This is terrifying!

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That's why we must act while we can.

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Stick to TV and movies. The American people don't really care what celebrities, athletes, and other famous people think about politics. You were special in Star Trek, now you're just an ordinary Joe whose opinion doesn't count any more than anyone else's.

Same goes for John Cougar. He sropped on the middle of a concert to talk about how great he thought Sleepy Joe was. Audience wanted no part of it and demanded music not indoctrination. He got so pissy that he sropped the concert and walked off the stage. Good for that audience. They paid hard earned money to go to a music concert, not a political rally.

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You have been acting for 4 years to undermine the legitimate government from 2017–2021, and now with the unfettered hands of Stumbling Joe the world is your dumpster fire. STFU and go pack some fudge, Georgie boy.

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May 25
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Make me bitch.

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May 25
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I treat you with disdain, doesn't mean that I treat women with disdain.

So, you are saying that you rest on your laurels, not surprising.

What serial criminals are you talking about?

What I do know is that when POTUS DJT was in office, Russia wasn't invading Ukraine, Hamas and Iran were behaving, inflation was low, employment was high, especially for blacks and Hispanics. Now, under slow Pedo Joe, all of that is reversed and what jobs have come back are part time jobs and government jobs (leftists sucking off the taxpayer's teat). And in spite of every MSM calling POTUS DJT a racist (and ignoring and suppressing Pedo Joe's racist bona fides), increasing numbers of blacks and Hispanics are going to be voting for POTUS DJT--could that have anything to do with the invasion over the Southern border of mostly military aged men that Pedo Joe is letting in to this country illegally???

I would say that you are the 'special idiot. Fool.

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Russia went into Ukraine again in 2014. Trump did nothing about it when he was Pres. Worshipping fascists is not very bright. They have no loyalty and would just as soon kill you off as anyone that is their supposed enemy. It is right wing millionaires and billionaires who do not pay taxes and are sucking off of everyone else while trying to take over. If you are not a billionaire you are backing the wrong party. Those who worshipped Hitler all ended up killing themselves in the end. So, you must be part of the homicidal/suicidal cult of Trump.

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So many errors and hallucinations in one post; where to start?

Who the hell are you? Are you a pen name for Victoria Nuland (warmonger on the take from Ukrainian oligarchs)? Or do you just like to blow off steam? Or are you looking to curry favor with the little guy in green (FYI Volodymyr Zelenskyy swings the other way and doesn't like girls, so give it up, lady.)

Again, who was POTUS in 2014, not Trump, but Obama?

A little history, girlie: Crimea, which is what is the relevant issue is overwhelmingly Russian speaking area of Ukraine. It has been the access for the Russian Black Sea fleet historically (How do you think the US would react to the CCP mining the seas around Pearl Harbor, as a thought experiment?).

When the Soviet Union broke up, there was this agreement between Russia and the US (as the Daddy of NATO) that NATO would not extend its membership further eastward, which NATO has repeatedly violated over the years. Ukraine was the last straw as far as the Russians are concerned. (Imagine, if you will Mexico joining the Warsaw Pact or its successor, what do you think the US's response would be??).

Now lets get to reality and recent history: Did Obama do anything in response to the 2014 Russian take over of Crimea? I won't bother to look for your protests over that inaction, because I am sure that there were none, you little hypocritical slut.

And what about the current situation, that didn't start on Trump's watch, Putin went on a no nibbling on Ukraine diet while Trump was POTUS, but in comes Joe Bribem--the face of the 3rd term of Obama-- and what happens, Putin starts rattling his saber, and what does Slow Pedo Joe do, but says to Vlad, Ok, Vlad, just take a little nibble, I think the words were just a little incursion we will tolerate. What kind of a fool offers a bear a snack while at the side of the road in Yellowstone Park? I don't believe that you protested that stupid move on Biden's part, did you? You are not only a hypocritical slut, you are a stupid Democrat whore. With friends like you and Joe Bribem, the Ukraininans don't need enemies. What have there been 500,000 Ukrainian killed or casualties so far? How many have fled. You miserable corrupt syphilitic leftist prostitute, I have Ukrainian expatriate friends and patients who have family in that country who were safe while Trump was POTUS and who are now in harms way.

What evidence do you have of fascism on my or Trump's part? None, it is just an epithet that you throw around now that racist is worn out or not appropriate. You must have neurosyphilis to be so stupid.

