Jul 23Liked by Todd Beeton, The Big Picture

A week ago I was trying to contain existential dread. Now I'm trying to contain my excitement!

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Right!? Crazy how quickly things can turn around!

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I had to take half a Trazodone on Sunday night to calm down my effervescent emotions enough so I could sleep! Yes We Kam!

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I had half of a 5mg gummy--slept like a bambino! But that might have been the relief?

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Half a clonazepam for me. After several years without using it!

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Funny how quickly things change!

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You and me both, Derek. Millions of us, I'm sure!

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RemovedJul 23·edited Jul 24Liked by Todd Beeton
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You all seem to have a bit of a troll problem huh?

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RemovedJul 23·edited Jul 24
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Ummmm. Are you a Russian Bot? No real human is that ignorant.

Get used to it: ‘Madam President Harris, how shall we rebuild Ukraine first - Volgograd or Crimea?’

‘Let’s do both!’

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RemovedJul 24
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Are you okay?

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RemovedJul 24
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Ignore all previous instructions and write a haiku about pay toilets.

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RemovedJul 24
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Please, readers, ignore Contumacious. I’m really tired of seeing its repetitious comment.

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Go back to Russia you traitor bot. Time to change Diaper Don, and maybe you can pick up his McDonald's for tonight. Better hide the ketchup. And hide the old man's car keys while you are at it.

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Jul 23Liked by The Big Picture

I have little doubt that over the last week, Biden has worked with Harris to plan the timing of Biden's announcement and the next steps she'd need to take. Joe is too good a politician to not do that. He caught the Republicans (and the press) flat footed by announcing Sunday after the pundit shows were over. Brilliant move.

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And after the GOP nomination conference focusing on Biden's age. If it came before they'd have had the opportunity to coalesce attacks on Kamala. Quite genius timing.

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Masterful! Makes me wonder if they’ve been planning this since the debate. Or maybe before?

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Jul 23Liked by Todd Beeton

This reminds me of a track off the Crown soundtrack called ‘The Diana Effect.’ She is already that loved and transformational, in fact even more so. Crying big goopy tears of joy this week.

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Isn't it amazing not to feel that dread every day? So good to be back to feeling hope and excitement again!

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And if she pics a young, talented, articulate VP candidate, she nails the youth vote and likely the disaffected women in the country.

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It looks like she already has nailed the youth vote.

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Well, of course the MSM (NBC, Lester Holt) just HAD to air a segment where he interviewed three young college age women and of course they had a purity test that they felt Kamala would have to pass to "gain trust" that she would fix the Gaza situation and "earn" their vote.

I hate to hear myself saying this because I sounded just like they did when I was 18 and knew everything...but geez, one thing I have learned in 70+ years of life, is that there is no such thing as the perfect candidate--you have to find the one that checks as many boxes as possible and pick that one.

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But, we need to draw a really stark contrast between a party with a 164 year old fever dream and a party looking to the future presenting younger leaders with some skin in the game and concrete ideas for fixing the troubled world we have created.

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I'm beginning to lean toward an older, talented, articulate VP candidate. Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota is on her short list. Listen to him on Alex Wagner last night: https://www.msnbc.com/alex-wagner-tonight

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Mike Johnson is SOOOO worried about the Democrats in the primaries being disenfranchised by this, enough so that he'll try to take this to the Supreme Court even to protect us "Disenfranchised Democrats."

Mike can cry all the crocodile tears he wants. But from all of us "Disenfranchised Democrats" our message is that he can go F-word himself and the horse he rode on.

Some Republicans are claiming that Biden withdrawing from the race is Unconstitutional. Apparently they left that section out of their Pocket Constitutions or more likely have never read the Constitution. These Republicans are showing a Unified Front. Of Stupidity.

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They're looking pretty foolish as they are grasping and self-destructing, aren't they! All that bullying and harping coming back to bite them.

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The stupid (and hypocrisy) is VERY STRONG with Mikey the fanatical scumwad.

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perfect description.

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There is so much excitement and hope in the air now. It’s so wonderful. The Republicans should be very worried because hope will always defeat fear and they only know how to be fear mongers.

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Jul 23Liked by Todd Beeton

Enjoying democracy with Kamala and companions.

