Aug 22Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot, The Big Picture

Most of us are fully aware of what happened. So, taking a message from Madam Harris: DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. like what? Get out and vote women. You cannot rely on men to save your rights. Vote even if it means not telling your MAGA husband how you voted.

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Aug 22Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

"Vote even if it means not telling your MAGA husband how you voted."

Then dump his ass.

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Aug 22Liked by The Big Picture

While the scenarios presented are true, surely most abortions, when they were legal, were not medical necesities, but for other legitimate reasons. It is a mistake to push these nonviable pregnancy scenarios; we are not wanting liberalized or less restrictive abortion laws, we want them to go away entirely.

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Except that's not the focus of this piece and there's more presented than nonviable pregnancy scenarios—like how these laws also target domestic violence survivors.

Anyone who supports reproductive freedom doesn't need to be convinced these laws are an issue. We already know they are.

It's the "I'd never have an abortion, so this issue doesn't affect me" voters who need to be educated that this will and does affect them or someone they love.

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Aug 22Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

Yeah, they will never need an abortion until one day, they do. Anyway, it's still wrong to impose your rules on other people.

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OK, I agree with you even though I’m not sure where your statistics about reasons for abortion comes from.

Just to be clear, I do not like abortion used as birth control but recognize it is NOT my decision.

I never wanted to be part of an abortion. Thus, I always checked as to whether a sexual partner was using birth control. Yet, one girlfriend lied to me and got pregnant. She reassured me it was OK because she had an abortion. All this without me knowing what was going on. I support a woman’s decision to have an abortion but I, also, support honesty. I was surprised about how much pain I felt because of that abortion because I never consider the lie. Maybe a little unfair but I broke up with her for not being honest and me being an unknowing party to an abortion.

That was decades ago but thinking about it now still causes some pain.

I do not absolve myself of any complicity. I was part of the creation of a zygote so I was part of the problem and ignorance is no excuse.

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I don't think people often use abortion as a first-line approach to contraception, but mistakes happen. I have not known anyone, including me, who were happy about it...but in the time and place, it was the least worst coice. No regrets.

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I would never wish regrets upon you and I would never sit in judgement of your decision. I wish you peace, as long as you vote. ☺️

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I will certainly vote!

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Aug 23Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

I've never in my life met a woman who "wanted" to have an abortion. That is the wrong word. It's NEED.

They're not just taking our rights, they're taking away our health.

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Aug 24Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

Did you use a condom? Did you take any responsibility for that part of the relationship? If you were unsure if SHE was using birth control, you could have DONE SOMETHING, but you chose to look the other way. So I am not feeling any kind of sympathy for your reaction. She may have been dishonest, but that doesn’t negate your responsibility with the use of birth control which you could have picked up at a 7-11.

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Aug 22Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

I don’t want to get too graphic in my comments, but this all makes me want throw up! The problem is a minority of know-it-alls who feel that they must interfere in the medical affairs of others, who claim to know more than trained physicians and other medical experts, have been emboldened by like-minded people in conservative legislators, knowing that the majority is powerless to act to stop this from happening. Well, spoiler alert, electing Kamala Harris as President of the United States and seriously expanding and modifying the Supreme Court with age limits and term limits along with a strong set of enforceable ethics rules will go a long way to stop the bombardment of such laws at state level. More important is the up and down ballot candidates where we need majorities in State and Federal Legislatures. We need to remove time tested losers in the Senate whose fealty to Trump after being maligned by the orange monster’s disgusting bullying: Lindsay Graham and Ted Cruz come to mind. Most important, we need to make voting mandatory and by mail, making it easier and safer to vote for marginalized populations, and Election Day needs to be a national holiday to participate in and celebrate our democracy.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

"Minority of know-it-alls" - aka, Fuindamentalists. Fundamentalism is its own religion, whether masquerading as "christian," "jewish, "muslim," or "hindu." Fundmentalism is authoritarian, racist, misogynist, violent, patriarchal. Fundamentalists, howeverthey identify themselves, are The Enemy.

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Aug 22Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

National businesses should NOT expand into these states, and those that are there should start reducing their staff levels. These are not safe places for their employees. They can open in other states and allow their employees to move. An economic battle could pressure the states to reconsider.

