It isn't possible to write without any bias because the English language is full of synonyms, words that basically mean the same thing but for which there are nuanced implications (stubborn vs determined). Anyone writing tends to use a certain vocabulary built up over a long period of time. Sometimes word choice is deliberate, sometimes it's unintentional. However, I do believe that the media has a responsibility to write about the facts, including headlines, and to work very hard at not biasing their reporting. Proof reading to avoid bias should be done more diligently. Writing in a "both sides" style betrays news reporting, as it becomes opinion, which is an entirely different type of writing. I'd also like to mention, as Robert Reich has been adamant about, that corporations took advantage of inflation to raise prices to increase profits. Most corporate profits rose at a much faster rate than inflation and these corporations should be called out. I haven't seen too many news articles that have looked at the fast increase in the prices of many consumer goods, even after supply chain issues were resolved, and call out specific industries with examples. This also corresponds with the increase in CEO salaries.

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I’m sure glad I live in France, where corporations are going head-to-head with American price-gouging behemoths like PepsiCo:

Supermarket Giant Drops Pepsi and Lay’s Over Price Increases

Carrefour ditches PepsiCo products in France, Italy, Spain and Belgium

Read in The Wall Street Journal: https://apple.news/A0RrOB_k9TJSFdrvSmer-4A

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This is great news. US corporations need to be accountable and suffer consequences for their greed.

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Makes you wonder what’s wrong with US companies—distributers, grocery chains, etc.—for not standing up to them. My guess is it’s a calculated response of, “What will the market bear?” Along with, “What happens to us if we challenge them?” The latter is WAY more important in the US than it is in Europe.

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The MSM doesn’t report on Biden’s successes because, despite them being great for Americans, it’s not clickbait. Trump allows for lazy journalism. So little effort is needed to get a clickable story because he does countless stupid and outrageous things. MSM has to work a bit harder to make a good economy exciting. Biden is dull when it comes to exciting stories. Trump’s headlines write themselves.

It’s lazy journalism. All done for clicks (revenue).

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Agreed. President Biden still gets blamed for high prices as if he's wielding the pricing gun at the local Piggly Wiggly. Corporate greed laughs all the way to the bank, yet again. Why do people believe it's the president's fault? Same reason; mainstream media seems to be trying hard to prove trump right about them. How can they not see this? How can they even give him the satisfaction? This negligence is hurting America by helping the right.

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Ah Tucker! Isn't trying to keep the economy going kind of the Fed's JOB? How utterly nefarious of them to do their job when a Democrat is president.

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The process for selecting candidates is broken. Biden has done a great job in the face of determined obstruction and serious crises. However, he has not persuaded a majority of Americans or Democrats that he should be President again. Donald Trump is reviled by so many it’s astounding that he’s still a viable candidate. Nevertheless, he is a forceful speaker with a devoted base. A strong 3rd party candidate could sink the Biden reelection campaign. It’s going to get even more weird as the election nears, but Joe Biden may eke out a victory as an alternative to the repulsive alternatives. Joe is a real patriot but would be in a weak position unify and lead. Voting just to stave off right wing nuts makes me sad.

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Trump is a "forceful speaker" if you enjoy loud word salad. Biden is coherent.

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I agree Trump speaks in word salads and lies with aplomb, still, he is a showman and sounds like Moses to his followers.

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I became eligible to vote in 1974. I never miss an election. I have voted against right wing candidates every time except 3 times when I have honestly voted FOR a candidate. Its nothing new, its just way more important now.

The only way we might see another candidate to vote for is if we don't let Trump in again!

Vote blue!

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What a beath of fresh air!! Yes, the English language can be maddening but facts are facts. It’s the light in which facts are presented or whether it’s all the facts.

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Interest rates, Wall Street and the Stock Market, and other leading economic indicators are so much hype that doesn't affect most voters. What seems to stoke the pessimism in most is the fact that groceries are at an all-time high and not coming down any time soon. Lower gas prices help but we aren't seeing that in some states, such as Washington State where I live. Even with refineries north of Seattle we are still paying around or above $4 a gallon for gas. Heating oil is above $5.

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Have people forgotten that we have been in a post pandemic recovery? Does anyone stop to think what a knotted up mess Biden inherited? Added to the recovery was the normal, or should I say usual, price increases that would have been occurring if the pandemic had never happened.

Ps. I also live in northern Washington state and have been seeing meaningful reductions at the pump, as I have when I need to travel in Oregon.

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Magas certainly pretend to have forgotten that, yes. I remind them frequently.

I also like to ask what they think trump would have done to prevent any of it.

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I'm interested in hearing what some of their answers are.

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I'm not sure how many refineries are on Colorado but their prices are below $2/gal.

Here in CA, we are hovering above $4/gal (some places are as high as $5).

Without evidence I think it's geographic price gouging. And it's quite possibly politically motivated. Stick those libs where it hurts, in the gas tank.

When was the last time you saw an oil and gas producer sanctioned for gouging?

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Doesn't California still have strick requirements for gasoline contents that require more steps, etc. in fuel production that can be pumped in state?

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California has a gasoline blend which I believe is also used in southern Nevada and portions of Washington State. There is a winter blend and a summer blend formula. It’s estimated to add 10 to 30 cents per gallon to the cost above that in most other states. The total federal, state and local taxes in CA run about $1.40 per gallon. This information is actually difficult to find on the internet because the first several Google search page results are heavily weighted by biased anti environmental petroleum industry posts and news media that repeats it along with clickbait outlier prices. California’s gasoline market suffers from lack of competition and usually several “unplanned “ refinery closures and production problems that mysteriously hits several refineries at the same time, usually twice per year. Most consumer oriented analysts will tell you there’s 60 to 70 cents of unexplained additional cost per gallon. It’s either the “we can get away with it” factor because it’s accepted and/or price gouging.

