good to see some specific and organized data supporting what we have all long suspected to be true.

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I was all set to spend my retirement in a low living cost red state until I realized it really does make a difference where you live - both in terms of presence of actual physical or institutional resources and in terms of political attitudes. Now I would consider moving to a red state as a grace health risk. And they don't seem to care.

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See my comment to Michael Stayton’s comment to my original comment above regarding Alabama. Been living here for 37 years because that’s where my work has been so I’ve had opportunity to observe. It’s not a good place to be a person of color, old, poor, sick, disabled or any combination of those conditions. And, not surprisingly , the total cost of BC/BS (holds >95% of health insurance market here) employee plus employer, is the highest or very near the top in the country at over $20k per year.

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Considering that repugnants were not giving federal monies to their citizens and using said money for their own desires , no wonder Covid was allowed to infiltrate the red states ! All the rhetoric and mis/disinformation did a number on the people of these states !! Bad enough, Jared Kushner took all the PPE from fema and refused to give any to the democratic-run states but also deathsantis had the person keeping track of covid deaths fired then arrested for keeping said records, so the actual deaths are probably much higher ! Then came the vaccines with all the hoopla and all of its mis/disinformation which equaled more deaths !! But hey , we showed those libs , didn't we !!

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I'm hoping that someone can explain what just happened in Louisiana.

After 8 years of progress under a Democratic governor, Louisiana just elected a Trumpist Republican as their new governor. There is now a GOP trifecta.

26% turnout by Democratic voters.

Is this an aberration or a warning sign for 2024?

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I’m looking in from the outside (in UK), but isn’t this an odd time of year for a Governor to get elected? Could that have affected turnout?

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Yes, but it's always an "off-year" for Louisiana gubernatorial races. This was the lowest Democratic turnout in more than a decade.

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No such thing as an “on” year for Louisiana? I’m amused but not surprised at all.

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It's one thing to vote against your own interests...it's another thing not to bother to show up.

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Does Louisiana have a high number of young voters? I've found that they lose interest if there isn't something for them on the ballot. They haven't yet had experience dealing with healthcare or abortion access, gun issues (unless they've had a shooting in their school), infrastructure or global issues. They've only seen what happens to their issues of climate change and tuition loan forgiveness (nowhere). So now they don't care. And I can't say I blame them.

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The median age is 38.

As to student loan forgiveness, Biden has done what he could unilaterally. SCOTUS blocked his other efforts, and he didn't have 60 Senate votes.

As to climate change, a mixed bag...definite progress re legislation, but again, Manchin blocked the most progressive legislation. A further complicating factor is the Ukraine war, necessitating unplanned exports of US fossil fuels.

At any rate, none of the issues driving Democratic voters will improve under a GOP trifecta, and it will get far worse.

That's what I think people fail to understand. You may be disappointed with progress, but it can all get so much worse, so quickly. Contraception, public education, LGBTQ rights, abortion bans, book bans, voter suppression, etc, etc.

Polish voters just overturned their authoritarian leadership. Voting ranged from 70-91% across the country. Young voters were crucial.

Change is impossible if people don't show up.

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Be sure to read the editorial mentioned that accompanied the study: https://www.bmj.com/content/377/bmj.o1308

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Does not surprise me but nice to have data. 😳🙄

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And The Don's BeLuved . ..

And the Sacred Right to Your Own Facts!

Not to be Forced! to Mask much less Vaxx

to be Safe from Nazi health care .. Having the

Staunch basic Patriotism to Dare! . .to

Resist!! was absolutely the savvy Right tack . . .

UnEds Ate It Up! . .and a Covid coffin

HighRise stacked . .. . #hIs SiGnaTuRe AcHiEvEmEnt . .. . .

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Worldwide, the life experience in the US has been decreasing, compared to other first world nations. This could likely be traced back to the start of Reagan era conservative policies and the “states rights” movement. Going forward, this will be shown dramatically,in states like Georgia and Pennsylvania. Where, as they move left, we’ll see life expectancies rise. Opposed to places like red Florida, where life is becoming increasingly difficult and stressful and the radical right Governor and legislature take away more and more healthcare rights.

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The use of the term conservative doesn't really apply to most of today's Republicans. They're radical ideologues. They tend to adopt ideas and policies that are the opposite of Democrats' just to be in opposition. A real conservative would want to help people live longer, to conserve life.

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Well said!!!

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It is curious that Republicans wouldn't be more protective of their own voters. Demographics are not in their favor, so you'd think there'd be more urgency about this. I guess they just really prefer voter suppression.

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“According to an analysis of 2019 data, as many as 20% of Ohio’s citizens will die before they turn 65.”

Appears to me as if that could be a significant impact on the “problem” of funding of Social Security and a significant reduction in Medicare expenses were It to propagate further across the red states.

Go Darwin.

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I suspect that another measure of healthcare are the healthcare 'deserts' in red counties versus blue counties. Rural hospitals closed and physicians moving out (OB/GYNs specifically because of abortion laws).

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Agree. Hastens the process. Here in Alabama, the governor is more interested in building $1billion prisons and executing prisoners than in sustaining rural area hospitals.

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With Republicans the cruelty is the goal.

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We just moved to MA from OH...and I would wonder how much the anger rhetoric of the GOP also contributes to lower life expectancy.

My neighbors were SO MAD all the time. It was so weird. Everything was dialed up to 11 over every issue. That cannot be good for people.

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I agree. Being in a state of constant victimhood can't be good for one's health. Years from now scientists will discover that MAGA types from our time had shorter life spans than the norm.

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The death toll for Republican policies and behavior is actually roughly twice as bad as described here.

You have to realize that many of the places described as "Red" are just 60/40 Republican (Florida, Ohio...).

To make a 10% difference in overall deaths when you have roughly half of the population, you have to have a roughly 20% difference in the rate of deaths for your group..

I do realize there are many nuances here, such as Republican policies killing Democrats, etc.

Still, the big picture is: MAGA is killing itself.

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At this point.... with ALL the information available, all the dangers explained, all the deaths (many of which could have been prevented), the threat to kidnap a governor for recognizing COVID as a threat.... After all this, had it not been for the danger these bozos present to children and immunocompromised, I wouldn't have cared. You can't save people who don't want to be saved. Unfortunately, their idiocy affects innocent bystanders.

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True. One wonders if the incentives will ever shift for Republicans in power to make different choices. Either due to political survival or purely conscience-based reasons. Amd will incentives for Republican voters ever shift as well? So that they finally vote their own health interests rather than the fear tactics Republicans always use to motivate their base.

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This was important to read, albeit disturbing. There were many more examples of what I was already aware of, that "red state" pols, at all levels of state and federal government, care little about the "common people" they claim to be among. One example I found most horrifying were those states which refused to take federal funds to expand Medicaid. Even though they were outright being paid to take better care of their citizens, reactionary politicians chose instead to neglect their well-being, doing so out of (lack of) principle, plus opposing anything that Democrats - especially Obama - were for. Sooooooo... their animosity towards our 44th POTUS melded with their own contempt for their own led to countless needless deaths. And people actually think that voting for the likes of them serves their interests?

I miss when American leaders actually tried to make America a better place to live.

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It really should be a crime what these Republican governors and legislators are doing to their residents. These same governors and legislators are taking advantage of the best health care (e.g., vaccinations) while discouraging the rank-and-file citizens from doing so.

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