I've read the suggestion that some Democrat like Buttigieg conduct a daily press conference to highlight and discuss what the Republicans are doing. What do you think of that?
Great idea. A shadow cabinet of voices that explain the damage and stupidity inflicted on the country by the administration. It needs to be regular so that it will eventually start to get through to at least some. Explaining why projects are being cut off, contracts cancelled, bills unpaid needs to happen EVERY day to lay the damage and destruction at the feet of the administration.
I've been shouting at my elected representatives (in email) for weeks now to do exactly that, with several people: a daily event (Mayor Pete would be an excellent one to handle it; I also think of Maxwell Frost) , accompanied throughout the day by many posts by different people, calling out the latest lie or hypocrisy and stating the fact of the matter. We've gotten as far as Corey Booker putting together a PowerPoint deck to tell Dems how to position their messages, what language to use, etc. WTF? <sigh>
I've also asked my representatives to have Zoom meetings once or twice a week to stay in touch with constituents back home, send out lots of non-fundraising emails and info bulletins, and frequently manifest themselves physically in strategic locations like the entrances to Treasury, USAID, etc.,, as, for example, Andy Kim did, with attendant press coverage, follow-up videos posted on line, etc. To his credit, my congressman is having two virtual town halls in less than a week during the short House recess.
KISS: The appearances and messages should be short and sweet. They should also be frequent and forceful and expose the lies and hammer over and over on the liars and why they are lying to us. And they should have specific illustrations of how our everyday lives are going to be made a lot worse by them.
But Dems, with only a few exceptions, seem to largely be stuck in the first category this post describes (keep doing the same old stuff even though we're in an entirely new world with most of the old rules shattered, and expecting a different outcome).
Yes to all of this! Dem leaders need to make noise and get out to the people. Get on Fox and tell the truth calmly and without fear. I believe there are Reps out there who are afraid their party is going off the rails but don't know where to turn. Give them a way to say "I made a mistake" and a path to come back to sanity.
And please, I am so tired of getting messages from Dems and other liberal organizations that all ask for money. They don't need money to call a press conference, or to stand in front of whatever building Musk is currently invading. I'm worried that my bank account will be plundered, and all most Dems seem to want from me is money.
Sandy, my bet is that most, if not all, of the solicitation emails you're receiving, are from politicians up for re-election in the midterms, or campaign organizations for those politicians. I so feel your pain and frustration.
Been doing the same. Except I live in bloody-red Florida, so my elected representatives are part of the magat-hivemind. I keep a few choice statements in Pages that I can copy and paste. Like how I won’t be able to pay my bills without my Social Security check. Which is direct deposit. Which means that if the muskrats get hold of it they could drain my bank account. I’m a retired history teacher, and I think now of all the times of teaching about Hitler and students saying, “Why didn’t anybody do something to stop him??” 😢😔
You might consider opening a second checking account and transferring your Social Security check over to that as soon as it arrives. Conduct all of your activities that aren't related to federal, state or local government from the new account and leave the old one as just a sweep / government account. I don't know that it would completely keep the Dodgy scam-hackers out, but it might slow them down.
Is there any way to open an account without a social security number? That's the worry I have. If I just move my money to another account, can't he find that just by looking for any accounts that use that particular social security number?
I doubt there's any way to open an account w/o an SSN, but don't use the account for any dealings with any branch of any government. So far, I don't think he has access to *banks* systems. It's my understanding (admittedly from Wiki) that The Clearing House that bank transactions go through is owned by the large commercial banks, not the Federal Reserve but the Fed can be used as an intermediary for transferring money between banks (which may not be on an individual transaction basis anyhow). That doesn't mean he won't end up with access to the Fed. That said, while Trump is obviously completely willing to let him pillage the government and democracy itself, that's not the same thing as Trump letting him actually take over *banks*. That would be him effing over the actual oligarchs (who matter), as opposed to effing over voters or foreigners, etc (who obviously don't). Not saying it isn't possible, but I would think he would perceive that as something of consequence to him.
The issue though is what to do with banking info that is already hacked by unelected, unvetted, unethical dogebags.
Everyone drank the Kool-Aid that the DNC served up – the only campaign platform we need is never Trump. What a catastrophic mistake that was. These people have been taken completely out of the game. For what they are doing right now they may as well just go home for the entire term.
trump held daily rallies during the COVID crisis. He held daily rallies at the courthouse during his trial. He seems to hold a rally or 2 or 3 every single day, wherever he is. Democrats definitely need to match that record--and insist that the media cover each rally, as they did for trump.
