Harris laughs. Trump doesn't. I like people who laugh.

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I had the same thought about Felonious T, but your statement is perfect! I don't think I've ever even seen him genuinely smile - smirk, yes.

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His teeth might fall out? 😈

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Maybe, or perhaps it's a side effect from too much Orang-U-Tan!

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I don't ever recall tfg laughing. Probably because he doesn't understand humor.

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He's a bitter and angry man. The only things that bring him any kind of happiness are money, power, and adulation. Oh, and violence.

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We do too.

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Jul 25Liked by The Big Picture

As Sen. Amy Klobuchar said the other night on MSNBC, that women in politics know attacks like this are coming. POC in politics face the added burden of putting up with racist attacks as well.

I remember all the unsubtle attacks on Barack Obama for 'not being up to the job.' Trump and his white grievance party ALWAYS assume that any POC getting a job is 'unqualified' and an 'affirmative action hire.' The only difference is that they've replaced affirmative action with DEI. Both were the socially acceptable way of using the N-word.

Sen. Klobuchar's advice was simple: know which attacks to ignore, know which ones to respond to, and know which ones to make fun of.

So far, all we've seen from the Trump campaign and his flying monkeys is a bunch of fearful people showing their asses. The Harris campaign so far has shown a remarkable agility in responding, ignoring and, best of all, making fun of them.

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"Sen. Klobuchar's advice was simple: know which attacks to ignore, know which ones to respond to, and know which ones to make fun of."

The answer is: Most, none, and every single one as often as possible.

Nothing infuriates Republicans as much as poking fun at their pathetic attempts.

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Kate Riga smartly said in the Talking Points Memo podcast yesterday that Vance is a DEI hire. He's was chosen to appeal to a certain group. It's always like that in politics. Everyone is chosen for their ability to bring in a certain group. End of story.

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☝️💙yep gotta 🤣

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Seriously. How stupid was Donald Trump to tell people how much he hates being laughed at. And Kamala has the best, most infectious laugh around!

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I love that advice - it’s helpful because there’s so much to choose from.

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An acquaintance posted a quote from Vance touting his marine corps service (as a journalist) and asking what Harris had done to serve her country. No mention of Captain Bone Spurs’ years of public service. It’s easier than shooting fish in a barrel-more like shooting them in a dishpan.

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A cat saucer

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They are going to throw out anything they can. It's important not to respond, but just throw something back at them, keep moving forward. Don't get caught in their little games and lies.

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As I stated earlier, Trump and his minions are going to throw everything at her, be it out of desperation or of absolute malice, or both. Actually they are already starting by passing an Article of Impeachment against her in regards to the border issue, in which she really had no part. They are also trying (in vain, I think) to keep her from accessing the funds contributed to the Biden-Harris campaign by means of a FEC complaint and perhaps a lawsuit.

Hopefully, Harris and the Democrats are ready to counter everything Trump and MAGA throw their way.

The next 100 days will be: The prosecutor vs the FELON.

That's why I already ordered this funny "Prosecutor or Criminal 2024, you can choose only one" t-shirt 👇 🤣


So great to see the positive energy that Kamala Harris brings to this race!

MAGAs are all negative and she is such a contrast.

Go Kamala! 💙

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I find all these attacks laughable considering their own nominee.

Each attack highlights Trump’s weaknesses

DEI hire? Whatever. A reality star whose daddy paid Wharton to take him. Trump was not there on merit. And one of his professors said he was the dumbest student he ever taught.

Kamala’s laugh? It’s awesome. Considering Trump rarely laughs and when he does it’s because he’s said something nasty and hateful.

Kamala’s sexual past? Really? REALLY? Trump wants to go there? Maybe the newly released Epstein papers should be read by everyone. The case filed by a woman who was thirteen when she met Trump might be interesting to ask him about. Then there are the numerous wives and porn stars and playmates. The woman he raped in a department store. His own admissions on how he treats women.

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I know right? trump's team bringing up a person's sexual past is literally the most laughable thing I've heard this week.