Other industry lies include distribution costs, as distributors will state all gas is trucked to stations from the refineries. This is BS because there are tank farms all over the state which are connected by pipelines. Gas prices are highest in large and mid-sized urban areas away from refineries but drop significantly in the middle of nowhere, except for the Imperial Valley and along the I-15 drive to Las Vegas.

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Thanks for all the info.

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Yes, and higher taxes as well.

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Last spring I was being driven to the train station by a friend who said, "I saw a sticker on the gas pump today that said, 'Thanks Joe!' Bewildered, I asked, "Thanks for what?" My friend said (I think he thought he was being witty), "Biden raised gas prices! The sticker was sarcasm!" I looked at him and said, "Al, President Biden doesn't have anything to do with gas prices. We have a capitalist economy. Gas prices are set by the countries that export the oil, and by the refineries and the gas stations. Biden's got nothing to do with it." Poor Al was really flummoxed. I don't know if I changed his mind about anything, but I think I gave him something to think about until he turned Fox News on again.

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Hey! Joe ! More Volume! You’re getting the attention you deserve turn up the amplifier!!

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This is a good observation regarding the media's "both-sideism":

For instance, the way mainstream American political journalism has built in a structural bias toward Republicans. If one side in a two-sided fight is perfectly willing to lie, cheat, steal, and intimidate without remorse in order to win, and journalists, as a matter of genre convention, must “balance” the ledger between “both sides,” in the interest of “fairness,” that is systematically unfair to the side less willing to lie, cheat, steal, and intimidate. Journalism that feels compelled to adjudge both “sides” as equally vicious, when they are anything but, works like one of those booster seats you give a toddler in a restaurant so that they can sit eye to eye with the grown-ups. It is a systematic distortion of reality built into mainstream political journalism’s very operating system.

(from American Prospect https://prospect.org/politics/2024-01-03-you-are-entering-the-infernal-triangle/)

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Of course the media will be tentative about Biden’s accomplishments - all the while downplaying the egregious behavior of agent orange. The polls provide rich data for manipulation by the media to sell their stories, buttressed by algorithms that move the media reporting (as opposed to facts). Reality, however, is the great leveling force. We must get the message out to those who are not persuaded by GOP dogma. Commentaries such as this one help to continue to move the needle.

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I don't like blaming everyone for everything but we all know that Democrats do good but are the worst salespeople on the planet so they don't get due credit. the media oppositely is trying to hype all these good economy indicators while completely ignoring the one that maters, CPI. Prices are through the roof, it hurts and people are acting accordingly. There is no mystery here, cheery attitudes does not pay the bills.

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Americans feel alienated. Both corporate Democrats and corporate Republicans-both Joe and The Don will be good for the corporate growth that is killing earths life support system and denying us the ability to enterprise freely.

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There is no "both-sideism" where Republicans are concerned. They are the only party willing to lie, cheat & steal to win - and Republican victory means *actually less freedom* for us. Republicans only win by *taking away* the vote from more of us, because Republicans are notoriously unpopular.

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You’re right on the economy, but not health. I caught Covid for the first time in 2023 (despite still taking personal precautions) and ended up with long Covid.

Biden is to blame for this because his policy of Covid minimization meant the people around me were not taking precautions anymore.

Biden did what Trump wanted to do for the pandemic. He ended testing and masking. He has taken the path of social murder and mass disability for the economy.

This has thrown everyone’s health under the bus as Covid dysregulates the immune system and can make everyone more vulnerable to other infections and disability. Roughly 10% of infections lead to long COVID still.

Would Trump have done better? No. But democrats would have opposed ending pandemic precautions if Trump had been in charge still.


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How many people are employed in the MIC in many states?

Biden the warmonger needs to keep these jobs going......!

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President Biden is far from a warmonger. Yawn.

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Then why is he aiding Israel and sending more arms.

This genocide could be over............no more money or weapons.

You should read more on substack

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Maybe you should read more elsewhere and for a few dozen years.

President Biden is giving aid to Israel after it was brutally attacked with umpteen casualties. That's what America does. At the same time, he is providing aid to the OTHER side, from whence the attackers came, because he is a humanitarian and knows there are many innocent Palestinians there. He ALSO laid down some tough talk to Yahu, the first POTUS with the balls to do so. This is not "business as usual" and no other president would have done better.

Do you even know the definition of warmonger? It seems not.

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I'm rather confused by the linked article from Forbes on current trends in gasoline prices. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/personal-finance/gas-prices-by-state/

On the one hand it reports lowering price trends, while on the other is a gloom & doom section "What's happening with gas prices?" giving a dire picture of what is to come. Are the trying to cover all the bases? Very grudging about current price drops?

I don't normally read Forbes so I don't know much about their angle.

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Forbes is notoriously conservative, adjacent to right-wing. They will spare no time to blame the current administration, and to make efforts for a right-leaning laissez-faire administration to come to power.

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Hey, Savvy Genius guy . .

R U Better Off than five years Ago??

before the Pandemic .. the fault of Crooked Sleepy Joe

His Family already tied in .. with China! raking

it in with grins .. while So Many died, especially

Nazi Health Care resisting Heroes. .

Worth an Alt Reality Try! . .# goin Soft or somethin ?

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Whut? Is this an attempt at sarcasm by trying to sound like a MAGAt?

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