And make sure each speaker at the Dem rallies has a microphone up close to his/her mouth, as trump always does. No more "soft" or "weak" sounding speakers. BE LOUD!
This is a great idea and I wholeheartedly agree that Pep Buttigieg would be an ideal person to present it. He wouldn't even have to be in Washington. Any ideas how he would manage a daily press conference, though, since he's no longer associated with national politics?
I think he (if interested) should conduct the daily press conference in D.C. because he would get the most press attending there. Depending on the topic of the day, he could move from site to site. For example, if he were to address Ukraine and how Trump is trying to move the U.S. away from supporting democracy around the world and towards authoritarianism, he could give the press conference in front of the Pentagon.
The Democrats should establish a shadow government of the opposition party like the English do. Every department head, every cabinet head as well as President and VP should have a Democratic spokesman/woman with a statement to contract the administration's mouthpiece. They should be ready to go on line, press, etc. They need to make their presence known and felt.
Linda, Robert Hubbell strongly suggested this in one of his Substack posts, including a list of the people he would like to see be a part of it. The problem is, of course, making it actually happen.
Actually, I think it was Timothy Snyder who first suggested a "Shadow Cabinet," but changed it to a "People's Cabinet," in response to reader suggestions. Here are the links to his two posts about it:
They need something to say though. Right now they are just running around waving their arms and asking for money. I think they should be highlighting what is taking place in the courts. Hundreds of cases. Putting all the pressure they can on these judges to not cave. They should organize and deploy to set up rallies outside of courtrooms. Instead they're just trying to make the best of it by hoping people will donate if they act outraged. It's disgusting.
I'll just say what I've started doing --- I am talking seriously to my neighbors.
I invited a couple who lives above me to have a drink tonight. I started the converation with, Do you think Trump will give up power after four years. Turns out they have some of the same concerns I do.
It didn't take up much of my time -- and now I feel we now are united about what might come next. Although I felt uncomfortable, it turned out well. I'm going to try it again, one step at a time.
Bravo! That took guts and I bet it feels liberating. The twin nightmares, once they really get going, are going to be doing terrible things to regular people's lives hourly. That could backfire on them. It's hard to stand by and watch. They make people see how much we have in common with each other. The vast majority of us, 98%, aren't billionaires. We can't buy our way out of trouble, people will have to help other people. Your experience makes a good point about shared feelings toward a common menace.
I would love, and completely support, Pete Buttigieg running for Prez again. The only obstacle he had before was OTHER DEMOCRATS, who really really wanted Biden to get in. Even Bernie supporters got shafted the same way in 2016ish. If the Dem party would hold true primaries, Pete would do well, maybe even win the primary. His style is hitting politics with biting humor, and is engaging. And someday this populace will have to grow up and realize a gay man can also make a strong president. That is, if all gays, trans, liberals are allowed to live past the trump era.
>> “If the left supports it, Trump and Republicans oppose it. If the left built it, the right must tear it down, even if it hurts millions of Americans.” <<
ESPECIALLY if it hurts people. The cruelty is the goal.
It never ceases to amaze me how much liberals can wimp out when describing the fascist were trying to kill them.
“It seems…” “It appears that…”
I swear somebody could be charging at them with guns, blazing yelling “Die! Die!“ And, afraid of causing offense or actually speaking directly, liberals will say “Gosh, it looks like maybe they might intend to do me harm, perhaps.”
“appears”??! It is anso-fucking-lutely their MO and we should hesitate to say so.
It truly does Todd. So simple and yet your pointing it out is a crucial revelation - and your clear & compelling argument must surely be used going forward. Thank you.
To achieve their goals of evil and suffering, the GOP has pushed 3 main goals ever since Reagan: Deregulation, Privatization and Christian Nationalism.
Yes. if you transform your party into a cult of personality, what happens when that personality dies? Will they embalm Donald's corpse and place him in a glass coffin like Vladimir Lenin?
I think "owning the libs" really appeals to a certain portion of the MAGAts.
But, it's really a smokescreen because MANY of those selfsame Rs are appalled at real and immediate threats to their Social Security and earned veterans benefits.
They are awakening to the real threat no FAA and too few employees at airports means for any travel in the future.
They hear about bird flu, and rumors that people can get it, but few can find current, reliable information since the disbanding of the CDC... unless they look far afield of our damaged systems.
