I thank you for your service. I'll start a GoFundMe campaign to address any mental health issues that might crop up while servicing your fellow sufferers.

I also would like to formally thank Trump for choosing Vance as his VP. This makes attacking the agenda much easier.

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I'm from Ohio, Charlie, and jettisonning J. D. Vance would ordinarily be a pleasant experience. However, I DO NOT want him as my VP!!

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I lived in Ohio for 17 years, and J D Vance is a political opportunist like not to be believed. He is the ventriloquist's dummy of Peter Thiel. Vance is not the caliber of Howard Katzenbaum or John Glenn. It is a shame to see that Ohio has sunk to the level of Vance and Gym Jordan.

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It was Metzenbaum, but we Buckeyes knew what you meant! And every time I think about Tim Ryan losing to vance, my opinion of my neighbors drops a little more. So I try not to think about it

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I moved away for 20 years Ms Jenn, and it used to be a bona fide swing state. Over the years though, the Rs started to gerrymander the map and now the Rs have far more power than they deserve! A new committee has been empaneled to redraw the maps but our Republican legislature may choose to ignore it once again! This is how the slide into Fascism begins!

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Don't worry! We got this. :-)

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You beat me to "thank you for your service." No way I am going to soil my eyes and ears with this. I'd rather watch reruns of the Apprentice. No, wait.... I guess Rachel will have to do.

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Please let me know. I would like to contribute to the go fund me.

Luckily for us , the 3 year old grandson is here and we have baby shark on. Way better than the republican convention. 😂

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Wanna-Be Sharks Convention, Ms Teresa!

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I don't know anything about this baby shark. But if it has anything to do with the convict-in-chief's shark story, keep the lad safe!

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😂Our 2 1/2 year old granddaughter loves Baby Shark also. That and Bluey are much better viewing than the all lies, all the time convention.

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What a great headline. How did you know I was tired of Trump sucking the air out of the room? The TV is off and I'm in my large library with good books, hot tea, and intelligent friends. At some point, we have to pay attention to our own mental health and stay aware to well being and the people who love us.

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You got it! And yes indeed re our mental health.

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Exactly. I appreciate them doing this because I won't be watching one minute of this clown show.

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These Repugs are NOT funny.

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Georgia Patrick I SO agree! Especially the hot tea and books part! It's important to have some balance.

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May the goddess bless you and all your progeny. I never wanna hear that man’s voice ever again.

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Thank you. I can't stomach it right now

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That's what we're here for!

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This should make you feel even worse. There are pics of tcfg & vance together offstage. Not only is there no bandage on his ear, the ear shows no damage to it. Later on, when TCFG walks the floor he is wearing an incorrect ear dressing that looks like a mini-pad.

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Now that’s interesting. Those pictures might be helpful.

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That "bandage" is there for the drama, I'm sure. He is using it to milk more donations from his foolish followers.

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Thanks for watching for the rest of us. Your commentary is excellent. And btw, let’s not the rest of us increase their tv ratings.

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I could barely pay attention to last night's charade. Several delegates were arrested for being fake electors, Nikki Haley handed over her delegates and wasn't invited until after #45 had his ear grazed, the white oversized bandage on his right ear was for the drama-pathetic, JD Vance being chosen is absurd- 18 months in office does NOT make an experienced second in command to run our country- his policies are ignorant and draconian...I will definitely NOT be watching this heinous movement...

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You are much braver than many of us! I can barely stomach the summaries that I saw today. I will go find something else to do every night until the trumplican circus is over. Right now, it's time to take out the garbage, and walk my dog.

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Thanks so much for doing

this so I don't have to. You're

very brave and steadfast.

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More fodder for the late night talk shows! No matter how you slice it, Project 2025 and the Orange Turd still SUCK!!!

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Thanks to everyone involved for doing this traumatic work so the rest of us don't get nightmares. I also wonder how it will play as Vance's short-comings are dribbled out..(not perhaps) most egregiously his writing a book about "Hillbilly" life in the Appalachia, something he never really lived after all. What other fakery has there been?

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Thank you SO MUCH—this is such a great and thorough review!!

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You're welcome! Appreciate it.

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Many thanks! I’ll stop with that.

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The sound of his voice drives me over the top. And the fawning drives me crazy.

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I really appreciate you folks taking one for the team, lol...quite willing to kick in for a GoFund Me for post-convo trauma management...🤯❤️‍🩹

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Thank you. Honestly, just reading ABOUT the RNC convention makes me nauseous. Watching it would have made me vomit more than I am capable of - bound to be bad for the health. And isn't it cute how any issues during the convention are someone else's fault? Isn't it always?

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The one with the red doors, flags, and flames?

Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here.

I feel so sick.

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