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So....let's all laugh, right? 😈

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I spent my career working in two STEM-related fields that were once the exclusive territory of white men.

I would venture to guess that any women - or a BIPOC (black, indigenous, person of color) man for that matter - has felt the sting of white men thinking that they MUST have gotten the job to fill some quota and NOT because they were the most qualified and/or because their employer genuinely valued the diversity of their perspective (`e.g., having a female's perspective on designing consumer products where women make the bulk of the purchasing decisions).

So I believe that these attempts to disparage Kamala Harris are going to backfire on the GOP with the very people the GOP needs to win back in swing states. Especially in the current environment where the same men are eviscerating women's rights to bodily autonomy.

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Attacks like this will drive women voters away in droves, and Trump is already underwater with women.

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Agree 💯percent!

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Read "Lessons in Chemistry" by Bonnie Garmus to understand what we are all talking about here. A terrifically entertaining read that paints a true picture of CWT -- critical women theory.

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The book and the series on Apple TV are both well worth reading/watching.

Great entertainment and funny, too.

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Yes, we're watching the show now -- excellent! Thanks for adding this to our conversation, Christopher.

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There's also a series on Apple TV.

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I'll check it out.

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I truly hope that together we can help Harris win big. We need her to continue the work that the Biden/Harris administration started.

It is disturbing that there is a sizable minority of people in this country who support Trump and his ilk in any way. That minority should shrink as Harris continues to show who she is and what she stands for vs. what the Trump/Vance lunacy stands for. Harris stands for a bright future for all of us. Trump/Vance stand for a fascist dystopian future where anybody who isn’t a rich, straight, white, christian male is oppressed and punished.

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Maybe we should shame the MAGA bunch for their ignorance.

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The Lincoln Project link brought me back to The Big Picture.Here’s another link if others experienced same:


😂Ka-MALA: Make America Laugh Again.😂

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Thank you!

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Her laugh is infectious and so genuine. I love it. You've got to be wary of people who don't like laughter. Or who don't like dogs. What is it with the GOP and their hatred of good, joyful, NORMAL things? Hmmmmm

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Next, they'll accuse her of being a lesbian....

Although that might titillate some of the MAGAts.

Remember, a great many men hear the word "lesbian" and interpret it as "bisexual nymphomaniac."

And "I'm a lesbian with a girlfriend" followed by "And we want you to join us in a three-way."

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The Florida GOP ousted their chairman although his wife,and co-founder of Moms For Liberty, remains on the Sarasota School Board.


Remember… every accusation from the GOP is a confession.

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Yeah, scratch a homophobe hard enough and you find people on the "down-low."

As I constantly repeat, homophobes are astonishingly conversant with the specifics of a sexual act they claim to abhor. I say it's from "personal research" and experience.

My favorite of these jerks was Frazier Glenn Miller/Cross, the sadistic nutball neo-Nazi who shot three people who he mistakenly thought were Jewish, in the usual "blaze of glory" killing. These jerks hope that their massacre will inspire others to start and win a race war, which will end with all the Jews/blacks/gays/Latinos/Muslims dead, and statues of the killer gracing every city park in the nation.

In reality, these killers are so depressed and so aware that they are utter failures at everything, they go out in despair, hoping that their final killings and death will make them remembered, and statues of the killer will grace very city park in the nation.

Anyway, former Special Forces Vietnam soldier, Klan leader, and US Prison inmate Miller was busted by cops in Kansas in flagrante delicto with a gay male transvestite hooker. Not his first time, the cops said.

Miller claimed he was 1. Not aware the hooker was gay 2. doing "research" on the subject 3. was "trapped" by the hooker 4. Was going to beat him senseless after getting his jollies.

Yeah, right.

One of my therapists told me that the latter is common with men who hire other men to service them. They accept the sex, then beat the hooker senseless, and take back the money. Doing so "proves" they're not gay. The fact that they DID have sex with another man is somehow irrelevant....