And those who are veterans are puzzled and appalled at the close friendship with Putin and Russia, and the precipitous abandonment of our allies, especially after our war against fascism 70+ years ago!
I could go on, but I have many deeply conservative friends and neighbors and these are just a few of the things they are seeing.
We need to never give up spreading all we know!
And, although many (most?) of us love to denigrate those leaders and their followers, as they do to us. But we will reach them, not with put-downs, but with verifiable facts about what said leaders are actually doing to us that is hurtful and wrong .
Love that last paragraph! Also by listening to them. And having a conversation. We might both realize that our opinions of the other have been created by Fox News and MSNBC. Rather than by listening to one another.
The Democrats response to the Trumpian “own the libs” tactic should be twofold.
First, Democrats need to adopt the “good cop” Approach of Pete Buttigieg and seek to find such common ground as may be obtainable, subject always to the caveat that many of the other party have been too far corrupted and swayed, and therefore are not reachable.
Second, because so many Republicans have been corrupted and swayed, and cannot be reached by any kind of reasoned dialogue, Democrats must also adopt the “bad cop” approach that representatives such as Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Jasmine Crockett, and Robert Garcia, who are willing to administer blows to any Republican who tries to “own the libs.” Such a “bad cop” approach may not do well against many Republicans, who are unreachable because corrupt and swayed, but it will help maintain the morale of Democrats, at least those Democrats who have not themselves been corrupted and swayed by the so-called mystique of Trumpism. By uplifting the morale of Democrats, and by hoping to get the message across to independents, the “bad cops” will also help keep the Republicans off balance.
At all events, Democrats, whether on the “good cop” or “bad cop” side must also reconnect with the Bolshevik, uncompromising, and steely heritage of the October Revolution. In this country, with our long history of British- influenced parliamentary procedure and debate, we must do so by adopting and adapting the British system of a shadow government, with a shadow head of government, shadow cabinet, and shadow governments in every single state. These shadow governments must be prepared, à la James Carville, to respond, RAPIDLY, to anything the official government does. Moreover, Democrats need to develop and foster their own media ecosystem, rather than depending on the corrupt and swayed media ecosystems of the so-called legacy media.
By so doing, Democrats will be able to form a coherent voice on the American left that, if it does not fall into factional infighting, can be a force that in due course forces a Republican government into responsibility.
This is much more effective than the unfortunate - and shockingly unimaginative- op contention that we must choose one from among three “competing” tactical approaches.
Can you address the lack of cajones of the press for not asking the "hard" questions and demanding an understandable answer? Thx for what you do address!
I think it would be interesting to see the "new press", as in journalists and commentators like yourself who are not tied to legacy media, do some in-depth reporting on the changes and practices in legacy media that shine a harsh light on their role in our current circumstances. What has changed? What do these air-brushed talking heads think about themselves and their jobs? How do they gather & present news now vs how they did back when the main stream press was actually meaningful. What do the old-school journalists think? What would they like to see happen to journalism? What do they think of the credible competition they're facing from alternative reporting sources? What does the public think?
The press needs a wake-up call just as much as the voters do.
The corporate media are all owned by like 4 major corporations. And the fairness act was overturned during Ronald Reagan's administration. So, it's not a short or easy answer, but the simplest answer, is that there's a good possibility that their jobs are on the line if they dig too deeply. And I'm not even certain that it's the right answer, but it's the one I keep coming up with.
Jake Auchincloss? I listened to him being interviewed by Ezra Klein and think he might be a smart, eager, Democratic advocate, who could provide a similar role as Pete Buttigieg.
I think a more effective strategy is to go to the (formerly) undecided voters who ended up voting for Trump and created the current situation. Keep emphasizing what's really going on and make people realize that this is not what they voted for. People wanted relief from high prices, not to abandon and insult allies and cozy up to dictators, destroy programs that the general population supports, throw out the rule of law and empower (and pardon) dangerous criminals.
Keep asking the obvious question: "this is what you voted for, did you realize that?"
Nope, I don't think they really thought about the consequences of their votes. Unfortunately, we had a lot of people who were desperate for help with rent skyrocketing, and gas, and grocery increases. You can't snap your fingers and make these issues go away instantly. It takes years for the housing issue - one person, even if he's a president, can't really change it fast enough. Trump is a consummate liar and simply provided the words he knew they wanted to hear. They figured they didn't get help from Biden. They felt Harris was an extension of Biden, so they'll try trump. So now we're here. Trump's chaotic first term is why he was voted out decisively. Now, hopefully this newest crop of trump voters are enlightened about his lying, that he couldn't care less for working people, and will want to vote him out. I also hope they've learned that it isn't enough to vote for a third party "as a protest vote" because you don't like the choices. You need to vote for his opponent, a democrat, if you want to be sure to unseat trump.
