Thanks for lowering the national blood pressure, Jay.

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Thank you Jay! I needed to read this. With so much noise with the electorate in Georgia, you manage to cut through those distractions and offer a level headed analysis on where it all stands. THANK YOU!!

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Thank you for explaining all this! I’m in Georgia and I have been very concerned about the MAGA control of the Election Board!

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Great piece today and I think this helps, overall, with a lot of fear we have all been dealing with, whether conscious or not.

I would like to point out, however, how absolutely disgusting and disappointing it is that as a nation, we are in a place where we are no longer phased to read the following "it does not address questions such as physical disruptions, terrorist threats, or vote suppression.", when it comes to the topic of a national presidential and vice presidential candidate who have stoked such level of hatred, violence and division in our country. Their desperation to obtain more power to avoid prosecution from a litany of horrific crimes and to force the theocratic Gilead like dystopia on anyone but straight, white males has caused so much trauma on so many. It will likely take generations to undo the damage they and their psychopathic sycophants in positions of power and authority have inflicted on so many decent, hardworking people who are just trying to survive.

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What massive egos (or mental health problems) must someone have to think they can just take away another person’s vote? I bet they all consider themselves Christians too.

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Thank you. More election outrages to come, I’m sure. But only because they have nothing else to do, since they won’t get enough votes.

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The thing that all of us can do - even those of us in GA - is verify your voter registration - https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration - and take a screenshot to carry with you to the poles. It should be done close to the last date to register, but still leave you time to reregister if you need to. Then get out and vote.

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Excellent analysis. Thank you!

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Just an FYI: I'm a poll worker in CA. We hand count the paper ballots each night (the locations I've worked are open 4 days), both the number voted and the number not used from the supply box. The total must equal what we started with that morning. At least two people count, separately. Just ballots, definitely NOT looking at how they were voted. We haven't had any unexplained discrepancies in my experience. No doubt a senior official would be called if there were.

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I am so happy you wrote this Jay. I was so upset Trump was going to use these people to change the votes. There are still many things in the background going on to help him win, but I am glad there are so many watching, and fighting, to make this a fair election. I am passing this on.

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Thanks for this! Moderately reassuring, which will have to do until November 12th at 5:00pm. Fingers crossed.

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Great analysis, Jay. I would love to join you tonight but once again it’s way past my bedtime. I’ll be looking for the taped version first thing Wednesday morning.

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This whole thing is starting to sound like a tempest in a teapot. Once again, the MAGA election deniers are long on aspirations but short on facts. They believe that, if they put them on official government letterhead, their cockamamie, Earth II rules and regs should take precedence over the normal, Earth I rules and regs which have been in place for many years. The new rules are 'full of sound and fury, signifying nothing', though. When pressed for the actual basis for this novel point of view, the MAGA officials have to admit that it's merely because Trump wants it to be so. Donald Trump fears that he cannot win this election, so he is falling back on one of his tried and true tactics: delay, delay, delay and hope that his SCOTUS pals will bail him out of the big mess that he's gotten himself into. Nice try, Donald, but it looks like, even with a mulligan, you are going to become a LOSER again!

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Excellent analysis and very reassuring that the actual rule of statuary law supersedes their grandstanding “rules”. Thank you.

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Between the superb Anna Bower 'splainer I caught several days ago, and your breakdown today, that Elections Board shite is toast, and Marc Elias & co. will make sure those three MAGA d-bags get neutralized.

"By hook or by crook", I give you today's MAGA Repubs.

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Thank you, Jay!

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