We need more Gen Z in Congress!

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Indeed we do. And they are coming soon, I’ll bet.

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Max Frost makes me feel proud to be a Floridian again. Almost all of Florida’s politics lately are oppressive, embarrassing, and authoritarian, to the point that earlier this year I seriously considered leaving my native state for less right-wing environs. But people like Maxwell Frost and the activist graduates of Parkland give me hope for my state’s future. I’m a boomer, and I’m so happy someone like Max is in Washington representing my Central Florida home. (My own representative is a right-wing MAGA suck up.) Max, you’re the best--thanks!

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There are great folks in Florida along with the bad apples.

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Thanks for that, George! It’s just that the bad apples are so incredibly loud!

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They have to be loud. Being loud makes them look like a bigger group than they really are. They lose members every day, as the smarter ones regain their sense of reason and begin to think for themselves again. This will become clearly evident a year from now, when we see the results of the November 2024 elections.

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I need to be reminded sometimes. Ditto Texas. Thank you.

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Yes, we need Gen Z and Gen X and everything between and on the border.

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Hope for the future!

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Rep. Frost is awesome and just what American and Florida need for the future!

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Youth ,and enthusiasm can overcome age and treachery,give it all you got kiddo,we need your strength !

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And A Bit Perturbed ..

And Now, in Court, it's "Your Daughter"s turn

who Sadly (Disgracefully?) had to learn

she may have been Highly Datable . .but

it's (quite) frankly debatable .. if she's

any good in the sack. Dad a bit of a

Stomach Churn . . .

By Love In The Air! . .#for Three Hours . ..

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Thank you. I’m very anti gun in general & automatic weapons in particular. While I do support a person who has been fully vetted, having the rt to own a reg hand gun or rifle, anything beyond that is unnecessary & should be illegal. IMO. I commend Rep Maxwell for his efforts. Congrats. We need you. Make things happen.

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What is his opinion on the national debt and the huge deficit.

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I would venture a guess that it is that the source of these issues has been the insane tax cuts on the uber-wealthy that have been granted by every gop president since nixon. The solution is to tax the hell out of the billionaires, and to build up the IRS to go after all of the big-money tax cheats.

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You are wrong. It’s the spending

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"Spending". Another MAGAt trigger word. I hate to break this to you, but EVERYBODY collects and spends. Collecting and spending are the basic elements of economy. Every government on the face of the Earth collects and spends. What differentiates good government from corrupt government is how the collected revenue is spent. The Biden administration is one of the best stewards of our tax money since the FDR administration. The money is being spent wisely, to the greatest benefit of us other 98% (yes, that includes YOU too, Ted).

It makes me laugh how conservatives have tried in vain for so long to villianize "spending". What is the alternative? I'll answer that for you: it's called "starving".

"SPENDING!! BWAAAAWWWWWK!! SPENDING!!". Quit being such a parrot, Ted.

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The spending (23% of the GDP) outpaces the revenue. Hence the reason the FY2023 defect is 1.7 trillion dollars. This year the interest on the national debt will be over 1 trillion dollars. Which is 15% of the federal budget. The US has a spending problem.

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Spending outpaces revenue because of the republican tax cuts on the wealthy, which have taken place during every republican presidency since Eisenhower. Spending is investing. Investing is not a problem, except to conservatives. Investing is action; conservatism is doing nothing and letting existing social problems fester. I will pick action over inaction every day. VOTE BLUE! IT WORKED IN OHIO!!

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That’s not even true. The defect is 1.7 trillion.

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