I don't feel like "I hope they've learned their lesson this time" is going to work. Biden is hardly the first Democratic president to inherit a mess to clean up, but the one Trump left him with was the biggest cockup in a century. Voters who blamed Biden for not managing to fix everything in 4 years, (two of which were spent trying to dig out from Covid and two more of which were with a useless piece of sh** Congress AND SCOTUS and a seditionist felon acting as a shadow president fighting him every step of the way), and switched back to the guy who made the mess to begin with are not examples of "enlightened" voters open to learning from their mistakes.
>> “while these counterpunches may feel good in the moment, there is little evidence they actually do anything to make MAGA stop behaving so terribly.” <<
Anyone focused on getting MAGAts to behave less terribly is suicidally stupid. They’ve demonstrated over and over and over again that they will not improve. Even now, with Trump in office, MAGA is blaming Biden.
The counterpunches are to rile up the opposition so we stand up. They’re to show someone is fighting back and inspire others to do so as well.
“Make MAGA stop behaving terribly”? For fucks sake, man.
Pure political gravity meets razor thin house margin in conjunction with composition of midterm electorate (more educated) , will flip house.
A recession is the only thing that'll put the Senate into play.
Political noise barely matters. It's all about showing up.
As political polarization is accellerated, midterms will favor Dems, generals will favor the GOP, given recent trends vis-a-vis electorate composition ....
And it seems as if political polarization has been accellerated given the reactions to the current administration.
We wouldn't need to bully (that's falling into a pothole), just keep counter programming and, very importantly, to smile and deprive them of any reaction. Stay focused and positive - along the lines of the less you sweat, the more they get angry.
I agree that a daily press briefing by somebody is great as Buttigieg would be very helpful. But I also think it’s very important that the Democrats not cooperate with the Republicans. Let them “the Republicans“ own the disaster they are creating. If they can’t raise the debt ceiling that’s on them if any Democrat tries to be bipartisan, they will simply be pointed out as the problem. Republicans don’t know how to build anything they only know how to destroy. I’m afraid to say it, but I think we have to see a lot of destruction before. Mega begins to figure out that Trump and muskare losers.
If trump doesn't win an election and gets left in the dust, that's when they'll see him as a loser, unfortunately. Trump knows all he has to do is lie and people will believe him. He writes his own ticket to anywhere. That shouldn't be. That's what's so surreal - so many gullible people who'll vote him into any office - and he knows that. I'd like to see how Buttigieg would fare against the trump factor - although, I hate anyone having to run against something like trump.
I’ve been thinking this for a while. The Dems need to embrace their own four letter slogan that opposes MAGA but in a way that does not offer to reject the idea of Making America Great. This can be hard, because MAGA is such a good political and oral slogan. If however, dems can come up with an opposing, simple slogan to base all their American ideals on given the current situation, this would then throw MAGA into a rage-fit, having both Trump and followers concentrating on destroying that slogan while looking very anti-American in doing so. I think this has been something grossly missed by dems. For example, RADA - Reclaim American Democracy Again, MAFA - Make America Free Again, SADA - Save American Democracy Again, RAKA - Reject America’s King Again, etc.
I've read the suggestion that some Democrat like Buttigieg conduct a daily press conference to highlight and discuss what the Republicans are doing. What do you think of that?
Yeah, I think it was Jasmine Crockett who suggested an alternate daily briefing to counter Trump's lies. Buttigieg would be perfect for that.
Great idea. A shadow cabinet of voices that explain the damage and stupidity inflicted on the country by the administration. It needs to be regular so that it will eventually start to get through to at least some. Explaining why projects are being cut off, contracts cancelled, bills unpaid needs to happen EVERY day to lay the damage and destruction at the feet of the administration.
I've been shouting at my elected representatives (in email) for weeks now to do exactly that, with several people: a daily event (Mayor Pete would be an excellent one to handle it; I also think of Maxwell Frost) , accompanied throughout the day by many posts by different people, calling out the latest lie or hypocrisy and stating the fact of the matter. We've gotten as far as Corey Booker putting together a PowerPoint deck to tell Dems how to position their messages, what language to use, etc. WTF? <sigh>
I've also asked my representatives to have Zoom meetings once or twice a week to stay in touch with constituents back home, send out lots of non-fundraising emails and info bulletins, and frequently manifest themselves physically in strategic locations like the entrances to Treasury, USAID, etc.,, as, for example, Andy Kim did, with attendant press coverage, follow-up videos posted on line, etc. To his credit, my congressman is having two virtual town halls in less than a week during the short House recess.
