For "Defending Institutions" you forgot to mention libraries! 😀

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yes. of all the outrages, the book banning and burning alarm me the most.

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Here’s a wonderful organization to support: We Need Diverse Books, diversebooks.org.

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This year I will no longer support organizations. I will, instead, look to provide assistance to those whose face or faces I can see and listen to them if they want or need to tell their story.

A new year

I no longer wish others a happy holiday or happy new year. We all know that this new year will be very difficult for anyone looking at human existence for what it is.

Instead, if I were into wishes—which is an expression of hope to help mute reality—I would wish everyone the endurance and strength to experience life for what it is without poisoning one’s own consciousness with resentment, hate, righteousness. None of us are RIGHT. None of us are WRONG.

May you not wage a war against your old self in a crusade of plenary indulgence seeking a new self with New Year’s resolutions that may defeat a metaphorical Jerusalem at the expense of a genocide against your old self.

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Here's a little something I like to mention whenever the topic of book-banning comes up: It's great to read banned books. It's great to buy banned books. But if you really want to make sure challenged books get into the hands of everyone who needs them, PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT FROM YOUR LIBRARY. This helps keep them on the shelves. And, for goodness' sake, please pay attention to what's going on in your public schools (says the school board member).

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After reading the entire essay, I am stunned to read this comment, We've got to quit nitpicking details. Or we go nowhere.

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Thank you. What I have been doing to keep my fear, anxiety and stress to a manageable level has been to stop watching Corporate Media and keeping Threads and Blue sky to once a day. It is difficult sometimes. I so appreciate all you do for us Jay. Have a wonderful Christmas.

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I have cut out corporate media, except for sports. I will watch football with my husband. I can’t stand to watch even MSNBC anymore. I watch an occasional Lawrence O’Donnell clip, but that’s it. I think many people feel confused and uncertain. So many things have happened in the last 8 years that people thought could never happen here. 45 was elected after talking about openly racist, xenophobic ideas. Muslim bans, mass deportations, the Big Lie based on NOTHING, an insurrection at the Capitol.

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My technique for not feeding the rage cycle is as follows: When someone (call him "Bob") really lashes out at me on social media I simply come back with "I'm sorry, Bob, but flattery will get you nowhere." It works every time.

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That is so wonderful!!! I can't wait to try that!

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Thank you for that. It makes me think of improv techniques learned from the great Izzy Gesell (www.Izzyg.com) - using “yes, and” in one’s most open voice, or, inquisitively v angrily or snarkily (just snarky?) “tell me more” to engage. It takes practice and if in person no eye rolling. Breathing helps.

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George Takei is a national treasure.

I'm glad to see ProPublica get a shoutout. They not only broke the Clarence Thomas story, but they are very active with local, independent newspapers and help fund those newspapers' efforts to expose local corruption by working on stories with those papers on a cooperative basis (meaning they provide some funding and usually a journalist or two to help break local stories).

On the surface, I don't stand to lose much from another round of Trump. I'm an older white male. But we lose so much when diversity is challenged. When racism builds, we experience a strange illness in the air. We see things like anti-vaxxers take a foothold, even though one would think there is no relationship to racism. But there is.

An ethos of ignorance sets in. So even if I didn't object to racism for ethical reasons (I have since I was in grade school), I believe that the ignorance that drives it seeps down into other strata within the body politic. Vaccinations become questioned decades after their efficacy was affirmed. Greenland becomes "available." Lower taxes for the rich will "trickle down." The list goes on. People in my demographic must fight racism at every corner and at every opportunity. Not enough of us do.

Here's one more reason for hope: Whatever the insane racists and haters are afraid of has already happened. Visit any medium-sized town during any outdoor festival. It's a United Nations of families enjoying a slice of Americana. It's a blend of all kinds of people from different parts of the world who have all married each other and are bringing their kids to eat snow cones and kettle corn.

The America racists are looking or hoping for cannot exist. It's too late. And that is a beautiful thing. I don't know about anyone else, but I love walking in a sea of diversity.

So just remember that most of those 78 million people who voted for Trump aren't racist. Many of them belong to those blended families at those festivals enjoying the perks of living in a grand experiment. They were simply misguided by propaganda, which is where I think we should focus our efforts. Nobody can take the diversity of this country away from us. But propaganda does work. We just saw it work. Its successes can also be reversed, and I think it will thanks to blogs like this and others.

Sorry for the TL;DR comment but the excellent post started my brain percolating.

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Thank you for your post. I so agree with you. I’m 80 years old so as you say, not much will change for us. But also as you say, we must stay vigilant!

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And at almost 78 I think much will change for many of us and we have a responsibility to others. Long ago - In my 20s, newly married, I “expected to have children” til I read first “The Population Bomb” and thought 1.9 replacement children then I’d adopt “thousands” who needed homes. Impractical, so became the first in my home state of Ohio to have a laparoscopic tubal ligation after fighting for the rights & no children & spoke on national tv & radio on why to think about whether or not to have children. I continue to act on the issue. In the ‘80s I worked with HRC on fundraising events using skills I had to help. And on immigration and the economic and humane issues. We can ask leading questions on issues, provide as Jay & other Stackers & Bluskis (my nickname for the members of the newer one) resources as is suggested.

No Senators or Voting Rep for me I’ll make other noise through memberships and letters. [All those with elected voters in Congress need to remember DC & our rights & potential loss of rights SPEAK UP FOR DC & other territories.

