May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot, The Big Picture, George Takei

The GOP cannot take back its actions and viewpoints; rather, like its followers, it is doubling down on them, because to do anything else would mean admitting error, admitting just how far down the rabbit hole of extremism it's gone - and that it cannot do. Nor can it rein in its more extreme members, because, as you say, the GOP needs their votes.

I can only hope that the GOP will crash and burn - to either be replaced by another party or be reborn from the crash - before it takes the entire country down with it.

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And we must be all in for our democracy.

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May 2, 2023Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot, The Big Picture, George Takei

They are also trying their hardest to eliminate those middle-of-the-road voters through extreme gerrymandering and outright cheating. We cannot allow them to succeed in that venture.

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No, we cannot allow them to suceed. Agreed.

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I am fine with that "destruction" so long as it is Party SELF-destruction. My concern and worry is how the Republicans will try to take the rest of us with them. They obviously are quite okay with political carnage. It is time the Democrats meet this tyranny head-on. They have been wandering in their desert of denialism long enough. From the ancient Warrior Sun Tzu: "An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes." Kevin McCarthy is a match-strike away from a national inferno.

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And we not allow ourselves ever to become like them, seeking power at all cost.

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We cannot take our eyes and ears off these draconian monsters. Vigilance 24/7.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot, George Takei

As a Transgender woman and as a Veteran I have seen what once was the Republican Party start it’s self-immolation way before the current and frankly Frightening metamorphosis of the GOP! It truly is no longer a political party as much as it had been reborn as a violent, vindictive Cult of Hate! I agree with you George that MAGA is in a Death Spiral of it’s own creation and it started with the GOP of the post WW2 years and they’ve piled on the crazy ever since! From Eisenhower’s appeasement to the Military-Industrial complex of Corporate America, through the Trickle Down economic policies of Ronald Regan and Barry Goldwater, and the reigns of utter nonsense and chaos of George Bush Senior and Junior’s foolish wars in the Middle East and the Great Recession! And now we have the literal incarnation of bigotry and hatred in the form of the MAGA-FASCIST CULT! As they continue to spread their collective madness and hatred for profit and power, they are destroying our country! 2024 is a real chance to be rid of the pestilence of MAGA and they must be voted out on every level of politics,local,state and federal! Reason, Sanity and LOVE must be brought back to the country or we won’t be a country! LET LOVE RULE!

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Love is love is love. #TransRightsAreHumanRights

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May 2, 2023Liked by Todd Beeton

So true! I just wish more people would try and spread the love and reject the hatred of the Republican MAGA Party! 😢🥰

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As horrible as it all is - and it IS! - the fact of the matter is what's going on at the Federal level is the least of our worries. What really needs to happen is change on the local and state levels. We hear of the outrageous activities in Florida and Tennessee, but look too at Arkansas, Nebraska, Idaho, Iowa, and here in my home state of Ohio. And don't forget North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, and, and, and...! It's at the state level we must focus. And we must focus NOW! What WE all need to do, if we can, is run for City Council, the local School Board, anything and everything. I would, but I start cancer treatments next week, and will be out of commission for about a year or so. Otherwise, against my wife's objections, I'd be in one of these local races. And I'm 67! Don't let age get in your way. Rather, let it be a legacy gift to your children, your grandchildren, your neighbors. Otherwise, our legacy will be that it was on OUR watch that the United States' democracy experiment came to an end.

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I wish you well with your cancer treatments, and co-sign your statement that we must work at ALL levels. We cannot afford to be distracted by the federal loud mouths from the needs in our local communities. It need be both/and.

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Well said Daniel.

You can add Indiana to the list of scary places to live. The mayor where I live told me “the police don’t spend time on traffic violations anymore because God will guide everyone to obey the laws if we all pray hard enough”. He was serious. We recently had an election and there wasn’t a single Democrat or Independent running. I think the state would rather burn itself down than consider leaving what is now the Republican Fascist Party.

I wish you well with your upcoming treatments. All my best to you & yours.

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Thank you, Kasumii !! I feel very good about how things are scheduled to go, and have great faith that all is going to be fine. Plus, I live in Cleveland, and we are blessed to have the vaunted Cleveland Clinic at our disposal (it's all great, until the bills start coming in!! ). But, HEY!!, why don't YOU run?? Sounds like your only competition is the bad guys. If changes are going to come, they have to come one at a time, and why not YOU to get the ball rolling? Anyway, all the best to you and yours, from your neighbors in Ohio!

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Good luck with your cancer treatment! I hope you don't have to deal with all the side effects !! Stay safe!

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May 2, 2023Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

I'm not as optimistic. The party has been thoroughly Trumpified, but thanks to voter suppression laws and gerrymandered political districts, it will remain a powerful political force in the country. You mentioned MTG, and to me she is the ultimate example of why I am pessimistic. She has made statements that by any rights should have disqualified her from ever holding public office, yet she was reelected very easily and is now arguably the second most powerful person in the House.

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I was a child in a time with even less hope for justice and the rule of law, held as we were without trial or charge behind barbed wire fences, inside prison camps for the crime of being of Japanese descent.

We came back from that dark time, and we can come back from this one.

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Mr. Takei, I hope that your sense of optimism is justified, and that I am proven to be completely wrong. No one will be more eager that I to admit it.

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May 2, 2023Liked by Todd Beeton, Amelia Mavis Christnot, George Takei

With your help along with Joyce Vance, HCR, Dan Rather, and Justice Matters to name a few I have my basses covered . Armed with truth and insight. Thank for being part of the ones I can count on to keep me well informed. The few GOP faithful that I know left the party after the first few months of Tfg. Think more are leaving but will the vote or stay on the sidelines is the question.