KISS: The appearances and messages should be short and sweet. They should also be frequent and forceful and expose the lies and hammer over and over on the liars and why they are lying to us. And they should have specific illustrations of how our everyday lives are going to be made a lot worse by them.
But Dems, with only a few exceptions, seem to largely be stuck in the first category this post describes (keep doing the same old stuff even though we're in an entirely new world with most of the old rules shattered, and expecting a different outcome).
Yes to all of this! Dem leaders need to make noise and get out to the people. Get on Fox and tell the truth calmly and without fear. I believe there are Reps out there who are afraid their party is going off the rails but don't know where to turn. Give them a way to say "I made a mistake" and a path to come back to sanity.
And please, I am so tired of getting messages from Dems and other liberal organizations that all ask for money. They don't need money to call a press conference, or to stand in front of whatever building Musk is currently invading. I'm worried that my bank account will be plundered, and all most Dems seem to want from me is money.
Sandy, my bet is that most, if not all, of the solicitation emails you're receiving, are from politicians up for re-election in the midterms, or campaign organizations for those politicians. I so feel your pain and frustration.
Been doing the same. Except I live in bloody-red Florida, so my elected representatives are part of the magat-hivemind. I keep a few choice statements in Pages that I can copy and paste. Like how I won’t be able to pay my bills without my Social Security check. Which is direct deposit. Which means that if the muskrats get hold of it they could drain my bank account. I’m a retired history teacher, and I think now of all the times of teaching about Hitler and students saying, “Why didn’t anybody do something to stop him??” 😢😔
You might consider opening a second checking account and transferring your Social Security check over to that as soon as it arrives. Conduct all of your activities that aren't related to federal, state or local government from the new account and leave the old one as just a sweep / government account. I don't know that it would completely keep the Dodgy scam-hackers out, but it might slow them down.
Is there any way to open an account without a social security number? That's the worry I have. If I just move my money to another account, can't he find that just by looking for any accounts that use that particular social security number?
I doubt there's any way to open an account w/o an SSN, but don't use the account for any dealings with any branch of any government. So far, I don't think he has access to *banks* systems. It's my understanding (admittedly from Wiki) that The Clearing House that bank transactions go through is owned by the large commercial banks, not the Federal Reserve but the Fed can be used as an intermediary for transferring money between banks (which may not be on an individual transaction basis anyhow). That doesn't mean he won't end up with access to the Fed. That said, while Trump is obviously completely willing to let him pillage the government and democracy itself, that's not the same thing as Trump letting him actually take over *banks*. That would be him effing over the actual oligarchs (who matter), as opposed to effing over voters or foreigners, etc (who obviously don't). Not saying it isn't possible, but I would think he would perceive that as something of consequence to him.
The issue though is what to do with banking info that is already hacked by unelected, unvetted, unethical dogebags.
Everyone drank the Kool-Aid that the DNC served up – the only campaign platform we need is never Trump. What a catastrophic mistake that was. These people have been taken completely out of the game. For what they are doing right now they may as well just go home for the entire term.
I think it's a great idea. This is what trump did daily during his trials and hearings to counter program. Capital idea.
trump held daily rallies during the COVID crisis. He held daily rallies at the courthouse during his trial. He seems to hold a rally or 2 or 3 every single day, wherever he is. Democrats definitely need to match that record--and insist that the media cover each rally, as they did for trump.
And make sure each speaker at the Dem rallies has a microphone up close to his/her mouth, as trump always does. No more "soft" or "weak" sounding speakers. BE LOUD!
Yes, and call them "rallies" since trump holds daily rallies that are covered by the press.
Maybe "Be Loud Rallies"???
And keep the rallies short and sweet, not long-winded, but concise and cutting to the point.
Freedom Flash Mobs.
This is a great idea and I wholeheartedly agree that Pep Buttigieg would be an ideal person to present it. He wouldn't even have to be in Washington. Any ideas how he would manage a daily press conference, though, since he's no longer associated with national politics?
I think he (if interested) should conduct the daily press conference in D.C. because he would get the most press attending there. Depending on the topic of the day, he could move from site to site. For example, if he were to address Ukraine and how Trump is trying to move the U.S. away from supporting democracy around the world and towards authoritarianism, he could give the press conference in front of the Pentagon.