Right wing rich people??? REALLY? Do you know which party the majority of uber rich give to these days??? It is you corrupt leftist Democrats, that is who. Your level of stupidity and ignorance goes to the congenital level.

Ah yes, the Nazi trope. Godwin's law invoked by the feeble minded drooling lady of the night.

I hope that you are enjoying the inflation of Bidenomics and I really hope that you are not raped by one of the low lives that Biden has encouraged to come over our southern border, although it would be Karma for such a person.

I think I am done here.

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May 25
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Hey: here's a reference for you:

Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation

Annexation of Crimea into the Russian Federation in 2014

In February and March 2014, Russia invaded the Crimean Peninsula, part of Ukraine, and then annexed it. This took place in the relative power vacuum immediately following the Revolution of Dignity. It marked the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian War. The events in Kyiv that ousted Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych on 22 February 2014 sparked pro-Russian demonstrations in Crimea against the incoming Ukrainian government.

Who was POTUS in 2014??? NOT POTUS DJT, but the Kenyan, BHO. Girlie.

'involvement with Russian mob' but no indictments, no convictions. If you don't know anything about NY real estate business, you can't not have interactions with the mob. If you are going back decades with that, those would be the years that he was a Democrat. Hmmmm.

What I know about the migrant situation is that there is plenty of blame to go around on both political parties, but that POTUS DJT, was able to enforce the law and slow down the flood of illegal immigrants across the Southern border, and Pedo Joe opened up the floodgates and now there are illegal immigrant rapists or. would be rapists roaming all over the country, and dead nursing students to show for Joe's efforts to undermine this country and the lower class US citizens.

Democrats just want to import votes since they are loosing their hold on blacks and Hispanics for good reasons.

You have not argument so you just call me a racist, ad hominem is not an effective nor legitimate debating tactic, and racist has lost its sting from overuse.

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Clueless racist, eh? 10 years short term volunteer service in Ghana, paid for my translator's university education, arranging for his Legal immigration to this country. (By the way sissy, it is kinda hard to find a native of Ghana that is a person of valor. But since you don't know how to spell assume, let me spell it out for you: It makes an ass out of You and me.

Wear it, lady.

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May 25
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ignorance and arrogance, thy name is Dawana

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Indeed, it is.

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Scary as hell, and we have work to do.

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Work makes you free.

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May 25
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You are a little slow on the uptake, aren't you. Ever recognize sarcasm.

Go back to watching the View, or what ever you watch to get your delusional thoughts.

Here is some free advice: Read some Thomas Sowell, rather than banned books by perverts and pedophiles.

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It has been clear that Trump is not going to just go off into the sunset, and the fascists that back him see that. However, by putting a loose cannon into the roll of president they risk nuclear annihilation, something they may actually want because if they cannot have the White male Christo-fascist world they want, they just want it all to end. Such assuredness of buying their way into "heaven" or are they all really suicidal/homicidal maniacs? Apparently no one seems to have studied Hitler closely enough even though they are following in his footsteps. Things went horribly wrong. That will happen here too if loose cannon Trump is allowed to steal power the way that Dummy George W. Bush did with the help of his dummy brother Jeb Bush and the Supreme Court. The court is all primed to hand the election to Trump even though he is not going to win the popular vote, but might gerrymander and voter repress enough to get an electoral win.

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If Trump fails to win the electoral college, he'll for sure try to force himself back in the White House, violently if necessary, with the help of House Republicans, including the Squeaker, & SCOTUS.

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Thank you for articulating the wake up call.

A progressive "think tank" dedicated to creating a counter-strategy needs to be implemented and acted upon with alacrity. They only need Trump for the moment because of his hard-core base of followers. There is no other right wing leader that galvanizes that base. The radical reactionaries however recognize that Trump will not live very long, and will be of sound mind and body for an even shorter span of time. They only need him to capture the government, and then they can dispense with him.

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Which is why we must closely monitor the VP choice. If the orange turd wins, expect the 25th Amendment to be invoked within a couple months. So if, say, the EXTREMELY dangerous and young jd vance is chosen as VP, fascism will be the new America for at least the next 40 years. And most of the other “candidates” are nearly AS dangerous. This is it, folks; this election is IT!!

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Cotton is now being discussed as a possible VP choice. His extremist views are as Nazi-like as anyone. Carlson, Carson, Ramaswamy, Donalds, Gabbard, Noem, Stefanik, Lake, MTG & Huckabee-Sanders are some more worrisome possibilities.

