For whom is this the SLIGHTEST surprise. That’s who he is, and a significant number of Americans

Voted for him, knowing he is a rapist, a multiply convicted felon, an

Insurrectionist, a welcher on payments

And those are his best qualities.

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Right, that’s him at his best.

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How did I forget LIAR?

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An important addition.

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🤣. The Devil in Details? Seems by now the blame lays all over the place , absent voters, disenchanteds, cheek/head turners, those above the law, the mentally ill, the uneducated/duped, the rich/lazy/yada and more yada.

We’ve always had to fight for..clean up after..correct our mistakes …cause we’ve ALL made them…nothing is perfect..but things are better. We have bigger problems , we have more people, we have more resources, we have better technology.

Who uses intimidation, fear , hatred, lies , as motivators, tools, threats?

What bears the tests of time love, truth, consistency, patience, trust?

No , we’ve become desensitized , playing The Limbo, waterboarding only different, the condition(s) of war, playbook of dictators down to blow by blow descriptions. Some of us know, all of us are tired, reality really says it’s never not been vigilance (education #1), ‘fighting’ for better . It’s much easier to fight when your needs are met. Wants and Needs need to be careful ,clear principles and more of a good thing does not necessitate Needs being met. Principles do.

I’ll continue sailing on The Good Ship Principle. War ,apparent forever, is NOT a solution and I hope still not the last choice. Civilization is a misnomer !

We have the means , the understanding , the resources to meet the NEEDS…maybe ..just maybe, a level playing field will prove this.

I’m in 🫶


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I agree! Why would anyone be surprised that given his 'record' he would not keep his word?

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Insane.. They’ve been Completely Brainwashed to STUPID! By the most EVIL Fox LIES! And other> So called news,< Pure Manipulation! To get people to vote against their OWN best interests, and Against all of ours! And now,”they have damn well done it!”. Future of HELL! To pay. Also utter Humiliation! To Trump’s suckers. 🤬

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I was just going to say... HOW is this in any way shocking or unexpected? He couldn't find Ukraine on the map even if you gave him hints where it was. US President has nothing to do with the prices - there is literally nothing in that part of the government that enables him to just do it. We already knew he was a lying, spiteful prick. If there was a way to limit the damage from his monumental idiocy to the people who supported him, this would be fun to watch with popcorn. Sadly, those of us who told them so will be impacted too.

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Still waiting for the BIG GUY TO DELIVERY

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Not keeping promises expected, going after journalists financially is chilling.

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Ha hardly. Might be in record time though!

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And his loyal cult following will justify his breaking every ridiculous promise. They are used to the gaslighting

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They are already justifying every walk back, every equivocation, so important to call him out as the hollow wizard behind the curtain.

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That worthless motherfucking traitor couldn't tell the truth if you held a loaded and cocked pistol to his head.

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No shit. Wow! What a surprise! This dickhead is jerking us around again (still) and yet what? 74 million people votes for this fucker!? Sheeple! That’s what they are. “Well, he speaks his mind.” I’ll speak my mind. You people are thee worst! We are not better than this. Or, rather, nearly half the voting populace is better than this. The other half. Weeeellllll, I have an opinion about that. SMH. Can’t wait to see what this tDumpster fire comes up with next. This milquetoast MF is going to squander untold amounts of USA’s political goodwill, money, and lives. Batton down the hatches friends. It’s going to get stormy.

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I love that "At least. Trump speaks his mind" When the mind is demented, vindictive illegal, self absorbed, petty, cruel, traitorious, cheating, lying ..etc., how is that a good thing?

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Trump isn't keeping his promises? There's a classic journalistic term for this: "Dog Bites Man." [If you're not familiar with this, the longer version is "if a man bites a dog, that's newsworthy. If a dog bites a man, it's not."

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Trump is ushering in years of chaos. I predict that the buyer’s remorse will be brutal.

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Another Day, Another Massacre: How Republican Voters Trap Themselves in a Cycle of Violence, Neglect, and Suffering

By backing leaders who serve lobbyists and profits over lives, Republican voters ensure their own cycle of bloodshed, poverty, and decay


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You get what you vote for. If a train is bearing down on you because you chose to stand on the track, you will get run over. If you believe a guy with a gun who is known for shooting people points it at you and promises he will not shoot you, you are a frikkin moron. IF HE SPOUTS GRANDIOSE BS EVERY TIME HE OPENS HIS MOUTH and you blindly follow him, THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU. ONLY YOU CAN CURE YOU.

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The train analogy is perfect. And all his supporters who think what he does won’t affect them forgot a simple fact. When you get hit by a train it’s not the caboose that kills you.

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Thanks, John, I hope you don't mind if I carry your thought forward. It is perfect.

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The part I love about the mass deportation is Texas offering 1402 acres to provide the place to put everyone. I did the calculations. Fitting 11,000,000 people into that area would give each person about 5 square feet. That is WITHOUT any buildings, roads, etc: no walls, restrooms, kitchens, sidewalks or paths, etc.

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Well I guess the only thing new that's big in Texas is this huge pile of horse shit. Who is the "Texas" that has 14k acres to give?

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typo. 1402. 1 acre is 43560 square feet. 1402 acres is 6,207,1120 square feet. Divided by 11 million is 5.55 square feet per person. Unless math has disappeared from my toolbox. Believe me, I am never sure.


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Now Jesus, Susan, there ya go getting all smart and logical and stuff. The only thing you proved is morons are no good at making up shit.

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One significant correction: Cheetolini did NOT "Force ABC to settle", that was abject cowardice on the part of the corrupt scum running ABC/Disney. The losers sold out democracy and the First Amendment (on a VERY easily winnable case) as a cover for open bribery.

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Monsanto’s Round Up, has been POISONING our food, and lives, for too many years, causing a multitude amount of deaths, and crippling illness, not to mention killing our pets, and wildlife. My next door neighbors dogs died young, he had the same gardener.< I told him “never spray Round Up, anywhere on our property, if you are using it, your poisoning your self. Stop immediately. He swore he would not use it.

My kids had a rabbit, and 2 Guinea pigs, they let them out to play and eat the grass. The Guinea pigs belly’s swelled up over time, within a few months were dead, same with a rabbit. The Vet had no Idea why.

I didn’t suspect Round up, as the gardener swore he never used it. A few years later, our cat died. Then the Best Dog Ever, got sick, her belly also swelled up, the vet had no answers, she died! Vet said, an autopsy would be very expensive. The gardener, laughed, said “no more pets! No more dog poo poo!” SICKO!! I fired him, then wished I had let him stay, just a bit longer - and put Round up in the sandwiches I made for him all those years! An eye for an eye..

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Round Up is more likely cause of increase in autism than vaccines.

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I had this exact same thought Kathy

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True, the greedy corporate CEO’s, only care about their race for the most money, more than enough is never enough! For them, never ends. Unmitigated GREED! That costs others their lives, is absolutely EVIL! They should be locked away in mental institutions, they are clearly mentally ill and a clear and present danger ⛔️

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We shouldn't be surprised after round one.

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He didn’t run to do anything but stay out of jail and grift and he’s been wildly successful so far.

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A request: Stop Including Pix of Trump in your posts. We all know what he looks like. There's no need to shove his face in ours. Thank you.

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