Jun 18Liked by The Big Picture, George Takei

"...this Supreme Court is fond of imposing its own will over the expertise of federal agencies". This is definitely a Republican stance to ignore expertise, whether it's scientific, medical, firearms, etc. Normally, you'd expect judges and justices to admit when something is outside their wheelhouse and to evaluate and rely on experts. But, that simple act relies on humility and wisdom, things that this Court is lacking. This Court has also ruled based on a made-up scenario (the wedding website case) and false facts (the coach praying on the field) demonstrating that the separation of church and state doesn't exist when the conservative justices don't like the result. It's going to be very tense couple of weeks.

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They certainly do lack humility and wisdom.

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To say the least ,what they lack is a respect of the constitution that they spit on and degrade with their right wing BULLSHIT ,sorry George ,they turn my stomach,it gets me so pissed I can’t help my rage from boiling over at times ,pardon me.

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Lack them? They are totally DEVOID if them

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

The SC has already rolled back an important protection for wetlands & intermittent streams that the Clean Water Act included in its coverage since the 1970's. Its infuriating to me that these unelected, uninformed hacks can make such significant decisions over matters they have NO understanding or appreciation for!! 😡

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Todd Beeton, The Big Picture, George Takei

Maybe there needs to be submission limits per Circuit because the 5th Circuit has proven to be hogging the Courts time with conservative garbage and hypothetical BS cases, they need a frivolous filing penalty. This piece from 2019 below is well worth your time, it foretold much of the MO that we've seen the past 5yrs, all a Con man shell game.


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Thanks for sharing this!

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thank you! This is an excellent resource.

I learned a lot.

"The President is not a King."

Let 45 have his day in court - and face the consequences of his actions!

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Thank you so much, and Yes please, Justice for all! I saw a mention yesterday that indicated the fencing was going back up around “the bench” so it appears that we'll find out soon if Justice will be given the opportunity to prevail. We deserve our day in Court against this career Con man for his part in J6, because it's bigger than the current charges pending, Seditious Conspiracy charges should be added IMO.

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we're living the 21st century version of "how did history allow Hitler to come to power?"

Another thing that terrifies me, beyond the apparently large percentage of Americans willing to support him (racism implied),

is that IF he regains the White House,

in MY OPINION the rest of the world will be obligated to view the USA as an existential threat... with the resulting consequences.

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Jun 18Liked by Todd Beeton

Yet another terrifying prospect for a future dominated by a corrupt court backed by the treasonous and corrupt GOP. Vote blue down the ticket!

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The issue is not whether the felon candidate is immune from prosecution, but whether every chief executive including current president Joe Biden is immune from prosecution. t9j (the nine judges, not a Supreme Court, btw) are having difficulty coming up with a sensible argument to make that ruling.

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Why are we as a people ,even abiding by the decisions of a court that is obviously corrupted ? They have no power to enforce these decisions! Screw them to hell ! Making believe is getting us a dictatorship! The court has gone rouge !

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The cynic in me says that the immunity decision will be bumped over to next term because the court has made itself so busy at the end of this one. Might as well keep the whole issue up in the air till trump dies of too many hamberders.

Re Chevron: any reason Congress can't pass a statute saying that courts shall give deference to administrative decisions unless there was clear violation of the ADA or similar egregious behavior (whatever is the tipping point that under Chevron obviates use of the defense?) Do you think the decision will try to preempt such legislation? The Thomas decision that something is "outside the authority" of an agency to promulgate seems to me to be less fixable.

What chances that if Rahimi is decided against gun regulations involving domestic abusers, the language will be broad enough to give Hunter Biden a good shot at appeal because of the unconstitutionality of the "check box" rule? His conviction must be tying the justices against regulations to tie themselves in knots over how to keep that from happening. Frantic rewriting going on right now?

Kavanaugh cites the EMTALA for its "conscience" provisions that keep the doctors in the mifepristone case from being able to claim harm from having to deal with ER situations against their conscience. What if anything does that portend for the preemption arguments in the Idaho case?

I guess we'll have answers to at least some of this shortly.

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Should it shock anyone if SCOTUS takes an extreme Conservative POV on all the decisions still remaining? "When someone shows you who they are, believe them!" Maya Angelou.

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Agreed, basically. But what's funny here is that they find themselves overturning an even more radical court, the 5th circuit court of appeals. So the radical right Supreme Court is in a position of almost seeming moderate by comparison. Hence their upholding of FDA's approval of Mifepristone and its upholding of the right to keep guns out of proven domestic abusers. But what's funny about the Rahimi gun decision is that they are essentially walking back their own radical decision in Bruen from 2 years ago. It's telling that Roberts took the writing duties of this one after giving Thomas writing duties on Bruen. Not an accident that Thomas was the only dissenter in Rahimi. He actually thinks Bruen DID declare that the 2nd Amendment protects gun ownership of violent criminals. So Roberts had to walk that back although he won't admit as much. They have become a parody of themselves.

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Yes, Todd, I agree with you, but they didn't uphold the FDA on Mifepristone, they just said the people bringing the case had no standing, inviting another group (Red States) to bring the case again. In the immortal words of Robert Costello, "Jeez!"

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If we keep playing by the rules there will be some new fucken rules imposed upon us that will make us nothing more than serfs to a 21st century feudalist society! They are using our love of the constitution against us very effectively !

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Justice Thomas is the Poster Child for a Code of Ethics that is far more stringent than what currently exists (none)! Justice Alito has a warped interpretation of the meaning of our Constitution.. CJ Roberts and all the soi disant 'Conservatives' are Liars!

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America is the most socially regressive Western nation in the world and it's Supreme Court is as progressive as Ruhollah Khomeini

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It is a handy guide—thank you!

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Thanks! Glad you found it helpful!

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If the President has complete immunity, what does that imply about the independence, not to mention the security and safety, of the Supreme Court ?

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It would exist at the whim of the POTUS, like everything else. And this entire case should be giving the cult the heebie-jeebies. Should they decide in favor of The Convict, then all that power would instantly belong to Joseph R. Biden, POTUS - AKA "Dark Brandon." Who would certainly not behave in the same ways as The Convict, but he is very wise and will certainly have... options...

Careful what you ask for, MAGAts - you might get it.

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They can’t rule in favor of immunity prior to the election,it would give Joe the green light to literally do away with them all !

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Donald Trump was literally in midst of a criminal enterprise when he nominated Gorsuch to Garland's seat. Look at the timeline in the NY case. He was signing corrupt payoffs from the Oval Office. A criminal naming justices.

The Court has lost any pretense of fairness, justice and equality before the law. It is an ideological hack-farm far from the Constitution and the public will.

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The Supreme’s have effectively reduced the perception of it being non partisan to a friggen joke ! It is now just another corrupt participant in the 2nd attempted overthrow of the U.S. GOVERNMENT ,there is no question of their complicity in the new coup attempt being forged by the former GOP ,NOW THE AMERICAN NEO NAZI PARTY ,it can be no less obvious that they intend to assist in the attempt to establish a dictatorship under Donald Trump win or lose in November! How much more insanity has to occur in the political system before the coup is a done deal? I sincerely hope that Joe has a plan to use executive power to forstall this impending insurrection! If not the country is doomed!

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