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Aug 23Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

We all vote with our dollars every day so be careful where you spend your money. Don't support the bastards who would deny us our rights and freedoms.

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Aug 22Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

Every politician who helped bring aboard Trump's three Justices, (who lied on their resumes re: the settled law over abortion,) is complicit in this move towards a Sharia Law style state for America. (I'm looking at YOU, Mitch McConnell and Leonard Leo.)

Where do I sign up for a $10,000 reward for turning in THESE boneheads??

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Aug 22Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

Cut to the real issue. White women need to have a passel of white baby boys so Caucasian Males can restore their God-given ascendency. Never mind they will have girls. They will eventually make more baby boys. Nevermind that black women will have more children, too. They won’t be able to vote and we will always need more field hands and laborers. THAT is the underlying point to ChristoNazi conservatism, even when they can’t admit it or even recognize it exactly. ‘Health’ has nothing to do with it.

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Aug 22Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

Kate Cox is a hero! Thanks for giving us this sobering news that women are suffering so much around our country. It’s so sad. It’s going to be a new day when Kamala is president!

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Aug 22Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

There are currently abortion rights ballot initiatives in 8 states and another 3 such initiatives that supporters hope to be able to get on the ballot. These measures are popular and most of them got many more signatures than what was legally required. Hopefully, as people vote in November for abortion rights initiatives they will realize that they cannot vote for Republicans because of Project 2025. Although women are not a monolith, I think the vast majority of us are tired of the misogynistic abusive policies of Republicans and will vote accordingly. Women are always underestimated and I think this is the election when we will have a say for our freedom.

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Aug 22Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

Many habits the right brings forth is in keeping w/a nazi agenda of the 1930’s. They wanted lots of children to indoctrinate aka brain wash into their global agenda.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

It is such a dire moment, thanks for summarizing it so well. The hardest part is it hits the most vulnerable women--poor, often in rural Red areas that ObGyns are now abandoning, unable to travel, with their pain dismissed cavalierly.

Abortion was never about the children, it was always about maneuvering to control the women and force them back into the house to take care of the kids, the elders, and the husband. To take power away from the women, isolate them once again.

When Phyllis Schlafly, a very frustrated and ambitious conservative Catholic woman, decided to use abortion in a cynical ploy to get the level of attention and power she desired, I wonder if she and her followers fully understood exactly where it would lead for the average woman in America. That it would mean literal death for women and ridiculously cruel healthcare "decisions" that are not necessary in normal times.

I am certain men around her quickly understood how it could be used as an issue. They gaslighted everyone, pretending they wanted to 'save the children', got the media to call their cause "Pro-Life". But the truth was they were always on a mission to weaken and dismantle women's power, to exhaust them, to trap them. I'm thinking Phyllis probably knew that all too well, and did not care as long as she, Phyllis, got her moment in the sun.

I remember clearly talking to my husband two decades ago about how the anti-abortion movement would go after contraception in the end. He scoffed, as did so many of my friends, both men and women. They didn't think the Republicans and Christian Nationalists would *ever* go that far.

But hey, here we are.

At least the Republican Christian Nationalists have finally ripped off the mask and intents are blazingly clear. The worst cases out of Texas all came out of a Catholic chain of hospitals; clearly Catholics making the decisions for women with disastrous results. I'm personally hoping this is the final nail in the coffin for hospitals run by churches. There should be a separation of church and our medical care.

Three things need to happen, and fast: 1) pass and vigorously enforce the Voting Rights Act 2) rebalance the stolen seats on that SCOTUS court 3) pass a bodily autonomy amendment to the Constitution for all citizens, including children. I feel like these are all equally important.

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Aug 23Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

Don't forget get rid of citizens United which put political/electoral corruption and abortion bans on steroids

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Since SCROTUS has given the president kingly powers, I would be happy if she had SCROTUS REPUGNANTS arrested and tried for sedition.

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"Most people won't know they're pregnant until 8-10 weeks. . . . People are being denied post-miscarriage healthcare."

Not people. WOMEN. Men can't get pregnant, can't have miscarriages. The Republicans's anti-abortion, anti-healthcare laws target solely WOMEN.