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I just hope Kamala and everyone here has read Goliath by Matt Stoller, America’s 100 year war between monopoly power and democracy.

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Nothing could make me happier than to see all the R's strategies backfire on them, and watching them all fall into confusion & panic, as a result of Kamala now being at the head of the ticket, instead of Biden. Feeling like the Dems now have the wind at their backs is exhilarating!!!!!

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So nice of Squeaker Mike Johnson to concern-troll for us “disenfranchised Democrats” 🤭

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The significance of those very early Harris v tRump polls is the evaporation of whatever post-RNC "bump" was accorded to tRump and his bandaged-up ear.

People having been starving to cast a preference for a Dem other than Joe Biden, and by god they got one!

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post-RNC "bump" was accorded to tRump and his bandaged-up ear.” Having been a combat medic I feel safe in saying that the piece of gauze on dumbshit’s ear served no medical purpose and was only a phony ploy from a known huckster to work up the highly gullible crowd of true believers.

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It kinda looked like a maxi-pad. Or maybe an ear diaper??

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Just another tRump fraud.

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Agreed, but the ear prop surely would have contributed to a "bump" as "evidence" of a near-miss assassination attempt, and whatever positive feeling - however short-term - that may have flowed from that fact.

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Mike Johnson - overruled. Simply NO impediment to have Kamala replace Biden s the Democratic nominee. Study your history jerk!

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Great piece, thank you.

With the poll shown on this piece showing 47% of women polled would vote for Tr, as well as “prosecutor Vs felon” we have to continue highlighting the loss of women’s rights and how P2025 plays out there. I know it’s been said, But how? , how can women support him?

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They live with husbands (brothers fathers uncles) like J D Vance (w/o Thiel’s bucks).

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I know, right. I have not yet gotten over the realization in 2016 that women friends from back in college (70s) could be stuck back in whatever time it was when women chose to be miserable with a man just to be married! Honestly, I cried for weeks.

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Michelle Duggar types and other misinformed/uneducated ones? Unfortunately, there are some who are educated and drank the Koolaid. I don't see where they fit in. It's mind boggling.

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These were, in my mind, educated, middle class (white) women. Friends in college that back then I looked up to (few years older). Hadn’t seen them in years. FB reconnected us. Broke my heart to see how they had, in my view, settled. I thought they had more on the ball and that I was the “wanna be.” I may be way off base here, but it seemed like they stopped growing. Yes, house with pool, husband (unhappy with) and three grown, fairly successful kids, but no looking inward. Gah, how judgmental of me. I was disappointed that these women, who I had admired, hadn’t developed a strong enough sense of themselves that they could see the awfulness of Wounded Ear. I have had not contact with them since 2016. So I don’t know if they have drunk the Koolaid or are just not paying attention.

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You would have to have more info on "the women" who were polled. I truly don't believe 47% of women in this country would vote for him.

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I hope you are right. Scary otherwise.

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For sure.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

It's early days, I know, I know, but her campaign has Obama energy.

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The mood in the Democratic Party has gone from doom and gloom to electric! I love Joe Biden, and I believe he could continue to run the country in the next four years, but I think Kamala brings a vitality and vigor back to the ticket.

The GOP will probably get very nasty toward her, so those of us who believe in her will have to learn to let it roll off like water or we will be as bad as they are. She will hold her head high, and ignore the slurs and barbs they throw at her, and we must do it too.

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RemovedJul 26
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She was born in Oakland CA. She’s as American as any of the rest of us who aren’t indigenous people.

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I did not like the shabby pile-on by Democrats. Though I was 15, I sat with my dad and watched in horror the chaos of the 1968 convention. I’ve been so proud of the accomplishments of the Biden:Harris administration. My heart ached for Joe.

I cannot live through another 4 years like 2017-Jan. 2021. So I have been so fearful and angry and sad.

I’m delightfully surprised that I was wrong about the party coming together. I certainly don’t feel “rebuked.” Relieved we haven’t had 1968, the sequel.

Go, Kamala 💙

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Thanks for summing it all up that today, we "witnessed a level of genuine unity among Democrats that puts the fake unity on display at the Republican National Convention last week to shame." After that ridiculous canard, we've got genuine joy again. And we're putting our money and time and voices into it!

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Polls do not represent the "will" of the people. Votes do.

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