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Quite the colony of cockroaches you have listed THERE! The only thing I would add is that a female would never be chosen. Nor would any person of color. The MAGAts have made that perfectly clear.

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You may be right. We'll see...

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Boy oh boy, you prognosticated that one right on the nickel.

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Exactly. Been saying that for awhile, too. All they need is for him to bring along his regressive base and they will also take it over the line with all their ways of suppressing progressive votes. If he croaks after that or if they, the "Christian" theocrats in Congress can get rid of him some way, they will.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

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Thank YOU!

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That's a good way of putting it. Much better than what I was trying to say.

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This information is so important. So many people focus on Trump. He is awful, but he is not the sole, or frankly, even the main cause for concern right now. This agenda is.

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I have been keeping up with Project 2025 through Andra Watkins' blog, "How Project 2025 Will Ruin YOUR Life." It's worth a read.


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The project is essentially to install a theocratic, apartheid autocracy. The "blueprint" of Project 2025 would be just the start. Dictatorships don't moderate themselves. This vision leads inevitably to the judicial and extrajudicial repression and murder of political opponents, universal surveillance of the populace, concentration camps, and all the other apparatus of the fascist state.

What people fail to realize is that the solution is relatively simple. Passing the stalled voting rights and election reform legislation currently in Congress would go a long, long way to defanging this threat. Republicans know this--I believe it is one of the reasons they have become so desperate--if voting rights and election reform legislation passed, the fascist minority would never again control the House, the Senate or the Presidency. Absent the ability to seize power, their movement will wither and die.

This is why we must organize, register voters and deliver overwhelming victories in November. We have the power to turn this threat into a historical footnote, rather than a page in history like Nazi Germany.

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My god you TDS people are fucking insane.

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Insane is their pronoun.

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Also: The pro-gun crowd who insist they need the guns to fight a totalitarian government will love this totalitarian government and side with the takeover. Expect guns to be taken - but from the liberals and "deviants".

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Works for me.

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The deviants are the people who probably shouldn't have guns. The liberals hire people who have guns instead of having their own. It's just another way to perpetuate their myth of moral superiority.

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You left out the part where government agencies threaten social media executives if they permit publication of factual information that’s contrarian to government positions.

Oh wait, that was the Biden administration.

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I commented elsewhere that I believe if Trump gets in again, that will be the last election we see in at least a generation. Someone responded that "that's not rational". Getting this word out there is hard, because so many just don't believe it could happen.

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They must understand that it’s not just Trump. He is their vehicle.

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Exactly. They failed in 1939. The Nazi coup that US Congress And Senate repugs plotted. Rachel has all the details. It’s all in the National Archives. Their projeny have been working tirelessly ever since to pull it off. The rabble wasnn’t roused enough with Reagan, but he was the face that laid the ground work for the Roger ailes and Murdoch propaganda machine and the orange monster is the new face. He’s only the face.The showman they needed.

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Do you ever step back and look at what you are saying? You’re a victim of a groupthink cult.

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Oh, I'm pretty sure they will have elections - just like Putin does.

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You are quite correct. This is it.

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Probably because it isn’t rational to believe this. Listen to your friend.

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May 24
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You don't say!

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In Argentina we have a MAGA fan president, he is destroying our economy, he is trying to have more power and dismantle several offices of our government, our country is in danger and yours too. This facist are trying to conquer the world and nobody is there to stop them. I hope the american people can change that and do the right thing. Stop Trump. Move foward to a better future.

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Argentina is a big warning sign.

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You betcha. Because triple digit inflation was so great.

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are you referring to the post covid inflation that was worldwide and not at all controlled by the president? that we would have seen no matter who was in office? That inflation? Because if you think that was worse than this plan then God help you

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The only thing higher than Argentina’s inflation rate prior to Milei’s election is your level of ignorance.

During the observation period from 1980 to 2022, the average inflation rate was 206.2% per year. Overall, the price increase was 902.38 billion percent. An item that cost 100 pesos in 1980 costs 902.38 billion pesos at the beginning of 2023. For November 2023, the year-over-year inflation rate was 160.92%.

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina -- Argentina's monthly inflation rate eased sharply to a single-digit rate in April for the first time in half a year, data released Tuesday showed, a closely watched indicator that bolsters President Javier Milei's severe austerity program aimed at fixing the country's troubled economy.

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Oh I'm ignorant because I don't study the inflation of all countries? How ignorant is it for you to assume your comment was clear? You know how many trolls are on these pages. I literally just had the inflation argument with someone who was talking about "inflation under Biden" so sorry if I misunderstood! It's one of the trumper battle cries

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Try to keep up.