You're absolutely right when you start by saying their "pro-life" facade has actually been specifically a misogynist agenda all along. So say so. In every sentence and reference say so.

It's not generally "people". It's WOMEN.

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I'm Indigenous American and we have 5 genders in both my maternal and paternal tribes (my Mother and Father are from two different tribal nations). A gender binary is a colonial construct I don't culturally adhere to. People get pregnant, whether they identify as a man, a woman, nonbinary, gender fluid or Two-Spirit.

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I'm not familiar enough with indigenous cultures to know how they viewed gender, so thanks for adding that bit of info to what I know am aware of.

In any event, it's a bit beside the point I was making.

[Edited to add the "not" I left out that had me saying the opposite of what I wanted.]

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We're not a monolith. Your familiarity with my culture isn't equivalent to my lifetime of actually being Indigenous. My two tribes had 5 genders, but some had 3 and others had 7. So you likely don't know how my two specific tribes view gender.

Instead you have a homogenized version that isn’t part of any one single tribe, but rather combines multiple cultures into one inaccurate version.

Your point was I meant "WOMEN" and should have used "WOMEN" in my writing. I just informed you that I know exactly what I meant and I used the correct word for it.

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By saying "indigenous cultures", plural, I was noting that there are more than one, and I wasn't claiming familiarity with any of them. But thanks for assuming I see all as one inaccurate version.

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I didn't "assume" anything. You pointed out you were familiar with how "indigenous cultures" view gender to negate my stated viewpoints used in my own writing.

You told me it was inaccurate to use people, that I really meant "WOMEN" and should "say so."

I'm sorry you can't accept when you're wrong about what I meant or how my culture shapes my perspective. For me, people get pregnant, not just women. You assert only women get pregnant. In your culture, that might be true. But it's not true in mine.

I wrote this, from my perspective, shaped by my culture. I'm going to use my thoughts on my opinion piece instead of the colonizers' perspective. If that's abhorrent to you, not much I can do about it.

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Aug 24Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

"You pointed out you were familiar with how "indigenous cultures" view gender"

I'm going to have to apologize for a typo. I somehow missed including the word "not" (corrected now). We've had a series of misunderstandings here and this one is on me.

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Aug 23Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

People get pregnant.

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Please point me to the nearest pregnant male.

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24Author

Thomas Beattie was pregnant 4 times and gave birth to 3 children. Since his first pregnancy made headlines, other men have elected to become pregnant.

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There is a whole discussion we could have around that that involves trying to work out what "male" and "female" could be defined as. And I honestly I don't know I'd have an answer.

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Modern society gets hung up on where people are in their "transition" to define who gets to call themselves a man or a woman. But transgender people weren't invented when hormone replacement therapy or gender confirmation surgeries were developed.

Transgender men and women AND nonbinary and gender fluid and agender and Two-Spirit people existed before any of those medical advancements.

Thomas Beattie identified as a man. Regardless of his parts or hormone levels, he was a man.

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Aug 24Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

Women are people too. And we matter!

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Of course. Never meant to suggest otherwise.

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Aug 22Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

"There is no sane purpose to many of the restrictions enacted by red states in their abortion ban laws. Instead, they inflict unnecessary pain and suffering"

And that’s the purpose right there. Not to “protect the unborn” or any other lie the self-righteous use to put a false moral-sounding facade on their misogyny. But to inflict pain and suffering.

Cruelty is never the UNintended consequence of their policies. It’s the GOAL.

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Aug 22Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

Thank you for writing this in its sheer ugliness and misogyny.

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All of this is awful and horrifying. It also illustrates the cowardice of hospitals, insurance companies, and medical care providers. The reason these women are suffering is because all of these organizations and people are demonstrating that following the immoral and unethical law is more important than their commitment to “do no harm.”

How long would these laws survive when hospitals are forced to close and physicians are punished for the “crime” of saving their patient’s life?

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Aug 23Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

In cases where women have gotten in trouble because cops were notified, it's usually the healthcare providers who notified the police, which is an obvious violation of their "duty To Care."