The Democrats should establish a shadow government of the opposition party like the English do. Every department head, every cabinet head as well as President and VP should have a Democratic spokesman/woman with a statement to contract the administration's mouthpiece. They should be ready to go on line, press, etc. They need to make their presence known and felt.
Linda, Robert Hubbell strongly suggested this in one of his Substack posts, including a list of the people he would like to see be a part of it. The problem is, of course, making it actually happen.
Actually, I think it was Timothy Snyder who first suggested a "Shadow Cabinet," but changed it to a "People's Cabinet," in response to reader suggestions. Here are the links to his two posts about it:
Hi, Lynell! Good to see you here.
Hey, Suzanne! Good to see you, too. Haven't gone anywhere; just trying to keep up with it all!
OK, but where I read about it was in Robert Hubbell's column, and he was very much in favor, of course.
They need something to say though. Right now they are just running around waving their arms and asking for money. I think they should be highlighting what is taking place in the courts. Hundreds of cases. Putting all the pressure they can on these judges to not cave. They should organize and deploy to set up rallies outside of courtrooms. Instead they're just trying to make the best of it by hoping people will donate if they act outraged. It's disgusting.
Counter not contract
I'll just say what I've started doing --- I am talking seriously to my neighbors.
I invited a couple who lives above me to have a drink tonight. I started the converation with, Do you think Trump will give up power after four years. Turns out they have some of the same concerns I do.
It didn't take up much of my time -- and now I feel we now are united about what might come next. Although I felt uncomfortable, it turned out well. I'm going to try it again, one step at a time.
Bravo! That took guts and I bet it feels liberating. The twin nightmares, once they really get going, are going to be doing terrible things to regular people's lives hourly. That could backfire on them. It's hard to stand by and watch. They make people see how much we have in common with each other. The vast majority of us, 98%, aren't billionaires. We can't buy our way out of trouble, people will have to help other people. Your experience makes a good point about shared feelings toward a common menace.
I would love, and completely support, Pete Buttigieg running for Prez again. The only obstacle he had before was OTHER DEMOCRATS, who really really wanted Biden to get in. Even Bernie supporters got shafted the same way in 2016ish. If the Dem party would hold true primaries, Pete would do well, maybe even win the primary. His style is hitting politics with biting humor, and is engaging. And someday this populace will have to grow up and realize a gay man can also make a strong president. That is, if all gays, trans, liberals are allowed to live past the trump era.
I was also struck years ago by how calm and informed he was. He's smart going onto Fox regularly.
>> “If the left supports it, Trump and Republicans oppose it. If the left built it, the right must tear it down, even if it hurts millions of Americans.” <<
ESPECIALLY if it hurts people. The cruelty is the goal.
That certainly appears to be their MO
It never ceases to amaze me how much liberals can wimp out when describing the fascist were trying to kill them.
“It seems…” “It appears that…”
I swear somebody could be charging at them with guns, blazing yelling “Die! Die!“ And, afraid of causing offense or actually speaking directly, liberals will say “Gosh, it looks like maybe they might intend to do me harm, perhaps.”
“appears”??! It is anso-fucking-lutely their MO and we should hesitate to say so.
It truly does Todd. So simple and yet your pointing it out is a crucial revelation - and your clear & compelling argument must surely be used going forward. Thank you.
Evil and suffering seems to be the point of much that the GQP does . . .
It’s the ONLY goal they have. Name one thing they’ve done in the past 20 years that wasn’t designed to make things worse for people. Just one.
To achieve their goals of evil and suffering, the GOP has pushed 3 main goals ever since Reagan: Deregulation, Privatization and Christian Nationalism.
Buttigieg is the only person I can think of with the skill, wit and brains to pull it off. Our PA Senator Fetterman is out of his depth.
Do Pennsylvanians consider him an entirely reliable Dem at this point?
Thing is, they've pwned themselves in the process and don't even realize it.
Yes. if you transform your party into a cult of personality, what happens when that personality dies? Will they embalm Donald's corpse and place him in a glass coffin like Vladimir Lenin?
I think "owning the libs" really appeals to a certain portion of the MAGAts.
But, it's really a smokescreen because MANY of those selfsame Rs are appalled at real and immediate threats to their Social Security and earned veterans benefits.
They are awakening to the real threat no FAA and too few employees at airports means for any travel in the future.
