Jul 25, 2023Liked by Todd Beeton, George Takei

Spencer Chretien who is the Associate Director of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project at The Heritage Foundation (Project 2025) makes it perfectly clear that the aim and goal of current movement conservatism is to take over the Federal Government. What anyone concerned with the threat to our liberal American Democracy needs to do when looking hard at Project 2025 is to remember that the 1000 page plan of the project is the equivalent of a magician’s hat. It is this hat from which Project 2025 will pull out all of the conservative operators who are planned for being installed in positions all throughout government so as to produce a wholesale nearly unalterable changeover into a locked-in Christian nationalist administration.

What everyone needs to truly focus on is the Advisory Board members of Project 2025--all of whom are the magician’s stage assistants providing the various distractions and support needed by the magician to pull off his trick--of which at this time are now up to 69 organizations all working together to either reelect Trump back into office or first time elect a Republican candidate who will welcome the Project 2025 Presidential Transition Plan.



When conservatives such as Chretien talk about small government as opposed to big government they are not discussing quantity or size issues, but rather are focusing on creating a small hardcore group of individuals (small government) who will lever the full weight of their vision's expanded government force to enact, implement, and sustain their Christo-Fascist ordered worldview.

“The conservative movement increasingly knows what time it is in America. More and more of our politicians are willing to use the government to achieve our vision, because the neutrality of “keeping the government out of it” will lose every time to the left’s vast power.”

“The third is our Presidential Administration Academy. When conservatives do finally make it into an administration, they often don’t know what to do or how to seize the gears of power effectively. Through their action, inaction, and their encyclopedic knowledge of volumes of technicalities about the federal workforce, certain career federal employees are masterful in tripping us up. Our interactive, on-demand training sessions will change that. They will turn future conservative political appointees into experts in governmental effectiveness.”


The third pillar of Project 2025, quoted above, represents the tip of the spearhead of the Presidential Transition Plan. The “Career federal employees” mentioned in the third pillar are also, as seen in the quote below, described as “the usual suspects” and “the permanent class.” These employees are all intended to be dismissed by the use of an administrative procedure that was proposed during Trump’s first administration known as “Schedule F” this procedure would be used to replace thousands of federal employees who by their work and actions help to ensure a measure of non-partisan, apolitical, operation of government overall; Schedule F would allow these positions to be replaced by favored politicized appointments, as well as also be the means by which a hostile government takeover by Project 2025 member participants could dramatically expand and subvert government operations to the will and whims of Christian nationalists’ operators who have long sought to supplant liberal democracy with their own destitute brand of illiberal democracy.



“The usual suspects-[Through their action, inaction, and their encyclopedic knowledge of volumes of technicalities about the federal workforce, certain career federal employees are masterful in tripping us up]-in the permanent political class will be ready for the next conservative administration. Will we be ready for them? That’s where Project 2025 comes in. We have two years, and one chance, to get this right.”



I urge anyone concerned about the dangers posed by Project 2025,--and now more to the point than ever before--or the election of a Republican candidate to ponder the last sentence penned by Spencer Chretien—“We have two years, and one chance, to get this right.”

As a concerned Democrat or Independent citizen voter, do you know what time it is?

Robert J. Rei July 25, 2023

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Thank you Robert for expanding on the threat Project 2025 poses. Quite the wake up call.

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Great information. Thanks.

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Todd Beeton, George Takei

1) Funny how Justice Thomas doesn't seem to want a reversal of Loving v. Virginia, isn't it? (And by "funny", I mean, his hypocrisy is evident for all to see)

2) The Republican Party, as currently constituted, would have this country become a much more heavily armed version of Hungary.

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Victor Orbán is their model, I agree.

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Yeah, hmmm... 🤔

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I have never been so afraid of my government as I am now if tRump gets elected

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I have been more afraid, at a time when the government came to round us up. The road to fascism begins with othering, fear of an enemy. We are well on that road once again.

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I fear we are on that road again with othering, as well as whoever strikes him as being in his way of his wishes - enemies. It is strong voices like yours which will strike a clarion call to us all. Please be loud! ♥️

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Todd Beeton

I wonder what Liz Cheney believes now about the Unitary Executive Theory. She wrote her senior thesis in college strongly in support of this theory.

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I suspect she will be fully in support of it if the president wielding the powers of the presidency is allied with her (or is her.)

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Maybe, but she did stand up for what was right and it cost her. For that she has earned a modicum of respect from me.

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This is a devastatingly scary and depressing prospect. Growing up in England, I truly thought of the US as a land of opportunity, if still a little Wild West with too many guns. I moved here as a young adult in 1977 with that belief intact. I still believe in that opportunity, but over the last 15 years, particularly the backlash that occurred after President Obama was elected, has tarnished that belief, and it got worse, way worse, after the 2016 election. Seeing white supremacists, racists, haters crawl out from under the proverbial stones where they had skulked, and proudly, loudly, say the things that had previously been whispered or relegated to only thoughts, has scared me more than I thought it could. Project 2025, and what it would (will) mean to the future of this country and most of the 330,000 million people who now call it home, is horrifying. I will not let it silence me, but I am terrified for my adult sons, younger, and future generations. Orban’s Hungary, Putin’s Russia, other countries ruled by dictators and autocrats, even fictional Gilead, will be the US’s future if this plan succeeds. We CANNOT let that happen.

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I'm very concerned and did not see this coming. I thought it was just Trump but now I see how long this effort has been brewing. I had bad dreams about this 50 years ago. (I'm 73). Are my dreams going to come true or will we fight this and win?

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I'm team #FightAndWin.

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In addition to fighting to keep the MAGAts from taking over our government with the violent state they want to create, I suggest that people also have a plan B. What is the alternative if Trump gets in again? For the country? For you personally? What can be done then?

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I haven't really been able to bring myself to consider that as a reality, but the whole plan B concept could be its own article or even series of articles itself.

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I recommend the "children's" book When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit by Juddith Kerr, about her memoirs as a Jewish child in a well off family of a political writer in Berlin right as Hitler was about to come to power and after he came to power. Her father is my role model. My husband and I read this book at the same time and both of us decided that it was a very important book to read. I have since gotten the trilogy in German. Anyone who has children, grandchildren, etc... has to think what they want for them too.

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Thank you!

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Jul 27, 2023·edited Jul 27, 2023

Another group steering conservatives is the Council for National Policy. They've been working behind the scenes for years in conjunction with the Federalists Society. Bob Garfield did a really good 2-part episode on them as part of his podcast series through Booksmart Studios. The CNP is scary, and I've been half afraid to talk about them anywhere because they sound like a conspiracy theory.

Why aren't liberals this organized?

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