Oct 3Liked by Todd Beeton

The issue is Christian Nationalists using our government to force us to follow thier extremist views. They can't be happy living in a country that allows you to worship as you choose, they want to force everyone to follow their beliefs!

That's why I have a shirt that says: "This is our home, not your church"

This one: t.co/cPzR9h2zV6

Perfect for these times!

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American Taliban, it’s as simple as that.

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Love that, Heather! Will be here next week!!

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Once again, I should have waited until after tea time to digest this nonsense. Maybe a good hot cuppa will scald these demons though. SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!

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more like we need happy hour

yes, separation of church and state

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This one comes under “Know thy enemy.” Crypto-fascists, who believe themselves to be Christian, but are anything but, are doing their damnedest to elect Trump/Vance and institute a dystopic, apartheid theocracy in the United States. They are a minority (less than 20% of Americans identify as evangelical Christians), but they must be defeated and the wall between church and state must be rebuilt and reinforced.

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True evangelical Christian leaders have denounced this group as not Christian in spite of their rhetoric. I have read articles by the ministers & they do not follow the belief that tfg & his sycophants should be anywhere near a position of power.

Sorry I can’t remember the names.

These so-called Christians worship at the altar of the grifter/con/thief/liar etc.

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I know there is a Christians against trump" or "Christians for Harris" group. Not sure how widespread it is. But good to hear some of these Christian leaders speaking out against this nonsense.

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Agree we need to defeat them & I believe that they will keep trying to implement their backwards theocracy on us so that is why we have to defeat trump on November. And with big numbers….because if he goes to the White House again this time it will be our downfall.

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I read the “plan” is elect him, put amendment 25 in play, remove tfg from office and then Vance is president. Heritage people are aware of tfg’s dementia.

Very scary people! Vote Blue!

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Not seeing or hearing any Christian religious preaching or community care coming out of this group, only biased political speech and lies. A clear case of church, non-profit, tax exempt status abuse. The IRS needs to yank their status and make them pay taxes.

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Oct 3Liked by Todd Beeton

This is super scary. Whatever happened to the separation of Church and State?

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They simply don't believe in it. It's remarkable.

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Aren’t their tax laws against churches involving themselves in politics? Why is this being completely ignored?

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Todd, Isn't there a special place in Hell for people like that? Or, don't they believe that "their god" will let that happen?

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Trump happened…

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I'm a Scot in the UK. We voted out our Conservatives as being self serving and twisting the law to their own ends. I was angry with them. But christonnabike your lot terrify me.

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They terrify us too.

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Yes, we are very afraid. There is no way to tell how many or how strong they are.

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Since the First Amendment of the United States Constitution states that "Congress cannot make laws that establish a national religion or prohibit the free exercise of religion," aren't these people breaking the law?

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Not only that, they are using their religious base to tell people how to vote. Breaking tax laws of separation of church and state. They need to pay taxes!

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Exactly! Why has this law/s been completely ignored for decades?!

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GQP complicity and general governmental cowardice . . . (Plus the mass media being ANYTHING BUT Liberal . . .)

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Fear of god bullies, whining about persecution on fox news

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Well no law has been made (or attempted) establishing a national religion or prohibiting the free exercise of religion. Tthey are campaigning under the guise of spreading their faith or whatever and I question whether that is legal but they've been getting away with it thusfar. Not sure how these people think they are going to get around the Constitution on that one if TFG wins. But we need to make sure we don't find out!

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My understanding is P25 includes “strengthening the executive,” and that plus the redSCOTUS immunity decision would ease DT or JDV declaring executive privilege and changing the constitution or eliminating it completely via the executive branch only.

The constitution could be replaced by a series of executive orders, and be protected by the immunity decision as “official acts of the presidency.”

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While I deplore sanewashing, I don't think you can use it to describe much of JD's talk at the debate. Sanewashing is putting a particular spin on facts. Without facts, it is just plain lying. There is no way that trump "saved" the ACA. trump's "commonsense wisdom" was in the context of how we need to ignore all experts and to with the emotional. Accusing Kamala of things done by Obama (that Iranian money thing) or of being responsible for things she, as VP, had no control over, added to the lies, but the lies about how "great" trump's presidency was were the most insidious.

