She’s brilliant. The more Trump ‘talks’ the faster the trial comes. And we all know he can’t help himself so let’s get that trial scheduled! 🤗

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I still think that Trump will deliberately violate whatever orders/terms are set out by the Judge. He wants to be a martyr and rile his base up even more.

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I guess the question is, will she start to hit him where it hurts? Eager to see when she schedules the trial date for!

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He doesn't need to rile up his base. The base is pretty well sure to vote for him. Trump's problem is with normal Republican voters and independents who actually believe in the rule of law.

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Deliberately? Time and time again over the past eight years, ex-Preznit Mob Boss has demonstrated not just POOR impulse control, but NONE. He has all the self-discipline of a coked up chimpanzee, and never in his life has he suffered for it enough to learn any circumspection. Military school made no impression on him other than honing his skill at bullying, even though he spent virtually his entire ten age years there. That was the most serious consequence he ever faced for his disregard of any standard of law or decorum, he has no more idea of the repercussions of his uncivilized behavior than a two year old.

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Thank you for the analysis of this important issue. Judge Chutkan clearly knows the law and her role as the judge in the case. She intends to make sure that this unusual case is handled by applying the same law and rules as any other criminal case. She is impressive.

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If I were a lower level defendant in the Georgia trial (or in a non high profile case), and I did what TFG is doing,would a judge tolerate it?

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Most likely, no. Still, she knows he is trying to bait her into punishing him so he can be a martyr. The worst punishment is an early trial date though!

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Thanks for the reply

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No. Pretrial detention.

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No I don't think so.

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Contrast the posture, tone and courtroom demeanor of the DC Judge with years of experience under her belt vs. the Trump appointee in Florida in the documents case.

Night v day

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One thing a parent needs to realize - and not all of them do - is that if you're going to threaten a kid with punishment, you have to be willing and able to act on it. Judge Chutkan has threatened Dumpy and his lawyers with all sorts of things, notably pre-trial detention, but what, realistically, can she do? Put Dumpy and his SS detail into jail? I think that's too unweildy to happen. I realize that she's an experienced judged and doesn't abide any BS, but I worry that she may have bitten off more than she can chew here. I hope she's got a plan in her back pocket.

What I'd really like to see, and I think is workable, is Dumpy shut in VIP quarters on Andrews AFB or whatever they're calling Ft. Belvoir now, and take his phone and golf privileges away. That would just about make his head explode, but it would be worth it.

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Chutkan has my confidence. She knows what she's doing.

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I am optimistic. She is well respected.

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Time for Former Sen Daniel Patrick Moynihan “everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”

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He should be jailed like any other defendant. If the SS has to eat glop and for lunch and hang in the conjugal visit room, then so be it.

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Oh please oh please oh please!!!

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The first big test of Trump's brazenness and Chutkan's resolve will likely come on Monday morning, when we have been promised his completely incontrovertible and exonerating case, which can't help but flout the prosecution's case. By definition, anyone who tries to contradict such a "perfect" case must be a fool as well as an enemy of truth (and Trump). Is this not an implied threat against anyone siding with the prosecution?

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I agree, that "revealing" will be very interesting indeed. Of course it will be a stage for him to spout more lies about a stolen election but can he keep his mouth shut about the rest? I'm going to say no. He will push things to their limit, the question is will he cross the line that gets him tossed in jail (or whatever punishment they will inflict)

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Trump has shown time and time again that he has zero impulse control when it comes to social media. It'll be interesting to see if he can restrain himself. I'd put money on "no".

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A little off-track, but I just heard this and had to share. Trump attorney Jenna Ellis has posted on a "christian" gofundme site to raise funds for her legal defense. I love irony.

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I'll be curious to see what he says on Monday and how she handles it. I really hope she cuts him off sooner than later.

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Equal protection - UNDER the LAW.

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We could probably have it next week if dumpster continues as he is !! I don't understand why he can still be on the ballot !! All the crap he and his cronies have done , he should never be near the White house ever again !!

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