday - thank you!

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May 11, 2023Liked by The Big Picture

All people deserve human rights. Signed with pleasure!

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Thank you. And agreed.

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I signed, with this comment: Why do some people believe they have the right to dictate others’ behavior because it offends their sensibilities? How does what I do with my own body or what I believe or who I marry affect them personally?

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Good question. Time for the rest of us to tell THEM they can’t be what they are. Orchestrators of doom.

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

That’s really a funny response! They are free to BE whoever they want to be, just cannot impose their will and opinions on me. Interesting that those who believe in less intrusive government want to regulate others’ lives.

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They’re just trying to set the wedge.

They’re placing the wedge’s cleave point at the weakest point for the strongest result. That cleave point is Trans people. As they pound that wedge in they will be able to test the tolerance of the general public. Many, they are hoping, will say *yeah, the Trans thing is outré for sure.*

Then they go to the next level, maybe immigration. *The aliens are bringing disease into our country with no one stopping them.* is the chant, along with the *Replacement Theory*. Then comes Socialists, LBGTQ+ Jews, Blacks, Islam, on and on.

Their objective is to pass laws that will take away our inalienable rights bit by bit so it seems normal. I don’t get why they sprung the overturning of Roe on us so suddenly though. Only creeps and fools would initiate taking personal body autonomy away from women, or anyone. I don’t buy the ‘leak’ idea.

The *They* I am referring to are certain White people. Maybe from all echelons of our society with white supremacy interests, but also from countries who want to see us fail and flail.

Who pays for the Wedge?

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Signed. I am close friends to two parents of trans kids. Referencing JustJanice (northern CA), below:

I am a cis-gendered CBC woman, and heartily resent being viewed as a broodmare for these nincompoops because of my unused ovaries.

Women's Bill of Rights, my ass. From the mid-1870s: "There is something wrong with a government that makes women the legal property of their husbands. The whole system needs changing, but men will never make the changes. They have too much to lose." Victoria Claflin Woodhull

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Right. Who’s gonna do the cooking and stuff?

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Signed with pleasure !! I am so sick of the crap that the repugnants get away with . Why can't people see the injustice that they do !! They all need to be investigated and charged with crimes against the USA !!!

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The White supremacist ideology are trying to destroy the ‘undesirables’ group by group starting with Transgenders because it will draw the least outrage. Little by little they will try to incubate hate for the next group and then the next. They are going to get neighbors to rat out neighbors. No one will feel safe except the perpetrators. Women will be slaves and children will be brainwashed to believe what they’re told. This is all happening now.

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I signed and passed the petition along to my friends on fb.

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I signed!

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I signed using your link. The page that I signed looked correct, but CARE2 thanked me for sending a letter about a medicare issue and my senator, Senator Alex Padilla, just thanked me for my letter about medicare and HR 2474. The wrong letter is being sent!!!!

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