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Fuck south of the border , our ass is on the line ,with out the United States 🇺🇸 in a healthy position the rest of our hemisphere, and the world is fucked ! Time to walk the walk ! MARCH

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So you’re saying that the U.S. needs a healthy economy with low unemployment, a healthy GDP, low inflation and, for good measure, to not be involved in senseless never ending foreign conflicts?

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That’s the friggen under statement of the day ,it’s the major swing of the last 50 years . We are in deep shit and bullshit is bullshit ! No amount of speechifying or pretty oratory Is getting us out of our self made shit ,get the fucken. Brooms out and let’s cleanup our self made mess ,time for the pitch forks and marching!!!!

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If Americans keep voting for the current batch of corrupt uniparty corporate puppets there is no reason that anything will change. At least not for the overburdened, shrinking middle class.

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Argentina, Brazil (which has overcome it for now; same for the Philippines: both still precarious but apparently not as much as US), Turkey, Russia, India, Hungary, possibly Slovakia, Italy, Austria, Netherlands (yet to be determined)...

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Yeah, blame the guy who's been in office for 6 months. Your country has averaged 190% inflation since 1944 and you have defaulted on your debt NINE times during that span. Maybe your government SHOULD try something different. The US is going to find itself in the same position if we keep spending like Bush, Obama, even Trump, but ESPECIALLY Biden has been.

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Of the 4 people you mentioned, Trump was the worst, generating 25% of all debt incurred in the US since its inception. Reagan tripled the debt. The Bushes together account for another near tripling despite Clinton in-between bringing us to our only surplus in many decades. Those 2 recessions by Bush Jr., including the greatest recession since the Great Depression, brought to us by the corruption & laissez-faire policies of the 3 Republican presidents & Republican Congress between Woodrow Wilson & Franklin Roosevelt. In fact, 10 of the last 11 recessions were under Republican presidents. Obama & Biden were both burdened with terrible economies bequeathed to them by their Republican predecessors, which they brought back to booming economies with lower deficits despite Republican obstruction & sabotage.

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Haha. That's funny. The only reason Clinton had a great budget was the Republicans Contract with America. I love the way Democrats rewrite history. Biden created this depression, but of course you blame Trump.

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The depression was in 2020 when Trump was in charge. Biden has defied all predictions of recession & Republican attempts at obstruct & sabotage to create our strongest economy this century.

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That's laughable.

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Yes, many people are laughing all the way to the bank. 😀

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It's pretty obvious you have no idea what's going on in Argentina. But hey, this is America. You're entitled to your point of view and opinions.

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May 25
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So you defend the guy who blames Milei for Argentina's economy when he's been in office for only 6 months. Here's an article you should read, "Argentina under a new government: What are the big economic challenges." From the Economic Observatory.

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It is so important to get this awareness out there. By design, too many people are overwhelmed with life, just keeping their heads down and doing what they must to get through each day. Who really wants to hear/believe this?? BUT NOBODY BELIEVED US WHEN WE WERE SCREAMING INTO THE ETHER THAT TRUMP WOULD OVERTURN ROE EITHER! Yet here we are. And we must pay attention to this, too. We MUST BELIEVE THEM.

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May 24
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Wrong. Don’t you recall John McCain’s famous down vote? We never had enough of a margin to reliably pass legislation. Joe Manchin in particular wasn’t a reliably Dem vote. (Add Kirsten Sinema more recently, who isn’t even a Democrat anymore.) Manchin especially, however, blocked efforts to codify reproductive freedom. We needed it to be bipartisan, and it should have been. We had hopes for Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins and perhaps a couple others. Those hopes were dashed with the Tea Party gaining ground by weaponizing Obama’s race. John Boehner and other perhaps decent humans, if not great legislators, left politics because of it.

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This is Must reading for all on the left.

I believe democrats must get educated about what is really happening under our noses. You’d be surprised at how many don’t understand and take it seriously.

Professor Zimmer has a substack as does Andra Watkins- “How Project 2025 will ruin your life” It’s in bite size pieces. It’s essential reading now.

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This is a must read right or left. This is a must read for the moderate left, they are really the only hope for saving the Republican party at all.

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Excellent interview. I highly recommend that if you aren't subscribed to Professor Zimmer's Substack (it's free) you should be.

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I highly reccomend it!

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These fascists will not quietly crawl back under their rocks after the election, no matter who wins.