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May 2, 2023Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

Are GOP passing these extremist laws just to get them “on the books” even though they know it makes them vulnerable to losing their next election? Once they’re law it wouldn’t be easy to get them repealed. Just wondering. And usually it isn’t the politician coming up with these “bright ideas.” Usually it’s an extremist special interest lobbying group that has worked to get the law passed.

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They are not acting with logic. They are lashing out.

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May 2, 2023Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot, George Takei

Whenever McCarthy is mentioned, I will emphatically state he sold his soul to the devil in order to become speaker, but has no idea what he's doing a la Herschel Walker; those that put him in position will speak and he will obey!

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I cannot imagine that the repugnants wake up every single day to spout their hate ! You would think it is so tiring to keep up with all the lies !I really hope that the majority of Americans vote these morons out , and stop the hate and the victimization of marginalized people . It is ridiculous for those that are looking in . I really hope that the people will overcome all the hatred and misinformation that is spread daily on social media!! Cheers to all !!

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Excellent article. Thank you.

I was raised by a white supremacist stepfather who belonged to the local KKK and a evangelical mother who forced us (my brothers & I) to belong to her chosen religious cult, one based on hate and fear. Every single dinner was a hate rant by them. Every single day. It was extremely difficult to live marinated in hate and fear.

Hate and fear are addictive by themselves - and that’s without adding in the attention one gets for broadcasting each or creating policies and laws based on the same. Very few people ever break away once immersed. As you so eloquently explained, they only get worse.

Those of us opposed must outlast and counter this movement.

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Sooo--In my tiny, non-Christian way, it appears that there are two possible routes here. The first, which in my opinion is NOT a solution, would be to prepare for the eventual violence and meet it head on--another Civil War. The second, and obviously my preferred solution, is to follow the teachings of Jesus--"forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do." This requires practice in forgiveness. Since I believe that the Divine is already infinitely forgiving, it's not the Divine's place, nor is it ours to ask. It is our place to act. We must take the path walked by Dr. King and many others. I'm readying myself. Practicing loving, heartfelt, forgiveness. This really requires paying attention to the heart, not Ego. One must begin to use ones senses through love--through the heart. I project that you, Kasumii, may be prepared to walk that walk. I will join you in spirit, heart, and body. I pray that others will join us as well. Let us sing, Kumbya My Lord (Come by here, Big Love)

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May 9, 2023·edited May 9, 2023

Hello Mark. Thanks for your reply.

Civil War would be devastating in countless ways. While I fervently hope it does not come to that it does bear considering so as to be mentally prepared and to consider all the various ‘what if’s’ to protect oneself and family. There is ample evidence that many on the right are not only advocating for a Civil War they are preparing for one.

I take a different path with regard to the teaching of “forgive them for they know not what they do”. To apply that to even a single person who is fomenting violence against others is to bury one’s head in the sand. People almost always know exactly what they are doing and what outcome they are trying for. Some get caught up in the mob mentality but even so, they are still 100% responsible for their words and actions.

I also take a different path with regard to the idea of blanket forgiveness and love for all. I have zero of either for anyone who willingly harms another person in order to feed their fear, hatred, racism, misogyny and bigotry. I believe such actions should be held accountable to our laws and social norms.

Dr King wasn’t quite the pacifist that many like to pigeonhole him as. His teachings, along with many others, do bear knowing and applying to our lives.

Lastly, as someone raised in a religious cult, I have charted a new way of walking than the one you suggest I am ready for. It is one of peace but also clear eyed realism based on my life’s experiences and much research into human behavior and history, especially America’s history. Thanks for the invite but I respectfully decline to join the path you describe. My best to you.

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The Republican Party has so little to offer the majority of the American people so they continue to resort to voter suppression and gerrymandering to hold onto their control. I fear the Republicans take the majority in the Senate in 2024…

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Some of us have been saying this for decades. Since Nixon, the Republican party has been moving more and more to the right. No doubt this is encouraged by media that prefers violence and extremism--more click bait. It's an unfortunate marriage and as you note, the violence will become extreme. Trump is encouraging it and the Right appears to be living in a violent wet dream. They know that they have lost the vote and are doing everything that they can to discourage voters including intimidation. There is way too much money on the table to do otherwise. Eventually, the intimidation won't be enough. Yes, buckle up. This is not going to be pretty. I pray that we will be able to hold to the center and not give in to the violence in return. Time for Dr. King. (peace and blessings on his soul)

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"The great task ahead is to manage the GOP’s inevitable implosion without it going supernova and swamping us all" --- THIS ... this is the part I'm most concerned about. Their death spiral may take us all out with it. I'm trying not to be a pessimist about it. I'm trying to do my part to ensure that doesn't happen. However, more often than not, I feel like my efforts and those of most of my friends make little or not difference because the power structures in place prevent us form having any real impact.

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George we see this continue with the repugnants like Comer , Grassley, and Margarine Traitor Gangrene spouting their lies about President Biden taking bribes from a foreign person when he was Vice president without evidence again ! They have a whistle blower (again) but now supposedly has disappeared!!! And yet keep going on the airwaves to spew their bullshit !! Now Abbott doing his troll moves and saying the person that killed those people we don't know why he killed them probably because of mental issues ! Then what about the person who mowed down people , immigrants at the center? WTF !! HOW MANY EXCUSES ARE THEY GOING TO USE !!!! I'M SO TIRED OF THE REPUGNANTS THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS THAT DO NOT MAKE A DAMN DIFFERENCE TO THE FAMILIES OF THE VICTIMS !!

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Thank you for outlining the despicable state of the GQP.

We need a truly epic get out the vote effort in the '24 election to overwhelm the massive voter suppression and gerrymandering efforts the GQP slime have instituted.

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