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Aug 23Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

Great work, thanks for sharing and spreading the word. I thought I kept up with the issues pretty well but I didn't know Gabriella Gonzalez was murdered for her abortion. That is just so perfectly "pro-life" isn't it?

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Aug 23Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

Interesting - that story made the news here in Australia, I think because the cruelty of the situation shocked us a bit.

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Aug 23Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

I've been saying this stuff for years and years.You don't have to ever want or need an abortion in order to begin to understand that things can go wrong even after a baby is successfully delivered.I almost bled out after the birth of my oldest son,at the age of 20.A single small piece of retained placenta could have taken my life.This same issue is the very reason a miscarriage patient needs a DNC or abortion medication to get those retained tissues out of the body.I know of several women, including one of my daughters,who bled profusely after a miscarriage.It's not optional to get the DNC,it's a lifesaving procedure.

Etoptic pregnancy IS NEVER VIABLE.And an embryo cannot be moved or sent to the "right"place,as soon as it's detached,it dies.As soon as the fallopian tube ruptures,it dies.It cannot be saved without serious health consequences to the mother.The non-medical christianists who talk to hear their heads rattle are insane to believe otherwise.Oh,and you can't "pray away"an etoptic pregnancy.All you're doing is in effect murdering an innocent woman.

And this insanity of demanding that a raped little girl delivering a rapist's baby absolutely makes my blood boil.A little girl is an innocent victim,who is helpless to stop a grown ass man from doing whatever he pleases.It irritates me to no end that these pig headed idiots like MTG call Democrats and people like drag queens "child molesters"and "pedophiles"but when the same people talk this bullshit about forcing a little girl to give birth you'll take notice that these very words aren't in their mouths.It makes me want to slap the taste out of their mouths.God didn't have a damned thing to do with it,thank you!!

I have been a witness to women going through all sorts of unimaginable things having babies,and the vast majority of the time it was totally unexpected and shocked them that this was a thing that could ever happen.(Much like when I almost bled to death having a baby.Nobody had ever told me that was a thing until I was standing in a pool of blood the first time I stood up after giving birth that day.)People don't decide to give their unborn baby a fatal birth defect that can't be fixed or treated.They don't purposely will their water to break at 18 weeks.They don't willingly cause a miscarriage of a wanted(or even not wanted,or unexpected)baby,so that they can bleed out or die of septic shock.Most of this happens on its own,or because of something like a car accident with sudden trauma due to being bounced around or thrown into an airbag or steering wheel.And abortion pills are usually taken under some kind of medical supervision and if something like bleeding out happens there is someone to turn to for help.(The sad reality is with the bans one would wonder if a young woman without pregnancy experience would ask for help or even have help if she thought she needed it.This was true back in the pre-Roe days when these girls were afraid to ask for help fearing a arrest.Many of them died as a result.)

We shouldn't judge people when they decide they need an abortion.Walk a mile in their shoes,and consider what may be going on with health issues or just needing to get away from a horrible man who wants to rule over her.

And don't get me started on abusive men.Almost daily there are stories of murdered women trying to get away from some fool who refused to take no for an answer.Women are dying regularly,and no one is trying to teach young boys in elementary and middle school that women aren't property or objects to be possessed.That women can have lives outside a man.That NO MEANS NO.

The horror stories of a woman being ambushed at work,or at home before she can get away.In most cases,her children are in danger also,and are either kidnapped or killed.When are we gonna fix this issue?When will we stop accepting that it's normal or just something to live with?We need more stringent rules to protect women and kids from abusive men.More than a piece of paper that isn't going to stop bullets(red flag laws anyone??)and that holds a man accountable from the time the filing is made.Stop coddling these men who think a woman is his property.That his kids are bargaining chips to hold hostage or murder as revenge for a woman to leave him.Make clearly defined laws that reflect this,and strictly enforce them,with no exceptions or excuses.

It is time to do something with politicians who seem to believe that women and girls are objects to be controlled,with no concern of how it affects their lives or the health outcomes of unnecessarily strict arbitrary rules.These people need to be voted out of office and kept far away from office again.

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Aug 23Liked by Amelia Mavis Christnot

This tangled, strangled issue needs the energy from voices like yours. Keep talking. We need to put a human face on it.

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