This all, Jay, was grounding. Thanks. I want joyful younger organizers to help us. David Hogg is running for DNC. WE NEED him & DC’s Markus Batchelor now at People for. The NC Dem Party Chair and a good age & diverse mix. Too many of us (old farts!) who can guide should relinquish our hold.

Feed questions for those questioning the fakakta nominees. Show up where we can.

We will take it back and forward in 2026 & 2028. Forward!

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Awesome comment - thank you!

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Thank you for this comprehensive guide. It should be required reading for anyone who just complains and fears. Action and attitude can be our strength. Our libraries also need our care and concern, IE. action. If we feel powerless it is probably because we are [or feel]alone. There is strength and courage in numbers, find a like minded person or group and get involved

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Such good ideas. And although I have been among the recent depressed-nearly-dead after our election, I’m slowly gathering myself to be back in the resistance. It is so good to remember—who was it who said—“our ancestors did more with less in worse” (paraphrased)… at any rate, we aren’t the first to go through back things in this country. We will survive and fight back.

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I like having something to fight for! When all is well as usual, it's boring. Stand up for whatever you choose, but choose something. We will not let the bastards win. Paraphrasing a well-known sentiment: "This can be our finest hour"--the times we tell our descendants about!

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Please consider signing this petition, which seeks to have green cards granted to DACA recipients, so that they need not worry that Trump might deport them. They were brought here as small children, and this is the only homeland they've ever known.


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Just signed and posted with personal comment on my FB page that the granting of green cards to college-graduate immigrants be retroactive to those who have already accomplished that but remain facing possible deportation... even if they were infants or very young children when brought into the U.S.

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Thank you, Jay. I don’t feel so helpless now! ❤️

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Thank you for the thoughtful guidance and for underscoring the importance of resilience and hope in challenging times. Your advice to resist nihilism, support independent journalism, and defend institutions resonates profoundly, offering a roadmap for both survival and meaningful action.

For readers who find solace in the past illuminating the present, The Forgotten Files offers a treasure trove of insights into history’s overlooked corners—often uncanny mirrors of today’s struggles. https://forgottenfiles.substack.com

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I’d add “you work for us” to bring back the idea of public service for government officials. This is a bit like defend institutions but also cuts down the autocrat. We are your boss. I’d personally add in a similar vein - “what do the experts say”. To me it’s a bit like the president is our general contractor who then works with the expert trades to get the building done. And DJT will hate that he is the general contractor and not the developer / customer.

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That's a super cool analogy! Stealing if you don't mind 😀

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My sister, Katherine Power, has a blog called Practical Peace ( practicalpeace.net) that discusses many of the points brought up here, more in depth. I urge everyone to read "Practicing Peace in the World as It Is" as it addresses ways to help us cope and change the world as it is presented today.

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Thank you for all your suggestions as we emerge from our feelings of despair. I like the idea of donating to groups helping marginalized communities. I have been doing that most of the year out of an instinctive sense that it was right. and now I for sure will be doing so.

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Thank you. From a piece I wrote a while ago: "I also try to remember that in our country, people of color, Indigenous peoples, have suffered through colonialism, slavery, and their aftermaths for hundreds of years. If they haven’t given up, neither will I. Fascism by any name is the enemy not of the individual, but of a generation. Pushing the boulder uphill, unlike lonely Sisyphus, moving the mountain slowly, takes all of our shoulders against it.' And now I am writing about Defending Democracy/Practicing Self Care. These two posts may be useful for folks: https://mindyoshrainmd.substack.com/p/where-we-are-now-reacting-responding and https://mindyoshrainmd.substack.com/p/gramma-i-want-to-make-a-whole-world

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Let's collaborate? (but first)Please indicate your NPI(Narcissism Personality Inventory) and acknowledgement of the existence CBT 2.0 (which requires death of the ego)... by correcting your:


"ABOUT THOSE SABER TOOTHED TIGERS:Evolutionarily speaking"

with (Evolutionarily speaking):

"ABOUT THOSE SABER TOOTHED CATS:Evolutionarily speaking"


"..they are often called sabre-toothed tigers ...although the modern ...tiger are ...of the subfamily Felinae..."

...just as a "simple test" to see if you might deny science like the 82% of your profession seems to:

...the law requires ...


"At a minimum, assessment... shall be conducted and provided on an ongoing basis."

...but a Congressional Study found...

Congressman Kennedy:


"...only about 18 percent of psychiatrists and 11 percent of psychologists in the U.S. routinely administer symptom rating scales..."

...the difference between the assessments required by law and the lack of routinely administered symptom rating scales may explain:


"...one of the most common causes of suicide-the therapist..."

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Wow! A great Christmas and NYrs present. Thank you

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Reich:"It’s time for Democrats to commit to getting big money out of American politics."

Me:"It’s time for Democrats to commit to getting big BALLS into American politics."


FYI: No American knows the names of anxiety science("desensitization," "exposure," "anti-fragile"... on AnxiousGenreation.com... "child's play"...?)?

All Americans know the name VALIUM(Purdue Pharma marketing perpetuated billionaires that launched the opioid crises..."Our pills AREN'T HABIT FORMING!!")?

...satirizing anti vaxxers for Halloween 2020:


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Thanks. I needed that.

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I sure did!

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One more thing we can do: practice kindness. Kindness is in short supply these days and it’s something people need more than ever. The little things add up. Picking up a dropped cane for an elderly woman. Holding a door for someone struggling with a crying child or a bag of groceries. And with a big, genuine smile. Be particularly kind to vulnerable people: those with a disability, frailty or general fearfulness. People of color. Immigrants. You will make yourself feel better, too, and remind yourself why we persevere. ❤️

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