They hear about bird flu, and rumors that people can get it, but few can find current, reliable information since the disbanding of the CDC... unless they look far afield of our damaged systems.
And those who are veterans are puzzled and appalled at the close friendship with Putin and Russia, and the precipitous abandonment of our allies, especially after our war against fascism 70+ years ago!
I could go on, but I have many deeply conservative friends and neighbors and these are just a few of the things they are seeing.
We need to never give up spreading all we know!
And, although many (most?) of us love to denigrate those leaders and their followers, as they do to us. But we will reach them, not with put-downs, but with verifiable facts about what said leaders are actually doing to us that is hurtful and wrong .
Love that last paragraph! Also by listening to them. And having a conversation. We might both realize that our opinions of the other have been created by Fox News and MSNBC. Rather than by listening to one another.
The Democrats response to the Trumpian “own the libs” tactic should be twofold.
First, Democrats need to adopt the “good cop” Approach of Pete Buttigieg and seek to find such common ground as may be obtainable, subject always to the caveat that many of the other party have been too far corrupted and swayed, and therefore are not reachable.
Second, because so many Republicans have been corrupted and swayed, and cannot be reached by any kind of reasoned dialogue, Democrats must also adopt the “bad cop” approach that representatives such as Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Jasmine Crockett, and Robert Garcia, who are willing to administer blows to any Republican who tries to “own the libs.” Such a “bad cop” approach may not do well against many Republicans, who are unreachable because corrupt and swayed, but it will help maintain the morale of Democrats, at least those Democrats who have not themselves been corrupted and swayed by the so-called mystique of Trumpism. By uplifting the morale of Democrats, and by hoping to get the message across to independents, the “bad cops” will also help keep the Republicans off balance.
At all events, Democrats, whether on the “good cop” or “bad cop” side must also reconnect with the Bolshevik, uncompromising, and steely heritage of the October Revolution. In this country, with our long history of British- influenced parliamentary procedure and debate, we must do so by adopting and adapting the British system of a shadow government, with a shadow head of government, shadow cabinet, and shadow governments in every single state. These shadow governments must be prepared, à la James Carville, to respond, RAPIDLY, to anything the official government does. Moreover, Democrats need to develop and foster their own media ecosystem, rather than depending on the corrupt and swayed media ecosystems of the so-called legacy media.
By so doing, Democrats will be able to form a coherent voice on the American left that, if it does not fall into factional infighting, can be a force that in due course forces a Republican government into responsibility.
Thank you.
This is much more effective than the unfortunate - and shockingly unimaginative- op contention that we must choose one from among three “competing” tactical approaches.
Can you address the lack of cajones of the press for not asking the "hard" questions and demanding an understandable answer? Thx for what you do address!
OMG it is crazy what they just let Trump and Leavitt get away with saying on a daily basis. Another case for a shadow press briefing for sure.
I think it would be interesting to see the "new press", as in journalists and commentators like yourself who are not tied to legacy media, do some in-depth reporting on the changes and practices in legacy media that shine a harsh light on their role in our current circumstances. What has changed? What do these air-brushed talking heads think about themselves and their jobs? How do they gather & present news now vs how they did back when the main stream press was actually meaningful. What do the old-school journalists think? What would they like to see happen to journalism? What do they think of the credible competition they're facing from alternative reporting sources? What does the public think?
The press needs a wake-up call just as much as the voters do.
The corporate media are all owned by like 4 major corporations. And the fairness act was overturned during Ronald Reagan's administration. So, it's not a short or easy answer, but the simplest answer, is that there's a good possibility that their jobs are on the line if they dig too deeply. And I'm not even certain that it's the right answer, but it's the one I keep coming up with.
>> “Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also appears to be mounting a wait-and-see approach in the face of unprecedented, anti-democratic onslaught.” <<
Schumer is proving himself utterly worthless daily. Time for him to go.
The whole establishment party needs to go.
Agreed. Schumer and Jeffries are standing by and doing nothing, whining that “But we’re out of power so are helpless!”
Republicans never seemed to have a problem stopping the Dems when the Rs were the minority. The D leadership is failing.
Jake Auchincloss? I listened to him being interviewed by Ezra Klein and think he might be a smart, eager, Democratic advocate, who could provide a similar role as Pete Buttigieg.
Yes, great example!
I think a more effective strategy is to go to the (formerly) undecided voters who ended up voting for Trump and created the current situation. Keep emphasizing what's really going on and make people realize that this is not what they voted for. People wanted relief from high prices, not to abandon and insult allies and cozy up to dictators, destroy programs that the general population supports, throw out the rule of law and empower (and pardon) dangerous criminals.