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Not a complaint, but the Seven Mountains Mandate was originally created by Rousas John Rushdoony, theologian of Christian Reconstructionism that became Dominionism. I doubt that fucking moron Wallnuts has ever had an original thought in his life.

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This was an important substack to get out, and it is much appreciated.

Wallnau, Johnson, Pence, and the Evangelicals had insider access to Trump during his presidency. They are assuming that in a United States reconstituted as a "Christian Nation" that they will be the denomination that is in the driver's seat and their people will be the ones with their hands on the levers of power, with their (untaxed) church as the fourth branch of government.

J. D. Vance however is a recent convert to arch-conservative Roman Catholicism, in league with Leonard Leo, Kevin Roberts, Steve Bannon, and six SCOTUS justices, all of whom are aligned with Opus Dei. Opus Dei penetrated the Federalist Society and has been working feverishly to populate the US judicial system and the Civil Service with Roman Catholics. Their goal is that of turning the US into a Roman Catholic theocracy. They do not intend to allow evangelical heretics to co-opt that role in their stead, and they are MUCH farther along in getting their people into positions of authority than the evangelicals. As percentages of the US population, 24% identify as evangelical Christians, while 23% identify as Roman Catholic. The possibility for a serious religious dispute is in the offing, here.

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Thanks Douglas, I was wondering about this very overlay. William Barr must fit in here?

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If they get what they”they”, looking forward to them destroying each other if they can leave the rest of us alone.

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In your guts you know they’re nuts.

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Please please please…when Kamala wins, can the world STOP mentioning the orange oompa loompa’s name?? I am sooooo sick of hearing it day in and day out. Every single day it’s mentioned and has been for YEARS! Enough!

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Can't wait until he is a footnote and I can go a day without thinking about that criminal

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And hopefully he’ll be wearing a uniform matching his spray on tan.

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I just call him The Convict. Very satisfying. And I relentlessly deadname the other one.

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He’s a couchfucker . Straight up weird

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These people scare the **** out of me. Who could have thought this would be what the US in 2024 would be dealing with? Jesus wept, indeed.

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Don’t sleep on retired Gen. Michael Flynn and his ReAwaken America Tour either. Flynn and the tour have been marrying Christian nationalism, religion and terrorism since 2022. He uses tactics he honed in the Middle East fighting against and studying the likes of Al-Qaeda, et al while he ran counter-insurgency for the Army over there. He wrote a book about what he calls “Fifth Generation Warfare” detailing these tactics and highlighting how they can be used here in America to push Christian Nationalism on the rest of us. It’s dark shit - and ongoing. Utilizing these tactics, Flynn spent 2020 recruiting “digital soldiers” for the “cause”. He was party to getting some of the most violent of the groups who were at the Capitol on J6 engaged. And he definitely has kept the violent ones engaged since then.

This is from 2022 and was written in conjunction with a PBS Frontline episode about Flynn and his turn to Christian Nationalism.


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I am worried that this leg of the crazies is stockpiling ammunition’s for the post election period.

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Three thoughts: 1. Nowhere in the far-right Christian nationalism can I find the love that the Christ preaches. 2. What happened to " render unto Caesar, basically Jesus' proclamation on separation of church and state? 3. To counter the hateful actions and destructive energy of Christian nationalists, it is time for centrist/liberal congregations of all religions to reach out as much as possible in a political sense. The Christian nationalists (an oxymoron) are a splinter group, a mote in true Christian eyes. Time for the true Christian beam in wise,loving eyes to stand for love, not hate. This means, unfortunately, being politically active.

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These folks have been documented as characterizing the Words of the Savior as "liberal talking points" - which, well... kinda... but aren't those supposed to be THE Christian commandments?

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Wait they actually want to get involved in voter turnout and counting the votes? They should try the same "thoughts and prayers" they hope will fix the gun violence problem

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