Apr 23Liked by Todd Beeton, The Big Picture

His policies were knee-Jerk, constantly back walked, alternate fact 'splained garbage. IMO only six things he actually accomplished were tax breaks for the rich, caging of kids, stacking the Courts with incompetent judges*, inviting an Insurrection and getting impeached twice. Everything else was double talk, lies, theft...did anyone confirm that Israel got their priceless artifacts back that he took? We know we didn't get everything back that he stole from US...*see FL docs/dox case where Cannon had witness statements posted for public consumption, egging on intimidation.

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Apr 23Liked by Todd Beeton

Great essay that gets right to the point. I can't even imagine what would have happened if Trump had actually won the 2020 election - it's the stuff of nightmares. Trump is not someone who has any knowledge of foreign affairs and does not want to learn.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23Liked by Todd Beeton, The Big Picture

While Trump claims that he could've either prevented or done a better job when the Twin Towers fell, let's not forget that his first comment was that Trump Tower was the second tallest building in New York and now it was the first. Absolutely no empathy for the people that died and no congratulations to the heroes that rushed in and sacrifice their lives to help other people. How in the world did he ever get elected?

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first rule of the mad man club is you do not talk about the mad man club

first rule of the narcissist club is you talk about how much all the other psychopaths like you

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Apr 23Liked by Todd Beeton

Very good rebuttal info to anyone I come across who tries to use that Mad Man theory. Thanks

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Apr 23Liked by Todd Beeton

Every person who can vote, should. That's the only way we can eventually rid ourselves of this biggest "boil on the butt of America" and put him away at Mar-a-Lago with permanent home detention.

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Apr 24Liked by Todd Beeton

I saw in a Substack post today in The Bulwark (https://www.thebulwark.com/p/johnson-will-pay-for-defying-trump-ukraine) that DJT Jr was complaining about members of the House who supported the bill for funding Ukraine, in essence saying they’d robbed his father of the chance to end the war between Russia and Ukraine, as if only his father is allowed to conduct foreign policy. What he said in part on X:

“Why are these GOP Leadership losers like @RepMcCaul pushing a bill that would do the bidding of Democrats and hurt my father's ability to negotiate an end to the war between Russia and Ukraine?”

Questions of violations of the Logan Act aside, the hubris that this is somehow Trump’s right and ignoring the numbers of people who will die before that could happen, it’s another example of a claim that somehow Trump could or would stop Putin. And last I read, his plan to end the war was to have Ukraine surrender. Some strong man.

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Apr 24Liked by Todd Beeton

Trump is one of the few people who could make that old war horse John Bolton look good. BTW, Bolton says he'd vote for Trump again ... madness

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Not exactly bedtime reading,

but essential if you want to wake up tomorrow with an awareness about where we are headed!

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Just simply read John Bolton's detailed book (The Room Where it Happened) to confirm trump's idiocy on any and all issues of foreign affairs. Hardly a moderate Republican, the man was shocked at his incompetency level, and is still warning us (said would write in Cheney again this Nov.)

The reason Putin invaded Ukraine when he did was to create chaos where trump and others could then point to Biden. And Russia has paid a heavy price. We have a significant sophisticated, insider assisted attack from Putin on our Democracy - the only thing holding back Putin's lifelong dream of destructing our Democracy is President Biden and the rest of NATO. If he could help trump in again, it would achieve this lifelong goal. With trump back, our Democracy would be gone and Democracy around the world would take a heavy blow. trump would withdraw from NATO. MAGA and Putin are in perfect synch on autocracy, unbridled carbon burn (30% of the Russian economy), social hatred issues, hatred of other NATO countries and then some. A women interviewed in a trump rally line the other day said she would vote for Putin to be the U.S. president over Biden. No doubt Putin rolled in laughter on one of those giant Kremlin carpets when someone showed him that. All these years and it just took an orange pancaked idiot from Queens and his cultists to destruct America.

And I do not doubt the Russia > Iran > Hamas directive in the same vein. And right at the time when Israeli maga-man Bibi was losing ground to his own corruption charges. Yeh, they took the bait, predictably, and are in the process of killing 40x the number killed on October 7th, completely obliterating critique of Putin (you see, he has only killed 11,000 citizens). And verified reports of clear warnings (and 6-hour response delays? in a country the size of New Jersey?) of the Hamas attack from Israel's own defense intelligence are disturbing. Certainly the attack was brutal - and so have been the deaths of 15,000 children burned, crushed and buried alive under the rubble of our bombs. Few videos there, just thousands of small bodies wrapped in sheets.

Ugly all around here in 2024. Biden's fault? No. Some poor decisions? Yes, in dealing with Netanyahu. Certainly not the strategy on Ukraine though both superpowers are scuffling at the edge of a bottomless cliff. Yet to imply that the man who spent his time firing the likes of Dennis Rodman for his poor hot dog stand management skills is in any way more capable of handling the state of the world right now - is making me roll on my carpet.

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Soooo..... should we tell Trump that 9/11 attackers were in the US perfectly legally? And that their visa extensions came in the mail for them two weeks after the attacks? That was one of the biggest slaps in the face to the rest of us, immigrants, who later got REALLY messed up by the brutal immigration policy changes included in the PATRIOT act.

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I think this article gives Trump too much credit for having a shimmer of a clue about how to develop or conduct policy, national or foreign. I think it also skates over the increasingly likely scenario that he is not only Putin's useful idiot, but also Putin's knowing agent. Analysts deal in probabilities. I think we are approaching a 66% probability that Putin owns Donny.

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I'm curious if there was possibly a plan in place (invasion of Ukraine) with the idea that tRump would have won re-election but Covid created an unexpected kink in the plans. Just being curious.

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Todd, thank you for pointing out Trump’s abject failure in foreign policy. I find it ironic that he is running his campaign on immigration again. The “border wall” is just a sleight of hand to get his cult to look at all those brown people coming in from Central and South America to destroy our country, while he is letting all of our foreign adversaries in the back door. Trumps love of dictators has been evident from the start. It’s sickening to watch him lavish praise on these sadistic murderers, because he somehow believes their fake support and friendship means he is a “great” man. Desperation is not attractive to me at least. What is wrong with these people?

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In short, the defendant was a major disaster, crashing foreign policy just as he did wedding pictures at Mar-a-Lago. It was all about him, him, him; like the destructive, petulant child he was and continues to be.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

Thank you for this analysis.

Donald Trump's lifetime of skating through life by purchasing other peoples capabilities and misrepresenting the outcomes as his own accomplishments has left his mental and emotional landscape desolate and sterile. I am reminded of the train of thought I had walking through a museum and coming to a large empty glass case placed in a prominent location with its label on a brass plaque. I thought, "Is this significant? Is there something in here that I am missing? This CAN'T be what they intended. This is STUPID!" I would be ready to wager that every capable individual that joined Donald Trump's administration went through a similar evolution of thought.

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