I don't get it.

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Very coherent summary. I've watched enough serial murder documentaries on netflix, what you state aligns perfectly.

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"I don't get it."

I think it's pretty obvious.

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I mean, I get it on the intellectual level, but I don’t understand people as an Aspergian.

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As a kid if I did something notably bad/stupid/whatever my Mom would exasperatedly ask "What were you thinking! What made you think that was OK?"

I feel that way a lot when considering Republicans. What they hell makes them think ________ is acceptable? I knew they do. Clearly they do so you can't really deny that they do. But I just can't get my brain wrapped around the mindset, the belief system, that lets them think things like (to pick just one of many possible examples) telling a woman she can't travel if they don't like where she's going. I just cannot understand it.

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The answer when you were a kid should have been,

“Mom, I’m a kid. What should I be thinking?”

When adults say, “Act your age!”

They mean, “Act my age or the way I think kids should act at your age!”

They’ve forgotten what it’s like to be a kid.

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Did you hear that the Grindr website "grinded" to a halt during the RNC? Apparently, there were so many hits on the app in Milwaukee that it crashed. Closeted much?

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Except the RNC met in Milwaukee. It's the DNC that is scheduled to meeting in Chicago.

Maybe check your unsubstantiated rumors better?

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My mistake. I meant Milwaukee. No need to get snippy. It's not an unsubstantiated rumor.

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Oh, sorry. I didn't realize we were playing by Republican rules and the fault isn't your mistake but rather my pointing it out.

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Hmmm...I literally typed, "My mistake." But you go ahead and stay snippy. I believe that's a Republican "rule" as well--own the libs.

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I didn't say you didn't acknowledge your mistake. Only that you went beyond that to get snippy that it had been pointed out.

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No…I don’t know much about “Grinder.”

I presume it is a dating site, but I don’t know the specifics.

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Grindr: "the world's largest dating app for gay, bi, trans, and queer people"

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What a surprise.

And I bet that after all those “down low” Republicans got their jollies with gay men in their room at the Hyatt, they beat the heck out of the gay man, saying, “I ain’t no queer, fella!”

Let me get this straight…you’re a man, you have sex with a man, you bring each other (or he at least brings you) to climax, but by beating him senseless, you prove you’re heterosexual.

If you have this incredible need to prove you’re heterosexual, why don’t you just call up an “escort service” and swank a woman who looks like a young Diane Lane or Marjorie Taylor-Greene into the hotel bar, so you can be seen with a smokin’ hot babe?

It’s not like you actually have to DO anything with or to her…..

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One, I love her laugh. Two, I love her joy! Three, thank you for some factual information to use in these cases. I don’t want us to get down in the dirt where the GOP lives. We don’t need to. We need to stick to the facts which in tRumps case are bad enough. In Vance’s case he has said more than enough to use!

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I heard somewhere that instead of “JD” they call him Shay-D (shady). Sounds about right to me. His birth name was James Donald Bowman. He changed his middle name to David, then another James H something, then when he got married in 2014 he change it to JD Vance.

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Hoping she includes the phrases ' obviously the wall didn't work' and 'the wall is a failure, per their own words, they point that out all the time without admitting the wall failed' and include some $$$ facts too about just how much that failure cost US;


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And "How do we know Donald is lying? His lips are moving."

(Sly smirk then move on.)

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Ka-MALA: Make America Laugh Again. I have no tattoos, but that may be my first one. Really good. Time to laugh and get intentional in our truths.

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As Napoleon allegedly commented, “Never interrupt the enemy when he’s making a mistake.” So let Trump and his flunkies do their worst and show everyone who they really are.

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"I hate when people laugh at me. I hate it. I hate it. It’s so disrespectful."

Well, maybe if the Manchurian Canteloupe stopped doing things that deserve disrespect, then.....

I know, crazy talk.

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I read recently (sorry I don’t remember where) that Donald hates laughter bc his dad never let him laugh - he told him that laughter is a sign of weakness.

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