Trump said “we want more babies” so I’m assuming that they are a delicacy for him. FuckTrumpPutin

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He wants to create a white Christian nation. So he only wants certain types of babies. The rest he'll deport.

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He’s a human trafficker

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Fuck that shit!💩 Korn

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He wants them for another reason.

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He likes them on the young side. Remember Epstein/Trump back in the day.

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Creating monsters?

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Yes, like his own offspring.

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Yes, I see that he was quite successful with his latest creation. I wonder how long it took them to find DNA that was both male and tall?

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That too.

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So, it's bad news for the Orange Guy ... he's not smart enough to know when his "goose is cooked" or to close his mouth. Bad-mouthing his opponents with sexual innuendos has made me sick to know that his fan-base still rally to his side. The numbers are proof that BLUE can win, so tell anyone you know in the swing states do "do the right thing" and vote BLUE to keep our Democracy.

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Remind people (who will actually listen to you) that they have core values that they are betraying by voting for Trump. The top 10 are integrity (honesty), empathy, resiliency, gratitude, open mindedness, responsibility, compassion, fairness, and lifelong learning.

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But most who have already made up their minds don't care. I have a female friend who even after the BJ thing was like "But his policies are so much better". As a female she's willing to overlook ALL of this for policies that he honestly hasn't even laid out. It's just mind boggling. And I'm not her only friend who has basically told her we were disappointed in her shift (she didn't vote for him in the past 2 elections making this kind of surprising).

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Trump somehow being a “policy” president and his supporters wanting him to “stick to policy” is the most hilarious flex. He doesn’t know anything about any policy. He’s a moron, and even flips on his own positions by the day for whatever is expedient.

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Trump was able to hypnotize 30% of our population in a few short months- because he was told how to hypnotize his audience, and he’s been doing that for 8 years, with constant campaign rallies where he hypnotizes people -with the cadence of his voice and repeated messaging. So that voters will vote against their own best interests and continue to burn the oil.

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Here's to another Blue Wave this November!

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I can’t help but wonder… what if we had a functioning free press (vs corporate press), which gave even brief mention of the accomplishments of Biden/Harris Administration and gave Joe an honest fair shot. We’ll never know. That magic “what if.”

Not sure I’ll live long enough to see (perhaps a new iteration?) of a free press.

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That’s because Joe wants to transition away from oil. Dumbshits refuse to give up oil profits

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I always thought that the ladies of all races would be the key to this race long before Kamala was the candidate and not totally because of Roe being overturned…it was because I really felt it was their time not that Hill didn’t deserve it …she did most definitely…that was a fluke for the ages …this time it feels so right that nothing will stop it ! I wish my Ma lasted a few more months to see this history being made ! I think the women’s vote would have saved Joes campaign at the last minute regardless of what all the supposed pros were predicting!

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Indeed the gender gap is fueling Harris’s lead over Trump but I really don’t think it would’ve been enough to save Joe. Harris has evened out the race where Biden was way behind. So that her enthusiasm among women gives her a solid lead. The coalition she has assembled so quickly is remarkable. Thanks Joe!

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You’re absolutely right, but the truth is Biden was barely able to survive campaigning against Trump. Not because he’s too old, but because TrumpPutin won’t take no for an answer. A landslide is now required. And Kamala and Tim will deliver!

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Biden didn't have it in him to come out against the BS TFG was constantly spewing. He's always been a good, honest man and he just couldn't process fast enough to wage the fight he needed to against a very angry, hateful orange Hitler. Part of it is was age. Harris and Walz are better prepared to wage this war, they are hitting TFG just low enough without stooping to his level.

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Biden was chosen to be Trump‘s Patsy, and when Biden realized that he was the fucking Patsy he passed the baton and said fuck you

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At least the smart and sane and decent women. Remember there are the “Katie Britts” and “MTGs” who also vote. Or at least go to X45 rallies wearing their disgusting trump regalia.

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I do believe at this point in time that Harris is a more liked and better candidate than Hillary. I voted for Hillary but honestly wasn't much of a fan. I have never been able to bring myself to vote for TFG. Not saying Hillary didn't deserve it, she probably did, I just don't think she was as strong as Harris has been. Even though she carried the popular vote she just didn't have that "UMPH" if that makes sense. And maybe it's the times, back then we didn't know exactly how bad TFG would be, his campaign back then was more policy and less trash talk (though he's always loved his name calling). Now that we know who he is I believe Hillary maybe could have won in a rematch. We will obviously never know, what we do know is we can't let 2016 happen again!

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I’d sure like to think so. It’s difficult to believe that many women and the men who love them would sit home on Election Day.

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In 2016, when both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were historically unpopular candidates, and the double haters made up 20% of the electorate, according to Enten:

“Double Doubters went overwhelmingly for Donald Trump and therefore gave him the election.”


But Hillary Clinton WON the popular vote and lost the electoral vote. That seems to be forgotten on a regular basis.

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2016 was also the first presidential election after the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act in 2013, in Shelby. It is invalid reasoning to say that the double doubters are the reason that Trump won. You don't need to be an attribution science expert to understand that there were multiple necessary but not sufficient conditions, with Shelby being a massive one. Read the research of Ari Berman. His latest book has all the evidence. It is called "Minority Rule: The Right-Wing Attack on the Will of the People--And the Fight to Resist It."

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Our politicians have slowly, but surely, sold our country to the oil baron corporations

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If we knew then what we know now things I feel would be different.

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I learned something new here, thanks!

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Good report, thank you.

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I’m very happy Harris is in the race. However, I’m sad Biden doesn’t get the cudos he deserves.

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