DeJoy is still in charge of the Post Office. Is anyone preparing for mail-in ballots getting mysteriously 'lost' in the mail? What kind of protections are in place to guard against this?

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I don't know about mail in ballots (we have drop boxes everywhere here, nice SAFE ones) but I ordered something small from eBay on May 4th. It got to me in the US mail on July 8th. No bad address, no indication that it had first gone somewhere else. It apparently just sat for a long time in a saddlebag of the Pony Express.

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Jul 9Liked by The Big Picture

The real, real issue on the table is that without limiting voting "rights" of certain populations, the Republican Party will never, ever win a fair election again. (assuming that all eligible voters actually vote) This is a very real power issue and controls a great deal of the Republican thinking. Take a stroll through Washington DC sometime. Notice the vast amount of money present. The Republican manifesto certainly since Nixon has been that the working class is made to be used and profited from, the middle class similarly profited from, and amongst those who do this is a deep class point of view which puts them above those people such that "those" people are not seen as human. Since they are not "human," it is a great waste of resources and tax dollars to make sure that they are taken care of. Thus we get the Nixon response to the "Great Society" and all the rights clarified in the 60's and 70's. I happen to believe that the terms "racism", "ageism," and "sexism," are terms that refer to "class." And that class is to a large degree one paycheck from bankruptcy. From the point of view of the very wealthy, that means they are not "human" and they are made to be used. In the law, employment is referred to as "master/servant" law. And that is the essence of it. Donald Trump is daily acting the part that made him millions where nothing else had done so. That is the "part" he represents and what he is supported in acting out--the heartless, cheating, lying, corrupt successful businessman whose interactions are all transactional, totally without heart. How this is acceptable to any Christian eludes me!! (Perhaps they are not really Christian.)

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Jul 10Liked by The Big Picture

Perhaps? I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't even recognize their "creed" as anything that he ever said.

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Get them to repeat the ‘bloodless revolution, if the left allows it’ rubric and then flip it. Either the Proud Boys and sycophants and clansmen are ready to prowl the streets, fully armed, ready to shoot neighbors and family, or they have to crawl back under the rocks from whence Trump summoned them. Bloodless? That is a threat and they all need to eat their words. Put up or shut up!!

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The “if the left allows it” is a version of classic abuser talk. As in “Don’t make me hurt you.” “If you resist, whatever I do to you is your own fault.”

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I get the fairly simple comparison to religious zeal, damn the logic.

What I don’t get is the almost zombie attitude about turning their backs on the essential teachings of their agreed-upon holy book and turning trump** into a golden idol.

THAT level of voluntary brainwashing makes America feel like an unfriendly foreign land.

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You should read that Bible story about the golden calf again. Such foolishness has been around for a long time. It’s no accident that sheep and people are interchangeable in Holy Text. They are still today.

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Well, kind of why I chose that reference. The OT is mostly Hebrew oral tradition. MAGats do not follow the NT teachings of Christ. The disconnect is so huge it defies debatable conclusion, i.e. any truly logic or data-based argument.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

I watched "Bad Faith" on Prime. It talks about the Christian Nationalists seeing Trump as a modern-day King Cyrus, an "unlikely vessel" (not an obvious man of God, Cyrus was a pagan and DJT is a .....well.....) mandated by God to be president to lead them through the chaos and deliver them.

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To Kelley Stoneking: yes, I saw that, too, and I have read in-depth reporting before that. I am a person of faith, not an atheist. The evangelicals raising trump** up as some kind of answer to all the micro aggressions they have endured under democrats is hogwash. Follow the money.

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I think that this sums it up nicely. If they sustain the resounding loss they deserve, we need to channel their rage. Force them to sue for divorce. No war this time. If they think it is intolerable for them to live with the rest of us heathens, force the issue. Have a national referendum and if there is enough demand, convoke a Constitutional Convention with the express purpose of drawing up the divorce agreement. They get their per-capita number of acres and their per-capita part of the national debt. Some of them will have to move and so will some of us. And both countries will need to facilitate that. We need to build in provisions to keep the billionaires from taking all their assets to the RSA (Red States of America). Let's beat the tar out of them and then force the worst of them to move to TX.

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Scary stuff. Thank you for sounding the alarm and explaining the details.

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Thank you for this report.

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Thank you for this excellent report.

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I have often wondered whether the percentage of Republicans supporting the big lie is in part a result of a lot of 2020 Republican voters not wanting to admit they are Republicans? No way to tell, of course. BUT

I recently saw a breakdown of one of the recent horse race polls, looking at the "subtabs." A remarkable number of people claimed to be Democrats--but also revealed that they voted for trump. The GOP doesn't just want to rig the election with its voter suppression tactics; it wants to rig the polls themselves.

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