This old broad gives PP money every month to help protect her granddaughter's right to choose. This is a top priority for many women. I want these GQPs to be CRUSHED by women who stand up for themselves, their daughters, and granddaughters.

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Let’s make it happen!

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If you care about the rights of your granddaughter (and all women and girls), you might want to rethink those PP donations.


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Some time in the near future an alpha male will decide which men can reproduce. The rest will be eunuchs. Honestly, we must clean up the gene pool.

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To paraphrase the famous WWII quote, Republicans have awakened a sleeping lioness, except she hadn't been sleeping. She is sleep-deprived, overworked, underpaid, and ANGRY.

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The reason that the voters denied Younkin his trifecta is simple.

We don’t trust you. Period. And likely we won’t ever trust you again.

And by “you” I don’t just mean the smarmy Gov of Virginia, I mean every single politician who says, trust me, I won’t out law a woman’s right to have access to medical care, I just will follow the consensus.

The 15 week “compromise” is a Trojan Horse. The good voters of VA saw through the lie.

Fool me once shame on you (all those justices that crossed their fingers behind their back while stating they agreed that Roe was settled law). But fool me twice and it is on me.

Women and the men that care about them are not fooled. And hopefully will never be fooled ever again.

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I’m a donor to Planned Parenthood too. They saved my daughters life 20 years ago when she had her exam and PAP smear there. I hate the idea of these icky men having their noses in my crotch. Women are mad and we’re not going to take it any more. Bring it on indeed!

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PP saved my life 50 years ago. I will never forget.

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We just have to care for our people. Sending a hug.

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Thank you. Yippee. All of us have the right to decide what we will & will not do with our own bodies. 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

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“the Republican National Committee ... believes the GOP should be aggressive on the issue and find a “consensus as a country” around a 15-week ban.”

Read that carefully. They believe “finding a consensus” is aggressively pushing people to agree with their unpopular view.

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What do you think the chances are that Ohio becomes a swing state again with the republicans saying they will ignore the vote on abortion rights?

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I don’t think it will become a swing state any time soon. But next year’s referendum on gerrymandering could make it much more democratic.

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It will probably take a few years to vote out all the old white male bigots from the state house. When that objective is realized, Ohio will again be a swing state.

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True, but that doesn't matter in a presidential election.

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I wish the abortion rights question in Ohio had been on the same ballot as the last US Senate race there.

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America not being to get beyond abortion and gun control keeps it stuck distracted from addressing its grotesque concentration of wealth or climate change.

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I fail to understand how a group of politicians have to ability to decide metaphysical and medical issues. They have decided life begins at conception but that's not what their holy book says. They need to look up all those references to "breath of life". Besides, not everyone in this country has the same religion or philosophy so it sure seems like they're treading on a church matter that they have no business deciding. They also seem to lack the necessary medical knowledge to make decisions. How many women will die because those clowns don't understand ectopic pregnancies? There have already been some close calls in Texas because doctors are afraid to terminate a nonviable pregnancy before the mother's life is threatened. Fortunately, when I was pregnant, I had the choice. But today, if my amniocentesis had shown any fatal abnormalities, I cannot imagine what I would have done if forced to carry a pregnancy to completion that would have resulted in either a stillbirth or a baby having a very short and painful life. That is absolutely horrible and unbelievably cruel to all parties.

I realize that the "slippery slope" argument is considered fallacious, but if the government is allowed into those sorts of personal decisions, what will they try to regulate next?

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For years people like meself have been trying to tell people that banning abortion would take away the doctors who deliver their babies and the hospitals would stop delivering babies,out of fear of being jailed if something random went wrong.We are seeing this right now.There are women who have almost died recently when doctors had to wait until the woman was literally nearly bled to death in order to help her.Women with etoptic pregnancies told to go home and wait.This is a life threatening condition,that can result in fatal hemorrhages,and will never result in a birth.And we would never tell any other person with any other conditions to go home and wait,or stand over them until they are almost dead to treat them.Think of telling a heart attack patient something like this.But now it's almost routine to expect this during a pregnancy.

The people who harp for these bans, believe that every woman who wants an abortion,is a baby hating slut that uses abortion for birth control.This isn't true,more and more we are hearing about the unknown women who got emergency abortions to save their lives,or to abort a severely deformed fetus,that had no chance of life.(We don't do that sort of thing as much anymore,since medical science can fix and treat many congenital defects with surgery, medication,and/or therapy.And Down's children are able to be educated and their defects are treatable.)And most of those abortions are wanted and planned pregnancies that somehow went wrong,and most of the time the parents are married.

