“As ABC News political director Rick Klein told The New York Times:”

This is theatre posing as political debate. Hard no for me on watching. If you don’t know by now who to vote for you’re a moron. This is about democracy vs facism. Dems can put up anyone and they have my vote

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Djt isn’t preparing because he knows all his lies by heart.

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I saw a video clip of Kamala's visit at Penzey's spices where she hugged the little girl. I love that she is such a genuinely nice person, and a cook! Look for it on their FB page. I've been buying my spices from them for over a decade, they are the best! Their politics are progressive, so even better 😊

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Neither my wife and I will be watching the live ABC feed, but through the TPM live-blogging feed...we both hate the sound of tRump's voice, and his shitty orange face.

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Wait for gish Gallop. Hopefully Kamala trained on taking the air out that.

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Yes, I look forward to seeing how she handles the firehose of lies and his zigging and zagging from topic to topic.

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He calls it "weaving" (the likes of which has never been seen before,) and I call it flailing.

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I think when they ask Donald a question and he doesn't answer it but goes into a series of lies. Kamala should start her answer with a question like "is it true that you were convinced of fraud in the Trump university?" 🤣 And then answer the question, that will force him to try and discredit her question and totally throw him off balance. Because it's impossible for him to give a short answer, remember he likes to "weave".

Kamala is a seasoned prosecutor, accustomed to dealing with lying criminals and biased judges.

She will CRUSH Trump in the debate. She knows how to handle a CONVICTED FELON.

Can’t wait to celebrate Kamala's debate victory wearing this "Kamala removes stubborn orange stains" tee 👇 🤣


Harris should respond to the attacks from Trump with, “Can you please repeat that lie?”

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Why won't the network hold to journalistic standards and FACT CHECK the lies? Doing so after the fact only denies any accountability.

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Cowardice plain and simple. ABC is terrified of actually committing journalism.

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They want to give Kamala the chance to speak!

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Please read Robert Richie's response to Joyce Vance's The Week Ahead post on 9/8. Easy to find as it is the first comment to her post.

A great addition to the baffling question ~ Why are Trump's supporters so obstinately loyal to him and deaf to reason?

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Ritchie’s comment is long but excellent. Worth the read.

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A great read.

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A lot could be riding on this… thanks for a nice overview

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Can this really be called a ‘debate’? Orange oompah loompah will turn this into a slam Kamala event full of none sensical bullshit and the inability to put two words together. Cracks me up all the times he’s said shit like, “like the (insert noun) has never seen before.” What a waste of humanity. I hope Kamala restates every question he’s asked and gives HER answer. The first time he says Kamilla I’m gonna jump through my TV and kick him in the balls.

While the advice from Robert Hubble is to ignore the polls, it’s very difficult for me to do that. I have to catch myself and remind my brain that there are too many pundits, even the ones who are pro Kamala, flooding every TV channel and what is referred to as online news saying he’s ahead in the polls blahblah. I just don’t get it. I have rambled. Does anyone else feel the same way?

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A vibrant, middle-aged, healthy, experienced Asian tiger fighting an angry, old, hungry, sickly-- and obviously dangerous-- lion. Pass the popcorn!

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“THEY’RE TRYING TO STEAL EVERY SWING STATE… BY VOTING!!!” Oh, the horror 🤦‍♀️ “Cease and assist “? 🤣 Are we even sure English is Trump’s first language? He has trouble with the basics all the time.

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If I watch the debate I will have nightmares. I’ll read about the debate tomorrow morning in my only reliable source of news, my Substack subscriptions. I’m certain Kamala will shred him.

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After the last 10 years being emotionally abused by the orange stain, his voice “triggers” me. My daughter suggested closed captioning. I may resort to that.

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She told Trump that Putin would eat him. It was worth watching the whole debate from start to finish to see and hear the way she said it and the lead up to that statement. You can see him getting eaten in her calm, cool, collected face, and Trump was like an angry, little boy struggling to stay on topic.

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I will be watching because I’d like to hear what Kamala has to say. Every time trump speaks I will be muting, as I don’t care what he says and I can’t stand listening to him babble!


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What happened to timing the mikes? There should be a countdown on-screen to show when Cheetolini is going beyond his time.

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Call out the dipah*t on what tariffs are. Foreign nations CANNOT PAY US TAXES. Tariffs raise the price of imports and thus are paid BY THE IMPORTERS. Not the exporters.

Also, retaliation is 100% to be expected. It happened before and will happen again, thus damaging US exports.

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Ultimately we the people pay for tariffs.

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