
My piece seems to have attracted more trolls than usual. I am blocking them as I go.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo, The Big Picture

Absolutely correct. Trump is yelling fire in a crowded theater of self righteous lemmings.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

Unabashed racist DJ tRump has now found himself in the sights of some very notable Black people...let's do a count: DA Willis in GA, DA Bragg in Manhattan, NY AG James, Fed. Judges Shutkan in DC and Jones in Atlanta. What goes around comes around, tRump, and be thankful you're treated as just another criminal defendant, despite rallying your dirty mob of MAGA-heads to violently attack the afore-mentioned officials in racial terms.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

Hmm. This newsletter seems to be attracting a lot of trolls.

There is much information to which we are not privy, but which can be discerned by connecting dots. For example, in the infamous Lafayette Park & Bible incident (where he held the Bible upside down) -- before that he was cowering in a bunker in the WH because of a few flashbangs.

Yet, on 6 Jan, he was not whisked away to a secure location as the mob gathered, indeed he wanted to go to the Capitol, too. Couple that with Hutchinson's testimony about the magnetometers and weapons . . . they knew. Stochastic terrorism is Bannon's and Miller's stock in trade.

The public of this country is exhausted by all of this, and should the Republican "party" put up a cockroach as their candidate some might see it as a better option than the alternatives. (Edited or dangling thought due to a puppy distraction).

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

The best defense is uniting the democratic party now, deploy an anti-rhetoric communication strategy, and gain global media exposure. Our united front must remove MAGA from the face of America.

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“Do you know how it feels to have the president of the United States target you? The president of the United States is supposed to represent every American, not to target one.”

Then they came for the election workers. But I said nothing, because I'm not an election worker.

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The only way to deal with Trump is Charlie Pierce's:

"As we have said before, there is no such constitutional office as "Former President*." He's just another citizen jamoke, like you and me and the guy who poured you your last pint on Saturday. If you, or I, or that barman were under indictment and behaved like The Defendant has behaved toward the criminal justice system, we'd have been hauled off to the sneezer days ago. To borrow a word that seems to be all the rage these days, it's time to "normalize" the relationship between The Defendant and the institutions of the criminal justice system.

"He's already pole-vaulted over and beyond the cautions and restrictions placed on him by both Judge Tanya Chutkan in Washington and Judge Scott McAfee in Atlanta, as the Post makes perfectly plain. He arguably has incited threats against judges, prosecutors, and jurors. And his only defense is pure, unadulterated cynicism.

"Advisers say the Trump campaign sees a benefit in him testing boundaries by publicly attacking judges and prosecutors — either he gets away with it, or he gets to play the victim for being censored by the courts. Some of Trump’s political advisers said they are betting that judges will not risk the blowback of imposing sanctions on a major-party candidate.

"Let's test that theory, shall we? Toss him in a cell. Slap a GPS tracker on one of his swollen ankles and confine him to his banana farm in Florida. Drop a multimegaton fine on him every time he goes batshit on social media. Freeze his assets. Treat him like a mob boss, a drug kingpin, or the leader of a terrorist cell because, in one way or another, he is all three of those things.

"If his corporal's guard of a legal team wants to litigate these measures, let them have at it. If his mouthbreathing devotees want to make trouble, point them towards the hundreds of people now doing time for what they did on January 6. If he wants to test the strength of the rule of law, let the rule of law at least give him a battle without tying its hands through timidity and anticipatory dread. It's worth fighting for."


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Trump incited a violent mob on January 6, promising to be there with them during the assault on the legislative branch. He lied, per usual. He has always been a criminal. He always will be. That our systems have taken this long to charge him speaks to their subservience to power and privilege.

The damage this human garbage pile has done cannot be undone. It is a cancer festering in the American body.

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I'd go back further than this--remember his despicable attacks on the Central Park Five?

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When our laws and rules about free speech were written, incitement to violence happened when a group of people gathered together physically, because any other sort of mob was not possible. Now, because of the Internet, mobs can exist virtually, and our laws need to be updated to reflect our current reality.

Also, if the data show that Trump's statements result in violence, then he can be told that fact, and his further inflammatory speech should be covered by incitement laws.

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The systematic "othering" of people is the basis used by so many through the centuries - Nationalists from many places have done this - most clearly parallel the writings and speeches of Adolf Hitler. We must not allow this to continue. Free speech does not include the right to incite violence.

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But the striking point for history is: he is not a terrorist alone. He is an active measures agent created by the Kremlin, enabled & promoted by billionaires like Murdoch & Musk & their minions, backed by neo-fascist psyops & militia folk like Flynn & Oathkeepers, & an entire pseudo-religious cult of whack-jobs out of a bad twilight zone meltdown. Not to mention the former political party that has become a massive criminal conspiracy, GOP now = RICO.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

Could slander laws be used to penalize and/or limit what Trump is able to post or say?

We should be wary, of course, of restricting criticisms that could be made of government officials including members of the judiciary. But isn’t repeatedly saying something that is untrue and damaging to a person’s reputation (“The judge is part of a conspiracy to do an illegal thing and violate my rights.” “Jack Smith is deranged.”) crossing some legal line?

These seem like things that are obvious quantifiable lies, not expressions of opinion, so should have some limitation on them.

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Thank you for calling this out. Cheetolini seems to have emboldened a shocking number of bullies, racists, misogynists, and general nasty miscreants to normalize evil and generally bad behavior.

I REALLY hope that at least one of the judges applies graduated enforcement so he finally experiences at least a small dose of accountability. Start with forfeiting his bail, then next infraction, a night in jail, then if the bloviating dufus still hasn't learned, two nights in jail, etc. . .

Without consequences, the bail conditions mean NOTHING. . . .

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He won’t stop until someone lowers the boom on him. He has been like this for 77 years and totally believes he can and will get away with whatever he wants.... because he always has. We can no longer give him even an inch- He will destroy us!!!

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Donald Trump is also a cult leader and his followers are drinking the Koolaid.

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