Keep asking the obvious question: "this is what you voted for, did you realize that?"
Nope, I don't think they really thought about the consequences of their votes. Unfortunately, we had a lot of people who were desperate for help with rent skyrocketing, and gas, and grocery increases. You can't snap your fingers and make these issues go away instantly. It takes years for the housing issue - one person, even if he's a president, can't really change it fast enough. Trump is a consummate liar and simply provided the words he knew they wanted to hear. They figured they didn't get help from Biden. They felt Harris was an extension of Biden, so they'll try trump. So now we're here. Trump's chaotic first term is why he was voted out decisively. Now, hopefully this newest crop of trump voters are enlightened about his lying, that he couldn't care less for working people, and will want to vote him out. I also hope they've learned that it isn't enough to vote for a third party "as a protest vote" because you don't like the choices. You need to vote for his opponent, a democrat, if you want to be sure to unseat trump.
I don't feel like "I hope they've learned their lesson this time" is going to work. Biden is hardly the first Democratic president to inherit a mess to clean up, but the one Trump left him with was the biggest cockup in a century. Voters who blamed Biden for not managing to fix everything in 4 years, (two of which were spent trying to dig out from Covid and two more of which were with a useless piece of sh** Congress AND SCOTUS and a seditionist felon acting as a shadow president fighting him every step of the way), and switched back to the guy who made the mess to begin with are not examples of "enlightened" voters open to learning from their mistakes.
That is the question that a spokesperson, as suggested, would indeed ask every day.
>> “while these counterpunches may feel good in the moment, there is little evidence they actually do anything to make MAGA stop behaving so terribly.” <<
Anyone focused on getting MAGAts to behave less terribly is suicidally stupid. They’ve demonstrated over and over and over again that they will not improve. Even now, with Trump in office, MAGA is blaming Biden.
The counterpunches are to rile up the opposition so we stand up. They’re to show someone is fighting back and inspire others to do so as well.
“Make MAGA stop behaving terribly”? For fucks sake, man.
The house will flip regardless.
Pure political gravity meets razor thin house margin in conjunction with composition of midterm electorate (more educated) , will flip house.
A recession is the only thing that'll put the Senate into play.
Political noise barely matters. It's all about showing up.
As political polarization is accellerated, midterms will favor Dems, generals will favor the GOP, given recent trends vis-a-vis electorate composition ....
And it seems as if political polarization has been accellerated given the reactions to the current administration.
>> “And it seems as if political polarization has been accellerated given the reactions to the current administration.” <<
Gosh, ya think?!
But it may come down to bullying the bully, which may be a counter coup or some type of civil war .
We wouldn't need to bully (that's falling into a pothole), just keep counter programming and, very importantly, to smile and deprive them of any reaction. Stay focused and positive - along the lines of the less you sweat, the more they get angry.
I agree that a daily press briefing by somebody is great as Buttigieg would be very helpful. But I also think it’s very important that the Democrats not cooperate with the Republicans. Let them “the Republicans“ own the disaster they are creating. If they can’t raise the debt ceiling that’s on them if any Democrat tries to be bipartisan, they will simply be pointed out as the problem. Republicans don’t know how to build anything they only know how to destroy. I’m afraid to say it, but I think we have to see a lot of destruction before. Mega begins to figure out that Trump and muskare losers.
If trump doesn't win an election and gets left in the dust, that's when they'll see him as a loser, unfortunately. Trump knows all he has to do is lie and people will believe him. He writes his own ticket to anywhere. That shouldn't be. That's what's so surreal - so many gullible people who'll vote him into any office - and he knows that. I'd like to see how Buttigieg would fare against the trump factor - although, I hate anyone having to run against something like trump.
I’ve been thinking this for a while. The Dems need to embrace their own four letter slogan that opposes MAGA but in a way that does not offer to reject the idea of Making America Great. This can be hard, because MAGA is such a good political and oral slogan. If however, dems can come up with an opposing, simple slogan to base all their American ideals on given the current situation, this would then throw MAGA into a rage-fit, having both Trump and followers concentrating on destroying that slogan while looking very anti-American in doing so. I think this has been something grossly missed by dems. For example, RADA - Reclaim American Democracy Again, MAFA - Make America Free Again, SADA - Save American Democracy Again, RAKA - Reject America’s King Again, etc.