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It will be a sustained battle, it seems.

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Sadly true. Just look how Abbott has already defied the DOJ with no consequences. Ken Paxton confessed to tampering with mail in ballots. Nothing done about it. Both Abbott and DeSsntis have trafficked people. Nothing was done. High level insurrectionists are still working in Congress. SCOTUS is corrupt. Dem leadership should be calling for Thomas's and Alito's resignations. They also should be investigating both of them. Crickets. Who's fighting for us in this battle?

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Your don’t live in Texas do you, because you’re clearly misled, but then this all reads like a modern Henny Penny nursery tale.

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Actually I do🤣

Fuck off you 🤡

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Why is this not being put out there more? This beyond terrifying 😳 Who are the people working on this?

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Each of us can ask that question . . . what are we each doing to educate people?

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I am like never on Facebook but I am considering posting this. Won't have reach bit every little thing helps.

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DO IT NOW! Be part of the solution. People are paying more attention now . . . like yourself! Good job!

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Why is everybody so worried about Project 2025 today? How long have we known about it? Their website has been tabbed on my gmail screen since last year. I've been howling into the wind about it. WaPo gave it a casual look some months ago Steve Schmidt has been railing about it, as have Rick Wilson, Thom Hartman and several others.

My issue is why the DNC and the Biden campaign have been virtually silent, playing nicey nice because that is the world we want. Paul Pelosi was was polite to the shithead who broke into his house and look what happened to him.

Why all the silence when we know full well that this is it. Our last election if we do not win BIG. The coup plan is already in place. The House will vote to not accept the Electoral College results.

Are we ready for that?

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Obama didn’t strike gold when he had both the senate and the house believing he could reach across the isle and work with the other side. One cannot work with ideologues who will lie to your face as they are preparing to stab you in the back.

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They are prepared to shoot us in the chest now.

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One of Obama’s several failures. Sorry to say.

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May 21
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I was aware of Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh and others. I could smell their cancerous souls. I was also very aware of Reagan and even wrote a poem about the machinations of his secretary of interior.

I was screaming into a void and just like Cassandra warning of the Trojan Horse, was looked upon as an alarmist.

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May 21
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The first time I heard Rush, I found out several people I knew were following him. I was married to a woman in the Women’s Studies program at my local university.

I told her about him and my deep concern. I was Cassandra again and was told “nobody is going to listen to somebody like that.” Her department lived in an academic bubble and could not hear the warning bugle blaring.

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I recognized back in the 1990s with Gingrich, Rove & Norquist, & their punitive extremism & rigidity, that if the Republican Party continued to go in the direction they were going with no intervention, & a strong, charismatic leader took over the party, they would turn into a fascist party reminiscent of the Nazis, & voila!

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Heather Cox Richardson. IYI.

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May 21
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Any way we can.

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NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, NYT, WAPO, LAT. Other than that there are no left wing propaganda machines. GTFOH with your delusional bullshit.

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Most of the ones you listed have a corporatist bias & fail to adequately explain the dangers of Trumpism, fascism & Project 2025, which are supported by billionaire corporate executives, & they welcome the sensationalism & controversy that Trump brings to the news.

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Seniors will have to sign a loyalty oath to Trump/the totalitarian state in order to receive their Social Security benefits.

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As I understand it , this is what happened in Nazi Germany.

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Yikes! How can any patriotic American sign a loyalty oath to the greatest traitor in US history?

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All the reason for Dems to be very direct in their messaging this election. I’m not sure many prospective voters will take the time to actually read “2025”. I haven’t even read it yet. So we have to phrase it in terms of “saving democracy” which it actually is and then point to actual parts of their document as proof. Anything to get the message across.

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The summary that the Heritage Foundation president wrote up does the trick. It’s 16 pages long.

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Go to Wikipedia. The article starts with an introduction and then a listing of all the organizations supporting Project 2025. Then it lists the components/objectives with explanations of each. This is the important part to read. I’m debating about posting each component separately - one a day - on my own Facebook page. I’m thinking people might read one of these and then maybe go to the article itself to see the rest. However, Wikipedia’s article is copyrighted so I might have to go to the actual source. But it really is scary!

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Andra Watkins' blog "How Project 2025 Will Ruin YOUR Life" has bite-sized parts of the whole document. It's helped me understand it all better. I've shared quite a few on FB. Here's her substack page with all the posts: https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/

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YES! She is a very needed voice in all this and tells it from an (former) insider religious perspective. She breaks it down bit by bit.

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