The zealots cry about adoption,but 1,000s of kids languish in foster homes and some of those kids are handicapped,or are siblings that want to be together.Or are older kids who are orphaned or have issues.When these people find permanent homes for all these kids,then they will impress me they can find homes for all the babies.Assuming they really care about the babies,and not merely controlling women.It is also sadly tragic that our Congress seems to think it's okay to cut funding for programs that help women and babies, especially single women and their children.

Others are women and young girls who are sexual assault victims,and it is assumed by these zealots that it is okay to force them to give birth.Some of the girls are as young as 9 or 10.This should infuriate any decent person.No one should be forced to do anything like that.

These are the reasons people are voting in droves against abortion bans.We don't hate children,but we understand that things can go wrong in a pregnancy,and usually happen without warning or are unexpected occurrences.No one should have the right to judge a woman for needing or wanting an abortion until they know all the facts.And threatening the doctors into leaving a state only hurts the women who want their babies.

The only ban should be a ban on abortion bans.Let's keep voting for them.

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Yes it will.

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Abortion rights will drive a portion of the vote, but it's an incomplete message.

Many other rights are in jeopardy, and rule by religious extremists is itself terrifying.

But we're less than a year out, and I've yet to hear coordinated Democratic messaging. It's not enough to point to a message if it's not being delivered by Democratic leadership.

Black turnout is continuing to drop and there's no sign that this will change in 2024. Crossover votes will pull out some wins, but these are "rented votes". Democrats can ill afford to take the Black vote for granted.

Youth turnout has also plummeted...12% in Ohio. Clearly GenZ is not getting the message.

I'd like to believe that Democrats have a great messaging plan, an army of surrogates, and a carefully calibrated GOTV program, but I've seen no sign of this to date.

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I’m thinking with all the Hitler and Nazi talk coming from the Republicans front runner along with his announcements of rounding up everyone he basically doesn’t like, and let’s face it he really doesn’t like Black people or Asian people or Latino people, will most likely frighten a fair number of POC away from the Republicans again. I’m sure the idea that they or family members could be rounded up, placed in basically a Concentration camp and then deported with NO right to appeal is making a lot of POC who do support the Republicans to think a little harder about that support.

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It's not just minorities. Charlie Sykes, a white Never Trumper, did a piece today in Bulwark about how Tweeters said he should be rounded up. Anybody can be vermin. Any color, any gender, any type of politics. That's the true nature of fascism.

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Perhaps, but it's also likely that they believe siding with the GOP will better protect their interests.

I'd note that polling has consistently shown that GOP Latino voters harbor little compassion for undocumented immigrants or refugees.

The reality of our crisis is far greater than we are acknowledging.

Not only will a significant portion of Black voters stay home barring significant intervention, but the splintered 3rd party field is likely to garner disaffected young voters.

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And I’ll counter that by saying that I’ve worked for 4 different polling companies, and polls are flat out garbage. Polls are done when a customer pays for one, and they expect that the poll will reflect their point of view. Then the word experts and psychologists are brought in to frame the questions, along with the manner in which the questions will be allowed to be answered. In this way a good pollster could get you to answer yes, to something you vehemently would answer no to if you could simply give your opinion, but because the answers are also tailored in a special manner, you can’t actually give your honest opinion. And polls have been used time and again to make people believe something that isn’t actually true. Remember both of those previous red waves that ALL the polls said were going to happen? Did they?

Don’t believe polls, they are paid for propaganda from whoever commissioned the poll. The only poll that ever matters is the one on election day.

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I'm sure you're correct about polling, but election results are not polls.

There is now a pattern of decreased Black turnout, increased voting for GOP candidates by Latino voters, and (other than college towns) a significant drop in GenZ turnout.

Joyce Vance's newsletter this evening detailed Trump's inroads with Latino voters via a very friendly interview with Univision. This is a warning sign, another one.

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The Falange is back.

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Hey, I got an alert on this in my email via post.news, I guess because I follow George Takei there. The email said: "A post from an account you follow is trending!" Yay!!

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Do not underestimate women voters. Seriously, how does anyone not know that women run the world?

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Thanks for the insightful article and on the wedge strategy. Abortion is a right and must be preserved!

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These results really illuminate the idea of messaging. I feel that when people understand the issues, and the real life ramifications of their vote, they will show up. We just need to find a way to help them see the light.

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